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Everything posted by MuffinXXL

    Hey Man!!Such a cool Theme ! I really love your theme and would like to localizated it to Chinese version. Is there any chance that you could provide me a community theme creator version of the theme. Thank you very much!
  1. Thank you very much!
  2. Hi Cmoss! Great work and theme, love it! I am using the 16:10 windows handheld , it would been really helpful if you could provide a community creator of the CopinOPs Redux so that I could ajust little bit of display. Thank you very much!!
  3. Hi Daz!!! It is a amazing theme, thanks for the great work!! I am using a 16:10 windows handheld, is there any chance that you could provide a community creator version of Playbox so that I could adjust little to fit in the small 16:10 handheld screen! Thank you very much
  4. MuffinXXL


    ok Thanks! is there any chance that I could try the newer version of Community theme Creator too?
  5. MuffinXXL


    Hi,Nice theme!!! I really love your theme, is there any chance that you could provide a community theme version of the theme? I use a 16:10 monitor and would like to make a little bit ajustment. Thanks!!!
  6. Thanks!!!! Looking Forward to it!
  7. Hi, Very great work! Is there any possiblity that you could provide us a community creator version of coinop redux? Mine reslotuion is 16: 10 and it sometimes get little weird. Thanks!
  8. Ok! Thanks for the information. May I ask when the 1.9 version of Community Theme creator would be out Can't wait!
  9. Thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could know understand how to make it work. What about the persentage? It won't show any word
  10. Hi, kindly could you inform me how to use battery indicator fuction? I have tried that but it wasn't working for me.
  11. Hi, Jason. Thanks for letting me try this out. I found the bigbox translation are not in the zip file. ( like theme specific option, etc)
  12. Yes , I am a native Simplified Chinese speaker . But I can also do traditional Chinese if you want since my mother is from Taiwan. I actually notice two small localization errors in Chinese. The previous translator misunderstand the word “ Completed” in Launchbox. The word in Launchbox should refer to finish/accomplish the game , however , he put the word “完整” which refers to (something is complete, no part is missing) another meaning of “completed”. I really like Launchbox and I would like to support it. Thanks!
  13. I Got the same issue too. I have no idea what is going on
  14. Hi Thanks for the amazing theme, is there any possibility that you could share the community version of the theme with us so we could fix some of the screen adjustment difference by ourselves?
  15. Hi, Nice Theme!!! I really like it. Is there any possibilty that you could share the community version of this theme? I had a windows handheld device and it's in 800p which is 16:10 as the aspect, I would like to change the theme to 16:10 fit. Thanks for the theme!
  16. Thanks for the information. Your theme is really wonderful and I literally using your chrome metal theme to study how to use theme creator from the base Thank you
  17. Thanks ! Good to know ! Is there any possiblity that you could add multiple different UI sound packs to different platform?. I would like to use NS sound pack only in Nintendo Switch platform and using PS4 sound Pack only in PS3/PS4 platform.
  18. I Could do both because if you translating directly from Simplified Chinese to Tradition though Google would make it 99% right . I was a Chinese international student studying in CA with Simplified Chinese as my first language back in 2018.
  19. Hi, Thanks for the Creator!! Is there any chance maybe could add a 16:10 aspect ratio into the theme creator? It would really helped. If there is anyway that you could make Wheel image also display in theme creator it would be even better
  20. Hi, Jason. I would like to help out to translate the current version of Launchbox/Bigbox to Chinese. Please reach me out if you need
  21. @exodus_cl Hi, I really like your theme, and however, I made some other platform with your theme as well Is it ok if I could get a community version of this theme please? I would like to add more platform based on that. Here is some of my work 1) Nintendo Famicom : ( cause some of japanese version of game's boxart does not fit in NES Mini , so I make one for them)2) Nintendo Gameboy Advance : 3) Nintendo DS:4) Nintendo Virtual Boy: 5) Sega Saturn:
  22. Fatal frame black maiden for sure!!!!
  23. Hi, it’s me again! Is there any chance that you could provide me the community version of the theme please? I do have a 800p windows handheld ( AYA Neo) . I would like to port your theme into this little beast and also localized it into Chinese of course it is your theme and I would not change anything for that but it would be nice if I can use my handheld to play with your theme. Right now the resolution is not same aspect and the font is pretty small in some specific for a 7inch screen handheld. Kindly if you could help me please
  24. MuffinXXL


    Hi, I have been watched your videos on youtube and is there any chance that you could provide the community version of cover box ? I really love your theme and want to port this to handheld (windows handheld like gpd AYA neo) the handheld is 800p and some of the theme would looks really weird at that resolution. Kindly if you could help me out on that , I could support you by partron or something simlar to that!
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