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Posted (edited)

I am trying to configure the 3DO emulator... Retroarch (sideloaded 32 bit) only shows 3DO (Opera) while the only options in retroarch for cores is 4do_libretro_android.so 
From what I read the current Launchbox core for it is the old name of the project.  Does Launchbox handle this change internally?  I couldn't get the games to run so I figured this was my next step :)
Actualy I'm starting to notice several of the emulators don't appear to have matching cores...  TG16 cores available are Beetle PCE, Beetle SuperGrafx, Beetle PCE Fast and the cores in Launchbox are all mednafen_pce /supergrafx * .so 
I thought I read through the whole thread... How are people getting this to work?  SOrry for the hassle.... :S 

Edited by adam1972
43 minutes ago, Axryn said:

After using DIG on Android for awhile, I've grown used to using the L1 and R1 buttons on my controller to access the different menus, and think that'd be really cool to see in LaunchBox as well.

Good to know. By different menus, what do you mean exactly? Different platforms?

43 minutes ago, Axryn said:

Second is some clarification on what the Delete option does on games. Does it just remove it from LaunchBox, or does it actually delete the game from my device? If it's the latter, I would like to request a Remove option to handle the former option. This is mainly prompted from it putting just about any kind of Android package under the Android section, and I'd rather not accidently delete something from my device that I don't want to.

Delete will delete only the game listing in LaunchBox, and then ask you whether you want to delete images and/or game files.

44 minutes ago, Axryn said:

Other than that, so far things are working and looking great.

Good to hear.

32 minutes ago, adam1972 said:

I am trying to configure the 3DO emulator... Retroarch (sideloaded 32 bit) only shows 3DO (Opera) while the only options in retroarch for cores is 4do_libretro_android.so 
From what I read the current Launchbox core for it is the old name of the project.  Does Launchbox handle this change internally?  I couldn't get the games to run so I figured this was my next step :)
Actualy I'm starting to notice several of the emulators don't appear to have matching cores...  TG16 cores available are Beetle PCE, Beetle SuperGrafx, Beetle PCE Fast and the cores in Launchbox are all mednafen_pce /supergrafx * .so 
I thought I read through the whole thread... How are people getting this to work?  SOrry for the hassle.... :S 

Sounds like we may just need to update those core names. Noted; I'll probably have a new version out tomorrow with the core name changes for those two platforms.

Posted (edited)
45 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

Sounds like we may just need to update those core names. Noted; I'll probably have a new version out tomorrow with the core name changes for those two platforms.

Thank you!!
In that case the cores for the Famicom show up as FCEUmm, Mesen, Nestopia UE, QuickNES.. I ended up downloading all of them for the NES.  None of them worked while trying to associate them with the ones in your list of core options in the NES category..  Black screen and eventually back to Launchbox.  The verify configuration shows it's connected to Retroarch..
I don't know if their internal names have changed or what..  Something's changed.  I know I had these up since I never uninstalled the last version of Launchbox you released on the app store.
I'll keep trying on the other emu's.. 
FYI I'm running LB from the internal drive and have the games on an external SSD (formatted as internal storage) on a Tivo 4K (running Android TV).G@mbit1972!2021

I just confirmed the NES cores working from within Retroarch (sideloaded 32 bit), loaded up some games.. 

Edited by adam1972
1 hour ago, Jason Carr said:

Good to know. By different menus, what do you mean exactly? Different platforms?

In the different platforms yes, but basically L1 opens up the left menu where you can see platforms, import games, etc... and R1 would open the right menu, which gives you platform settings when in a platform.

Also, in regards to adam1972's issue, DIG allows you to configure emulators and point them at specific android packages, since it would be a pain on your end to keep all the emulators up to date with whatever RetroArch might change. Not sure if that's something you can implement.

(Not trying to get you to be just like DIG lol. They're just the one I have the most experience with on Android, and they've had some good ideas.)

59 minutes ago, adam1972 said:

Thank you!!
In that case the cores for the Famicom show up as FCEUmm, Mesen, Nestopia UE, QuickNES.. I ended up downloading all of them for the NES.  None of them worked while trying to associate them with the ones in your list of core options in the NES category..  Black screen and eventually back to Launchbox.  The verify configuration shows it's connected to Retroarch..
I don't know if their internal names have changed or what..  Something's changed.  I know I had these up since I never uninstalled the last version of Launchbox you released on the app store.
I'll keep trying on the other emu's.. 
FYI I'm running LB from the internal drive and have the games on an external SSD (formatted as internal storage) on a Tivo 4K (running Android TV).G@mbit1972!2021

I just confirmed the NES cores working from within Retroarch (sideloaded 32 bit), loaded up some games.. 

Yeah, we've tested all the more common platforms (I have 16 on mine currently), but those two just so happened to be cores we hadn't tested. Most cores should work just fine.

31 minutes ago, Axryn said:

In the different platforms yes, but basically L1 opens up the left menu where you can see platforms, import games, etc... and R1 would open the right menu, which gives you platform settings when in a platform.

I see, thanks.

31 minutes ago, Axryn said:

Also, in regards to adam1972's issue, DIG allows you to configure emulators and point them at specific android packages, since it would be a pain on your end to keep all the emulators up to date with whatever RetroArch might change. Not sure if that's something you can implement.

