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I don't use that core or emulate Neo Geo CD through RetroArch so I don't know. I use MAME personally so I can't really help with the nuts and bolts of it. I just know if it doesn't work in RetroArch it won't work in LaunchBox.

46 minutes ago, tallpr24 said:

when i try to load .cue file i  retro arch give an error"could no load content"

According to the docs, it only supports single file bin/cue images.  Yours may have multiple files.


Neogeo CD doesn't work, why ?

There are several things to know :

  • You need a copy of neocdz.zip and neogeo.zip in your libretro system directory
  • You need to add --subsystem neocd to the command line
  • Supported format are ccd/sub/img iso (trurip), and single file MODE1/2352 bin/cue (use utilities like "CDmage" to convert your iso if needed)


Or try switching to the NeoCD core or MAME.  I use NeoCD because it can skip CD loading.  :)





does it support CHDs? If so you can download them from Pleasuredome as part of the software list chds you can just download that section assuming your torrent client is setup to allow you to pick what you download before the torrent starts

2 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

does it support CHDs? If so you can download them from Pleasuredome as part of the software list chds you can just download that section assuming your torrent client is setup to allow you to pick what you download before the torrent starts

NeoCD does.  I made CHD's from my bin/cues.  Saves a ton of space.


so i have tried mame and a few others with no luck.  but..

my games are in .zip format.  when i unzip them they have .cue, .bin and a bunch other tracks on them.  maybe like you said, the rom is in the wrong format?


You can get them from PleasureDome they are part of the softwarelist chd set. You don't have to download the whole torrent you can just get the neo geo chd section of the torrent. I already mentioned all this information 5 post up.


I gave up, since i only need the neo geo cd exclusives , I ended up only using the following games and just pointing launchbox to mame.  every single neo geo cd rom i thew at it played.  My roms were also zipped and mame played them from launchbox with no issues, and with sound.  I really wanted it with retroarch but for the 8 games i needed it for is not worth the trouble for me at least.

  • ADK World / ADK Special.
  • Crossed Swords 2.
  • Ironclad / Chotetsu Bri'kinger.
  • King of Fighters '96 Collection.
  • Mahjong Final Romance 2.
  • Neo Geo CD Special.
  • Samurai Shodown RPG.
  • Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix.


Assuming you have all the proper bios zip files within the Retroarch\system\fbneo directory:

  1. Setup in RA with the fbneo_libretro core with SNK Neo Geo AES platform. 
  2. Within RA and the fbneo core selected, select Quick Menu, Options
  3. Change "Neo-Geo mode" to "Use AES Bios".
  4. As example, using King of Fighters 2001 AES ROM (kof2001h.zip) it should then launch the game using the AES platform


  • 3 weeks later...

I'm just trying to get Neo Geo CD to work with Retro Arch,  

found this little guide: https://forums.libretro.com/t/guide-play-neo-geo-cd-games-using-fbneo/17735

got my Bios files in place and they seem to work (not the file sizes you posted though),
thanks for posting the command line thingy for LaunchBox, that did the trick.  

Now i only got one problem, the REDUMP set is .cue and multiple .bin files. 
There is only one game in the entire set that has only one .bin file and that is Puzzle-Bobble (a.k.a. Bust-a-Move).
Puzzle Bobble works fine in both cores, fbneo and neocd  
all other games just load the bios and show like a CD Player interface thing (some of them even play a music track, but only one like the emulator just uses the last .bin file in the zip ...weird!)  

So, i guess they are serious about the 1 bin file support,  
always annoying when the people making the .dats / roms and the people making emulators are not working with the same file architecture in mind.  
converting them to single .bin files (still need to figure out how to do that) of course kills the ability to keep the Redump set up-to-date with new .dat files in the future unless i keep both sets,
effectively doubling the file size of 42GB, it ain't that big of a system but... eh... inconvenient to say the least.

Posted (edited)

The SNK - Neo Geo CD (NeoCD) RA core supports mutl-bin/cue files and CHD. I tried it with ASO II - The Last Guardians with 24 bin files loading via cue file, and it loaded fine.  I use NeoCD core for this platform since I prefer to use CHD format files.  The FB Neo core  doesn't support CHD files and as you noticed mult-bin files at the moment.  It looks like they are working on the cue/bin side, but not likely support with CHD based on thread I saw.  A full MAME software list set for NeoCD is ~30 gigs, so one advantage of CHD format compression. 

Link to core info: https://github.com/libretro/neocd_libretro


Edited by sundogak
added link

I highly recommend you guys to use the latest RA mame core to play ngcd as is considered the best emulator for it and allows to fasten the loading time. I made a guide in the following thread, enjoy and thank me later (it is in my last post on that thread): 



  • 2 months later...

