Super Nintendo Entertainment System
62 files
Super Famicom [T-En] Fanarts by CORE Updated
By BeBopSin
Here is a brand new set of fanart to match with my last Super Famicom translated pack release (231 games). A couple of them were already in use in the previous pack (or in LaunchBox games DB), however they have all been remade and enhanced.
Super Famicom [T-En] Logos by CORE Updated
By BeBopSin
As for fanart, here is a brand new set of logo to match with my last Super Famicom [T-En] release (231 games). Many has been remade and all are enhanced.
Théme System Super Nintendo Super Disc
Hello guys, today I propose you something Big! A big exclusive (temporary because given the somewhat the little historical aspect of things I have to share it elsewhere)
I worked in close collaboration with an artist who created a Blender of the Super disc (a commercial version of the MSU prototype) based on the latest statements from the developers as well as on the design of the Satellaview (extension of the Super Famicom, marketed only in Japan from 1995)
New logo once again based on the official acronym of the official super disc used by the developers at the time!
In short, nothing was left to chance and I think it is the cleanest version that a commercial and definitive version of the console could have given!
Even Secret of Mana is not a coincidence since it was the launch title planned for the release of the machine on day one!
the creation of these media does not call into question all the work of the guys who are based on the msu logo (which was the prototype) but now leaves the choice and brings a new alternative for those who want it. Go towards the charter "logo prototype msu" or "the Super disc"
This representation of the super disc is definitely the most beautiful and realistic of the proposals
Everyone will choose which charter to go for according to their tastes!
I leave you some media for those who would like to open a construction site!
Here is my theme which will also be shared in the batocera community.
For the History/
of the MSU In the early 90s, many video game manufacturers saw the relatively new CD medium as a way to expand the capabilities of their existing consoles, and Nintendo had planned a CD expansion for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Originally planned and developed in cooperation with Sony, Nintendo later turned to Phillips to carry out the project, but no finished product ever saw the light of day.
Sony, offended by Nintendo, developed the Playstation to commercial maturity, and Phillips released the CD-I independently (which did not do well at all, by the way).
But if history had taken a different course, perhaps we would all remember the Nintendo Super Disc today.
. Many thanks to Oliver Harries for his trust and availability:
New Super Mario Land (SNES) Video Snap
By Mr. Shizzy
A nice little video snap I put together for New Super Mario Land (SNES homebrew)
h265 MP4 format, 1280x70 resolution, 30 seconds in length, 3.55 mb in size
* some video footage used from a youtube video by "Prolefeed 101"
Castlemania (SNES Rom Hack) video snap
By Mr. Shizzy
Video Snap I made for the newly-released romhack -- Castlemania for Super Nintendo.
Video footage was used from the official release video on Youtube.
Nintendo Super Famicom (T-En) Fanart Pack by CORE Team
By SidewaysMan
Nintendo Super Famicom Translated English Fanart Pack compiled and created by CORE Team.
JPEG format
No intro naming
Super Famicom Fanart Pack by CORE Team
By SidewaysMan
Super Famicom Fanart Pack compiled and created by CORE Team.
JPEG format
No intro naming
Super Nintendo Entertainment System Fanart Pack by CORE Team
By SidewaysMan
Complete Super Nintendo Entertainment System 1G1R Fanart Pack compiled and created by CORE Team.
JPEG format
No intro naming
Super Famicom (2D Carts) (Contacts Showing)
By Danmage
I really liked the ArcDragon cartridges and how you can see the contacts by @Arcanthur but there aren't any for Super famicom so i tried to do these cartridges.
*There are 1424 game cartridges and 10 optional if you want those instead of some of the originals.
I used AI for labels to increase quality and resolution, because some of the labels were very small and super low resolution to even look decent in the cartridge, So by using Ai a lot of labels improve, BUT even some of the labels still looking odd, like very noticeable the use of AI principally with the very low resolution labels like in the images Shown Above, So the solution i took to look homogeneous and more "Normal" was using some modifications to add some noise or plastic like textures, to make them look a little bit like they're worn out naturally or different but natural at the same time.
There are 3 versions (you can see them in the images):
1) controlled noise (make them look like worn out )
2) Plastic layer
3) Controlled Noise Moderate + plastic Layer Moderate
i just did what i could, I would be very Happy if anyone want to do these cartridges even better.