Yeah, we do already have the ability to add a custom emulator like that, but I don't think we have a way yet to add a custom core name for Retroarch.

32 minutes ago, Axryn said:

(Not trying to get you to be just like DIG lol. They're just the one I have the most experience with on Android, and they've had some good ideas.)

No worries; it's always good to know what is and isn't possible on Android.

  • Like 1

Hi. Just taking a moment to chime in and mention that I installed Launchbox on my Nvidia Shield TV and am having the initializing folders hang issue that a few others have described here. 


I didn't see a fix while I scanned through the thread. Did I miss something, or is this still an outstanding issue?





1 hour ago, dmaker said:

Hi. Just taking a moment to chime in and mention that I installed Launchbox on my Nvidia Shield TV and am having the initializing folders hang issue that a few others have described here.

I didn't see a fix while I scanned through the thread. Did I miss something, or is this still an outstanding issue?


I'm not certain, but there may be an issue with older models of the Shield, yes. We haven't figured out what the issue is (I don't believe anyone has gotten back to me on it, though I might have missed it). Are you able to use a file manager app to access files on the device? Are you able to write to files on the device with it?


Thanks for the response.


I am able to browse files on the device, yes, and I can map a drive to the external usb drive attached (and setup as adopted storage in Android TV).  I was prompted a few times with things like allow the file manager app to install software, and I feel I was also asked to allow it to write to the disk. But maybe it can't, not sure. I can test maybe tomorrow, but it's late here now and I have work in the morning. 




I am not sure if anything is posted about this.  I could not find anything.  When trying to set the emulator for NEOGEO Pocket Color, it does not list Retroarch.  Only Custom and NGP.  The other platforms that use Retroarch work well.  Retroarch itself works with NGPC on this device.  I am not able to set RA as the emulator.

Got any advice?



6 hours ago, dia said:

I'm using the latest model of Nvidia Shield TV and I have the same problem.

Can you verify if you can write to your storage with a file manager app? That's what we're trying to figure out with the Shield at the moment.

48 minutes ago, Major WiiNES said:

I am not sure if anything is posted about this.  I could not find anything.  When trying to set the emulator for NEOGEO Pocket Color, it does not list Retroarch.  Only Custom and NGP.  The other platforms that use Retroarch work well.  Retroarch itself works with NGPC on this device.  I am not able to set RA as the emulator.

Got any advice?



Good to know; I'll look to add that Retroarch core.


I tested my Nvidia Shield TV and the only folders I can write to is /storage/emulated/0/Android and /storage/emulated/0/Download and that’s the same folders that is located at /mnt/sdcard. 

19 minutes ago, dia said:

I tested my Nvidia Shield TV and the only folders I can write to is /storage/emulated/0/Android and /storage/emulated/0/Download and that’s the same folders that is located at /mnt/sdcard. 

Okay, well that's definitely the problem. That really should not be the case. I haven't figured out why some Shield devices are doing this, but until we figure it out, there's no way to make them work.

You should be able to at least write to the root folder (make a directory) on the internal storage. Am I understanding correctly that you can't do that?


Awkward... At this point I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong... Sega Genesis..  RA 32 bit sideloaded, Default core selected in Launchbox is genesis_plus_gx_libretro_android.so.  Config verified good.
In Retroarch I have the Genesis Plus GX core selected.  and double checked the core at libretro
IF I run the Genesis roms from within Retroarch it runs fine.  If I run it from Launchbox it ends up in a black screen then back to Launchbox after a couple minutes.

3 minutes ago, adam1972 said:

Awkward... At this point I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong... Sega Genesis..  RA 32 bit sideloaded, Default core selected in Launchbox is genesis_plus_gx_libretro_android.so.  Config verified good.
In Retroarch I have the Genesis Plus GX core selected.  and double checked the core at libretro
IF I run the Genesis roms from within Retroarch it runs fine.  If I run it from Launchbox it ends up in a black screen then back to Launchbox after a couple minutes.

Okay, I've confirmed that Sega Genesis with the genesis_plus_gx_libretro_android.so core works fine on my setups. Just tested it. So not exactly sure what's going on there. I am using the 64-bit version of Retroarch sideloaded though.

Posted (edited)

Also.. I was using the Beta LWindows Launchbox and used the android export tool a couple days ago.  I saved the file to my NAS.. I have a folder setup for Launchbox exports.  I got prompted with an official release yesterday and I went to export to android just now (so I can test on my Oneplus) and I can't access my network drives from within Launchbox anymore.  ?

Edited by adam1972
43 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

Okay, well that's definitely the problem. That really should not be the case. I haven't figured out why some Shield devices are doing this, but until we figure it out, there's no way to make them work.

You should be able to at least write to the root folder (make a directory) on the internal storage. Am I understanding correctly that you can't do that?

I’m not the most technical person but I can’t write to the root folder. 


@adam1972 Also, I do have a new version coming out with some core updates here shortly. Per Famicom, Android currently just calls Famicom Nintendo Entertainment System and doesn't differentiate. NES is working fine for me though with all the core options. I have added the SNK Neo Geo Pocket and Pocket Color core though.

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