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About This File

**This removes the nag screen that informs you if a rom doesn't work correctly, or if at all, if you use this no nag, then please do NOT go to the mame support site with issues with games, please only use if you understand that there will be no help from anyone at mamedev as you are using a modified version of mame.


Contents: mame.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed. (Note mame no longer carries the 64 in its exe name changed by Devs in 0.229)

This version also allows the games Akai Katana and Dodonpachi Saidaioujou  to be played.

It's advisable to download the full mame official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacement, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.

After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the ini files from the root of your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  

If you are using your own installed/setup of mame then make sure you also set in the mame.ini  'Skip_gameinfo  1'

If you got Launchbox to setup mame for you when asked, you only need to replace the exe and play.


As some are not sure about  False Positives, and report a virus was detected, As goes for all versions i upload, they are all ran through virustotal before i upload, and if by any chance something did end up with an issue it would be noticed very quickly after upload and would be removed/restricted.

0.270 - VirusTotal - File - e1692f246a8062bbc3568385eb1912d853a993b067009eb9f3ae391475a3cbaa


All NEW versions of the No-Nag will be posted in this download thread only, if you wish to get the new releases every month, either follow myself or the thread, As the download section will not show any new releases.

Edited by MadK9
Updated Virustotal for 0.270 & Tags

What's New in Version 0.270   See changelog


From /r/mame



MAME 0.270

We’re happy to announce that MAME 0.270 is ready! A lot of work has gone into a lot of different areas of MAME throughout September. One very interesting addition is the “Zoomer” PDA. Built by Casio and marketed under multiple brand names, this PDA ran MS-DOS 3.3, GEOS 2.0 and the PenRight user interface. It was one of the first PDAs to include software developed by Palm Computing. Other exotic systems include the Sony NWS-3270 workstation and 68000 development boards from Marion Systems and Motorola themselves.

The Hitachi Basic Master Jr. is now working, giving a glimpse of the Japanese home computer market in the early 1980s. UMC’s attempt at taking on Sega and Nintendo in the mid-1990s, the Super A'Can, is in a much better state than it was previously. Although it still isn’t considered working, numerous issues with graphics and sound have been addressed, and battery-backed cartridge memory is now supported. Several more Apple II input peripherals are now supported. Support for hard-sectored floppy disk formats has been added, which should open up storage options for computers from the S-100 era.

The effort to understand the IGS027A CPUs and dump their internal programs is paying off. Over a dozen slots, mahjong and card games from IGS are now playable. If you’re a fan of these games, you can now play them in the comfort of your home with no risk of blowing your paycheque.

That’s all we’ve got time to cover here, but you can read all the exciting (and mundane) tales of development in the whatsnew.txt file. As always, you can get the source code and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the mamedev.org download page.


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@Your_Friendly_AI_Overlord Removed for the moment will recheck, thanks for pointing it out.

Yep i messed up was real late, i see the mame update had gone up, and grabbed the new source, but seems this wasn't updated yet, the binaries were, and i just didn't notice. I'm rebuilding it now, will upload shortly.


Edited by MadK9
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Hey guys, I am absolutely new at this and i am struggling to find a download for the MAME full rom set for 0.239, am I missing something :S ?

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9 minutes ago, demigod_00 said:

Hey guys, I am absolutely new at this and i am struggling to find a download for the MAME full rom set for 0.239, am I missing something :S ?

Google the romset and pleasuredome, its the first result.

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On 2/2/2022 at 00:57, neil9000 said:

Google the romset e pleasuredome, è il primo risultato.

...and then if i download from this site, version 0.241 merge complete and CHD too, and i put all together in a folder and i use new system import of launchbox, all works perfecty ?

At last i can download this and change it at mame.exe and correct file mame.ini as you write.

Yes? It's ok? Sure? Thanks

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Il 2/2/2022 alle 01:07, semigod_00 ha detto:


Salve, ho scaricato MAME 0.241 da  pleasuredome  e seguo il nuovo passaggio automatico per un nuovo set di importazione di MAME in LaunchBox, ma al termine scarico qui il nuovo file mame.exe (di 0.241) e lo sovrascrivo in LaunchBox/Emulatori/MAME cartella.