BTW One of the most Annoying parts was the naming but now should be working fine every game, but its named with launchbox naming, so i dont know how can work in other cases ( which could be good to be able to work in all the situations, but i couldn't figure out a way to make it work generally)
Inspired by the cartridges of:
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (2D Carts) [ArcDragon] by @Arcanthur
Labels from:
Super Nintendo Cartridge Labels Pack (No-Intro) 1.2 from Emumovies
super famicom example cartridge from (Europe cartridge taken as example):
Super Nintendo 2D Cartridges Pack 1.0 by @Kondorito found in Emumovies page
Tool used to batch process all the game label images + cartridges
Community Theme Creator by @y2guru
- cartridges
- carts
- (and 2 more)
Super Nintendo 3D Box
Several boxes redone using byuu scans159 downloads
- snes
- super nintendo
- (and 2 more)
ABeezy's Super Nintendo Entertainment System Carts
By ABeezy13
Hey everyone, its been a while. Took a long break from doing any artwork... much needed. I also have several sets in the works and few updates as well. In the mean time here is my first set in over a year plus!
On the 10th anniversary month of Launchbox here are all 720 official released NTSC Super Nintendo Entertainment System front carts. These are all very high-res (actually uploaded here at just over half scale, my original set is much larger due to the resolution) and I can guarantee are better then any SNES cart set out there currently!. I highly encourage downloading this set and replacing whatever you have. I have named them using the no-intro naming scheme. When dropping these in your Launchbox build there are a few carts that may not auto-load; you will have to manually update your game name in Launchbox using the alternate naming.
There are a very small select few carts that have very very very limited/scare images online so if anyone finds any improvements down the line, drop me a DM with a link and I can update. Also, If anyone notices any issues or anything let me know (Especially doing 720 carts... there is always a chance for errors even after double and tipple checking... but they SHOULD be good.) Enjoy!!!!
Also, you may download my matching Super Nintendo Entertainment System box fronts [coming soon].
Super Nintendo 2D Box
thanks brolly for several scans Not long ago, I redid several boxes using near scans244 downloads
Super Nintendo CD/MSU-1 Media Set
Hey Guys,
I wanted to have cohesive media set for my MSU-1 games, so I made some boxes and discs for them.
This took much longer than I had anticipated it would, but there are 18 games included as well as templates for any not here. There are two version to download. One has everything and one excludes the gameplay snaps if you don't need/want those.
This set includes the following:
Platform media (located in the Extras folder):
- Banner
- Clear Logo
- Fanart
If you need a platform video, I have one linked just below that I made awhile ago, but I'm still happy with it:
Game media:
- 3D boxes
- Box fronts, back and spines
- Discs
- Gameplay snaps
If you want Cinematic/Theme videos there are some available at the following link that I made. About half of these games are covered. I had wanted to make some for the others, but I need to move on to other projects, but will eventually make some for them too:
There are also some extras included as well in the folder of the same name:
- Templates
- SNES font I used
- Screenshots
- Fanart
- Title screenshots
- Retroarch overlay (nothing crazy and I didn't make it but does the job)
- Clear logos but these are the same as the SNES ones; just included for sake of completion
- Game Details if you use the Unified Refried theme (background and Video Border)
- Startup/Pause for the Unified Pause theme
Below is a preview if you want to get an idea of things before downloading:
Super Nintendo Game Themes (4:3)
This is mainly just a placeholder; I won't be actively making SNES themes until I get more done for PC and finish PS2 (and I'm also waiting to see if there will be more HyperSpin themes made available, too). In any case I'll be doing these in 4:3 to keep them the same as the HyperSpin themes @Riffman81 has already uploaded. I will do each one in two different flavors: One with a soundtrack and one with just the game audio (no soundtrack in the filename). I'll also be adding soundtracks to all of the HyperSpin themes I've downloaded since that is what I like and unless there is interest, I probably won't upload those versions, but putting it out there in case there is. This will also be the home for Super Famicom themes once I get around to those.
1. Super Metroid
2. Super Metroid (no soundtrack)
3. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
4. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (no soundtrack)
5. Super Metroid (MSU-1)
6. Super Metroid (MSU-1) - no soundtrack
7. Final Fantasy III
8. Final Fantasy III (no soundtrack)
9. Super Castlevania IV
10. Super Castlevania IV (no soundtrack)
11. Final Fantasy II
12. Final Fantasy II (no soundtrack)
13. Star Fox
14. Star Fox (no soundtrack)
15. Contra III: The Alien Wars
16. Contra III: The Alien Wars (no soundtrack)
17. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (MSU-1)
18. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (MSU-1) - no soundtrack
19. Actraiser (MSU-1)
20. Actraiser (MSU-1) - no soundtrack
21. Secret of Mana (MSU-1)
22. Secret of Mana (MSU-1) - no soundtrack
23. Mega Man X (MSU-1)
24. Mega Man X (MSU-1) - no soundtrack
25. Super Mario World (MSU-1)
26. Super Mario World (MSU-1) - no soundtrack
27. F-Zero (MSU-1)
28. F-Zero (MSU-1) - no soundtrack
29. Mega Man X3 (MSU-1)
30. Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (MSU-1)
31. Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (MSU-1) - no soundtrack
Super Nintendo USA Boxes (Front + Back + Spine) 731 Games.
