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nomousy just works. it doesn't care if an emulator or game snaps the pointer back to the center or somewhere else at any time. i prefer the mouse pointer totally invisible so i don't have to care about any potential issue from an emulator or game. use any method that works for you. just my two cents...


The only thing I do is add two ahk lines to the ahk tab for the emulator(s) I want to hide the mouse for.

You may or may not need the other lines. But for the nomousy part, it's only two lines (plus the lines for $Esc:: and { } )


Run, R:\LaunchBox\Games\Tools\nomousy.exe /hide
        Run, R:\LaunchBox\Games\Tools\nomousy.exe
        WinClose, ahk_class window ahk_exe demul.exe

I may have just messed it up but if I removed the "WinClose, ahk_class window ahk_exe demul.exe" part I got errors and even had a problem with it where my mouse cursor would hide itself in weird places like in notepad and text input boxes like in the AHK script box in LB or when typing out a post on the forums.

Most likely user error on my part and the AHK MouseMove script works perfectly fine and is simpler to me.


@lordmonkus , what happens if you move your mouse in game after the the ahk moves the mouse? does it reappear? i'm asking because i use Synergy to move in and out of my gaming PC screen, so I think if I go to move the mouse back into that PC, it may spring the mouse pointer back up. if it doesn't I may have a go with this and see if it stays hidden. does anything ever spring the mouse pointer back out that you've seen? with nomousy, i don't have to worry about that or move the mouse back out to the side. 


It will show the mouse again if I move it but in my limited testing it doesn't appear out of no where for no apparent reason.

Maybe nomousy is the better solution to your particular setup. At least at the end of the day either the MouseMove AHK or nomousy method works and is much easier than setting up RocketLauncher. I do hope @Jason Carr does implement a proper built in solution in Launchbox which is why it's on the small things list.


yeah, for me it sounds like i'm better off with nomousy then (even though i prefer to not use utilities other than ahk if i can help it). it would be cool if LB had that, but if it ever gets it i hope it is only an option to use. because if LB were to crash, and that happens sometimes, then the mouse pointer would probably stay hidden causing a lot of grief. i say this because i ran into that a lot with RocketLauncher when I used to use RL. it was so frustrating when things would go awry with RL and you were left with no possible way to use the mouse. with nomousy a LB crash can still cause a problem, but you can at least use keyboard to access the Run dialog and type in the nomousy command to bring it back. for many users this ill event would just result in death and they would hard power cycle the computer or press the power button to shutdown and power back up.

  • 1 month later...

A problem i encountered with moving mouse cursor to a corner always was the combination of 

Retroarch + Overlay + Mouse supporting emulator core (e.g. scummvm, some Nintendo DS emulator).

What always happened was that windows mouse pointer AND for example scummvm pointer were visible and moving relative to each other.

This was unacceptable so i searched for some scripts to completely disable the mouse cursor.

I tried this a few minutes ago and seems to work quite well under win10:


Sleep, 3000
SetKeyDelay, -1, 110
MouseMove, 1920,1080
if (flag := !flag) {
   MouseGetPos, , , hwnd
   Gui Cursor:+Owner%hwnd%
   BlockInput MouseMove
   DllCall("ShowCursor", Int,0)
} else {
   BlockInput MouseMoveOff
   DllCall("ShowCursor", Int,1)


What it apparently does is to move cursor to a corner of the screen and prevent the windows cursor from moving even while using the real mouse for example in ScummVM Emulation with an Overlay. 

Dunno if every line in the Script is needed. But it works.



  • 1 month later...
  On 10/12/2017 at 6:11 PM, Lordmonkus said:

I modified it using @Suhrvivors mousemove AHK to this now and works too and is resolution independent.

Sleep, 3000
SetKeyDelay, -1, 110
MouseMove, 0, 2160, 0, R

    Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}



I still had the cursor hang around for about a second after launching a game. Changed the sleep value to 500 and it erased any trace of the cursor. This was a life saver. Thanks!

  • Like 1
  • 3 months later...
  On 10/12/2017 at 6:53 AM, Lordmonkus said:

Yeah sure, learn to use and setup a bloated confusing software package just to hide a mouse cursor, talk about a sledgehammer for a small job.

Just doing some tinkering combining of AHK scripts and cobbled this together and seems to work perfectly without the need to use any external programs whatsoever, it relies solely on Launchbox's built in AHK script. Simply put the following script in the AutoHotKey Script tab of the edit emulator window.

If using a different resolution display change the 1920,1080 to whatever the resolution your display is.

The reason for the sleep command is because I found without it the mouse didn't move, the delay seemed to fix it.

Sleep, 3000
SetKeyDelay, -1, 110
MouseMove, 1920,1080

    Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}



Thanks @Lordmonkus !!! 

  • 6 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  On 10/12/2017 at 6:11 PM, Lordmonkus said:

I modified it using @Suhrvivors mousemove AHK to this now and works too and is resolution independent.

Sleep, 3000
SetKeyDelay, -1, 110
MouseMove, 0, 2160, 0, R

    Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}



Thanks for this @Lordmonkus it works very well, although using this with the Retroarch "press twice to exit" function stopped working so I removed below code and now it works in hiding the mouse and keep the press twice to exit function.

    Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}
  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...
  On 10/10/2017 at 12:04 AM, Lordmonkus said:

Use an AutoHotKey script for the emulator to move the cursor.

Put this in the AHK tab for your emulator in LB:

MouseMove, 1920, 1080

Change the numbers to your displays resolution if using something other than 1920 x 1080. It will move the cursor to the bottom right corner of the screen and should be hidden.


this worked for me!!!!!!!!!

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