Successivamente apro mame.ini e cambio Skip_gameinfo 1  (prima era a 0) e provo ad esempio ad avviare il gioco di galaga. mi dispiace ma non funziona

Come fare ?

Mi aiuti per favore!!

Edited by marcosgaming
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This no nag works perfectly, its tested before i release it. Just replace the exe in mame with this new one, and make sure the ini is edited. The no nag removes the Loading/Decrypting Text and removes the warning popup if the rom has a known issue,


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23 minutes ago, MadK9 said:

This no nag works perfectly, its tested before i release it. Just replace the exe in mame with this new one, and make sure the ini is edited. The no nag removes the Loading/Decrypting Text and removes the warning popup if the rom has a known issue,


I've tryed just now but nothing. Why ?? 

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Im not sure what you are expecting in the way of help, and why you say it wont work if you have followed the instructions.

You need to give screenshots of what you are seeing or its showing.

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Thanks for these no nag versions.

How do I find the 241 version? Seems like this thread just keeps track of the most recent mame.

Thanks, much appreciated.

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2 hours ago, OldSchool80s said:

How do I find the 241 version? Seems like this thread just keeps track of the most recent mame.

Click Download this file and then Download just that one.



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I did this and now MAME GUI is not working. Dies on game selection screen. (Leaves a stuck mouse cursor on screen)

Please help

I've changed video mode to auto and d3d and still the same. Games run fine though when launched thru LB.

mame not working.txt

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Apologies if I am missing something.

I just did a clean extraction of mame0245b_64bit, and then overwrote mame.exe with the one in mame_0.245.7z. However when I boot a console, I still get the console info screen. I see there is a 'b' in the file I got. Is this a newer version than standard 0.245? When I start the original mame.exe that came with it, it still says 0.245 on the menu. So I'm not sure if I missed something obvious, or if I am dealing with a version mismatch.

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8 hours ago, eXo said:

Apologies if I am missing something.

I just did a clean extraction of mame0245b_64bit, and then overwrote mame.exe with the one in mame_0.245.7z. However when I boot a console, I still get the console info screen. I see there is a 'b' in the file I got. Is this a newer version than standard 0.245? When I start the original mame.exe that came with it, it still says 0.245 on the menu. So I'm not sure if I missed something obvious, or if I am dealing with a version mismatch.

I believe @MadK9 compiles these for Arcade only and he doesnt compile for other systems like what is in a software list and the like, he would need to confirm though.

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1 hour ago, neil9000 said:

I believe @MadK9 compiles these for Arcade only and he doesnt compile for other systems like what is in a software list and the like, he would need to confirm though.

Full support for other systems and software lists is still included.

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10 hours ago, eXo said:

there is a 'b' in the file I got

The "b" just means Binary.  aka the executable + the other files.  As opposed to the Source files which are the files used to compile and create 'executable + the other files'.

Did you edit "mame.ini" and change "skip_gameinfo" to "1"?  (Default is "0" [zero])

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Hi there, 

I am on a freshly new Launchbox install. I imported a MAME arcade full set and let Launchbox setup MAME on its own.

I replaced my mame.exe by the no nag mame.exe but it does nothing.

I think it's because I don't have any mame.ini file in my mame root folder (and set skip_gameinfo to 1 in it) and I don't know if there is one or where to find it.

I can start MAME games throught launchbox but with the nag screen.


I tried to generate a mame.ini file using the command "mame.exe -cc" and it worked, but it looks like it's being ignored by the MAME config in launchbox. 

Any help appreciated at this point.



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30 minutes ago, ManuteSwol said:

Win10 detects trojan in .246 - Can anyone confirm/deny?

No virus detected here on Windows 10 and MS Defender.

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Version 0.246 is not removing nag screens for me.


Edit: Things I've tried to make it working:

- Removed the Launchbox Running Script for nag screens

- Deleted the -skip_gameinfo command-line 

- Edited the mame.ini (skip_gameinfo line can be found under CORE MISC OPTIONS)

- Turned On "Skip game information screen" under Miscellaneous options in MAME's General options

No luck. 

Edited by Wizardo
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@WizardoThe 0.246 EXE works, so it is something on your setup.  If the skip_gameinfo setting is set to 1 then more than likely, you are pointing to wrong MAME.EXE and/or MAME.ini file, particularly if you used the LB MAME "all in one" setup.   

Edited by sundogak
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