By Fugus
As a continuation of the Nintendo set I released, this is more of that. The Spines for SNES games Launchbox puts on the top and bottoms and not on the sides.
Missing the Top/Bottoms for:
- Champions - World Class Soccer
- Creepy Bird
- Super Chase H.Q.
- Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World
- Super Star Fox Weekend
- Trials of Mana
- Unholy Night - The Darkness Hunter
Outside of them, each game on the list should be complete. The games are also linked to the Launchbox Database. The quality can vary some but this is still a good stopgap while Launchbox's database starts adjusting to the newer 3D boxes.
By Guest
Some Themes from my monthly full collections, which I have been designing for more than 2 years now!
I hope that we will awaken the nostalgic fiber in you!
More Retro Themes it's here :
We do not create to feed parallel markets...
Our wealth?
What we are able to create... And Share !
A good hearer!
Good download!
The Channel for follow my news :
For support all my projects and more content :
For Follow my work in backstage it's Here !
My Deviant arts : Here
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (2D Carts) [ArcDragon] v1.0
By Arcanthur
I've been working for a while on creating a unique high quality consistent set of 2D Cart artwork for multiple consoles. @dragon57 lent his time running some scripts to get the labels onto these carts and naming each file appropriately. HUGH THANKS! As such I'm naming these sets ArcDragon due to the collaborative effort.
This set contains 2D Carts for all the USA SNES releases with 743 images.
Super Nintendo 2D Box Art
By WallyWonka
Here is a full set of super nintendo boxes in 2D format. These are ultra high quality front covers with left and bottom spines. All USA games included, all Euro exclusives I believe and some prototypes and unlicensed games. Included a PSD file for those that would like to make their own boxes. Enjoy this collection.
BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets Clear Logos
By Darkshade
Clear Logos for my (English) title screen patch for BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets for all 4 weeks.
With the patch, the title screen looks like this:
And it can be found here under 'BS The Legend of Zelda Ancient Stone Tablets' > Files > 'Title Screen Patches':
(Direct link:
And these clear logos have been made to match in a similar vein to the way the title screen matches the boxart for A Link to the Past.
I've also attached higher resolutions and variants of the title screen in a zip for those who might want them.
Super Nintendo 3D Box Art
By WallyWonka
Here is a full set of super nintendo boxes in 3D format. All USA games included, all Euro exclusives I believe and some prototypes and unlicensed games. Included a PSD file for those that would like to make their own boxes. There are 2 different box styles included.
Regular, preferred version
Alt version
Enjoy this collection.
Super Nintendo Cart art 3D
USA 1405x1140
Europe 1424x1121
- super nes
- super nintendo
- (and 3 more)
Super Nintendo Cart art 2D
Usa 1504x969
Europe 1504x1044
I ❤️ Super Nintendo
I hope y'all like it
Nintendo - MSU-1 3D Cases (Updated)
By MadK9
A set of MSU-1 Covers, in the UGC format.
New V2 pack, all covers so far now in two seperate packs, Single case or Dual case, You can use one or the other, or if like me you can use both.
The Reflection effect has been removed, this was asked for a few times..
60+ cases had some changes made to the front covers using the correct MSU logo's ie, Super Famicom games now using a Super Famicom Logo instead of the Super Nintendo one.
All cases to date are in these packs, and as far as im aware, this covers every game that has had an MSU-1 Patch.
There are 2 sets
Single Faced - 292 Covers, most have alternates using the USA/JPN and PAL cover styles
Double Faced - 293 Covers, most have alternates using the USA/JPN and PAL cover styles.
These covers are not meant to be accurate representations of the original boxes, these are customs and are to be treated as such.
The naming is standard Launchbox/Super Nintendo Game names, so unless you have them named different, you should be able to drag and drop into the Box - 3D folder. (i recommend if you have my older boxes to remove them, and start fresh.)
(Note: Boxes are labeled using one of the options Single or Dual, if you want to use both sets, you will need to manually edit each title in LB and drag the new extra box(s) over and set it to 3D Box.)
A lot of these covers came from . Covers that did not exist i tried to make as carefully as i could.
I am no artist, all the images contained in these Cases are from the net and are made by more talented people than myself,
i make these primarily for myself, so i hope you like them, and will use them.