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  On 3/7/2017 at 12:00 AM, prolecat said:

It seems to me that general boolean logic support would be much better. I doubt you'll be able to add enough special case field groupings to satisfy everyone, and that approach doesn't seem like it would work with custom fields. Something along the lines of what ComicRack does with smartlists doesn't seem overly complex: http://comicrack.cyolito.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=guides:smartlists


Yeah, being a developer I tend to want to lean towards allowing all possibilities, but I still think that those screenshots from the link are gonna be way too much of a barrier to entry for average LaunchBox users. So I don't consider that a good solution. The good news here is that Developer and Publisher share a unique connection between those two fields, in that companies can be either a developer, a publisher, or both, and that is the reason why the developer/publisher thing is unique. I'm sure we could come up with other complicated scenarios, but again, I don't think it would be smart to make it that complicated.

  On 3/8/2017 at 9:45 PM, ckp said:

I haven't seen the UI for this, but it could be kept simple and have the OR ability. Like, many apps I've seen with search filters just have a drop list selection for the filter condition that defaults to ALL (which it sounds like is the current behavior) selection, with the ability to select ANY for the filter condition, so that if you select ANY, it means any of the filter items that match are a hit (OR-ing).

Edit: here is an example screenshot of the filtering I'm describing:




The problem with that method is it doesn't allow users to search for X AND (Y OR Z) or similar, unless I'm missing something. I did consider doing that, but that doesn't cut it (it's worse than what we have now).

  On 3/10/2017 at 6:41 PM, Pacman56 said:

I just noticed an issue while testing 7.8-beta-10 against MAME TTL roms. The problem also exist with 7.7 official release.
If you try to launch a TTL rom directly from MAME64.exe such as "breakout" and you have a complete set or roms (2nd screenshot), the game will start properly (1st screenshot) despite the fact that in a complete set, breakout.zip will not exist.

Based on the above information, I was expecting LaunchBox to have the ability to launch that same game when the "Use file name only without extension or folder path" checkbox is enabled on the Emulator settings (3rd screenshot) but LB check for the existence of breakout.zip (which will not exist if you have a complete and clean set).
Without a dummy rom file "breakout.zip", LB will return an error saying that "The ROM file you've specified does not exist".
I would like to suggest that the file check should be skipped when the "Use file name only without extension or folder path" is enabled which would allow all TTL games to work without have to create a bunch of dummy rom files.

In addition, if you create those dummy rom files, LB will be able to launch those games but clrmamepro will complain that these files are unnecessary.






Good point here @Pacman56. We definitely need a good solution for this in general, including on imports. I need to give it some more thought, but I'm up for hearing ideas. Just putting a bandaid on it though isn't going to be good enough.

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  On 3/10/2017 at 11:09 PM, Jason Carr said:

The problem with that method is it doesn't allow users to search for X AND (Y OR Z) or similar, unless I'm missing something. I did consider doing that, but that doesn't cut it (it's worse than what we have now).


Well, it does, you can have AND or OR next to each row depending on what you pick. It may not be evident in this screenshot using ALL. But it was just an example. You can provide the AND/OR functionality in any way you want to present it because you are the master programmer :)

Anyway...it was just a thought. Maybe later...

  On 3/10/2017 at 11:12 PM, Jason Carr said:

Good point here @Pacman56. We definitely need a good solution for this in general, including on imports. I need to give it some more thought, but I'm up for hearing ideas. Just putting a bandaid on it though isn't going to be good enough.


I understand @Jason Carr that a good solution including the imports would be ideal but would likely require a substantial investment of time on your part. 

That is why the suggestion to only implement "stop checking if the file exist" when "Use file name only without extension or folder path" is enabled would solve the problem entirely with MAME roms embedded in the MAME code itself like "breakout". People would no longer need to create dummy roms to play these games.

Right now I testing the betas of @Antropus MAME importer (LightSpeed) which is making excellent progress but that combined with the above request would really take LaunchBox forward in regards to integration with MAME.

I hope I'm not insisting too much. That would be a HUGE MISSTEP on my part. ;)

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  On 3/10/2017 at 11:10 PM, Jason Carr said:

I'm doubtful of this, but if that's true, it could really help me pinpoint it. Can you explain why you think they're related, @SpaceMidget75?


Hi @Jason Carr It's just a hunch, which I have to fall back to as a dev when I can't replicate a problem O.o. Although, you're absolutely right, that on thinking about it more, the original symptoms may not have been as relevant as I first thought. IIRC the caching issue caused the items to stayed sorted in the "Play Count" order even after changing it. The odd Platform order issue goes away when you tick the "show counts" option. When I posted yesterday I thought the original caching issue also affected the sidebar but I don't think it did now.

Either way, they're "count" related. It's a tenuous link I agree! I may delete my cache and see if the problem goes away.

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Thanks @SpaceMidget75, I think I finally have the side bar sorting glitched fixed in the latest beta that I just put out:

@Pacman56, I'm in agreement about the not checking to make sure the file exists thing for MAME. I thought about that recently and added it to my shortlist, so that is planned. :)

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Everybody wins! I remember when I posted Lightspeed at MameWorld and one of the MAME developers complained about me creating those dummies, so I always felt guilty about cheating it so we could play the games :)


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