Hey , first of all it takes me a weak to learn more and more about Neo Geo CD but now i almost know to fix all of problems

stop using fba core it's out of date , and start using fbneo core , there is 2 core work with neogeo cd roms which is neocd core and fbneo , iam on linux so i use emulationstation as a front end but it's the same

for fbneo core your commend is

retroarch -f -L ~/.config/retroarch/cores/fbneo_libretro.so --subsystem neocd %ROM%

need bios files and where to put theme

The BIOS files are often found named something else, It must be renamed when placed in the BIOS folder. lr-fbneo has support for the Neo Geo CD system but you will also need the corresponding BIOS from the MAME romset. Prefer to use the UNIVERSE BIOS/UNIBIOS - an advanced Neo Geo bios that allows region selection, cheats, dip-switch control, and more.
        Samples should be put under SYSTEM_DIRECTORY/fbneo/samples.
        hiscore.dat should be put under SYSTEM_DIRECTORY/fbneo/.
        Place your BIOS files in "~/.config/retroarch/system/fbneo/".

       roms files should be unziped "it's my problem right now and I am trying to find a solution so if anyone know how to make a retro-arch not load the full zip file but browse the archive then choose the .cue file using commend line please inform me , i can do it using gui but not the commend line

 		File                Description                                 md5sum                 
        fbneo/neogeo.zip    Neo Geo BIOS                                1aea796848f54df32a09def490248680                    
        fbneo/neocdz.zip    Neo Geo CDZ System BIOS                     a7cca75f3d5af6acc85efcce589ab04f        
        fbneo/decocass.zip  DECO Cassette System BIOS                   2b268f2f8960e5124f9a8cc6cfe86773
        fbneo/isgsm.zip     ISG Selection Master Type 2006 System BIOS  4a56d56e2219c5e2b006b66a4263c01c
        fbneo/midssio.zip   Midway SSIO Sound Board Internal ROM        5904b0de768d1d506e766aa7e18994c1
        fbneo/nmk004.zip    NMK004 Internal ROM                         bfacf1a68792d5348f93cf724d2f1dda
        fbneo/pgm.zip       PGM System BIOS                             87cc944eef4c671aa2629a8ba48a08e0
        fbneo/skns.zip      Super Kaneko Nova System BIOS               3f956c4e7008804cb47cbde49bd5b908
        fbneo/ym2608.zip    YM2608 Internal ROM                         79ae0d2bb1901b7e606b6dc339b79a97
        fbneo/cchip.zip     C-Chip Internal ROM                         df6f8a3d83c028a5cb9f2f2be60773f3


for Neocd core here's is the commend "I'm on linux so change my core and rom paths to suit your install"

retroarch -f -L ~/.config/retroarch/cores/neocd_libretro.so %ROM%

To function NeoCD need a BIOS from a Front Loading, Top Loading or CDZ machine. The BIOS files should be installed in a neocd folder under RetroArch's system folder.
        Place your BIOS files in "~/.config/retroarch/system/neocd/".       

 Need one in the following table

        Filename                Description                 SHA1SUM
        neocd/ng-lo.rom         Y Zoom ROM                  2b1c719531dac9bb503f22644e6e4236b91e7cfc
        neocd/000-lo.lo         Y Zoom ROM (MAME)           5992277debadeb64d1c1c64b0a92d9293eaf7e4a

        You need at least one in the following table. If several BIOSes are available, it will be possible to choose which to run in the Core Options Menu. The files will be automatically byte swapped if needed.

        neocd/neocd_f.rom        Front Loader BIOS           a5f4a7a627b3083c979f6ebe1fabc5d2df6d083b
        neocd/neocd_sf.rom       Front Loader BIOS (SMKDAN)  c99c44a43bded1bff4570b30b74975601bd3f94e
        neocd/neocd_t.rom        Top Loader BIOS             cc92b54a18a8bff6e595aabe8e5c360ba9e62eb5
        neocd/neocd_st.rom       Top Loader BIOS (SMKDAN)    d463b3a322b9674f9e227a21e43898019ce0e642
        neocd/neocd_z.rom        CDZ BIOS                    b0f1c4fa8d4492a04431805f6537138b842b549f
        neocd/neocd_sz.rom       CDZ BIOS (SMKDAN)           41ca1c031b844a46387be783ac862c76e65afbb3
        neocd/front-sp1.bin      Front Loader BIOS (MAME)    53bc1f283cdf00fa2efbb79f2e36d4c8038d743a
        neocd/top-sp1.bin        Top Loader BIOS (MAME)      235f4d1d74364415910f73c10ae5482d90b4274f
        neocd/neocd.bin          CDZ BIOS (MAME)             7bb26d1e5d1e930515219cb18bcde5b7b23e2eda
        neocd/uni-bioscd.rom     Universe 3.2                5158b728e62b391fb69493743dcf7abbc62abc82

all of your bios files should be named like how i name my bios files , you should be sure that you are pick the right rom set and all roms should be unziped ".cue .bin " or chd 

if u know how could i make retroarch not load the full zip file  but browes it and auto pick the .cue file then using commend line it will fix my last problem , I can do that using GUI but i need to know the commend line for it , so please replay to my comment if you know how or if you have any problem .



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