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  1. The same thing happens to me. I'm browsing platform or game menus (it doesn't matter) and BigBox freezes. I have to close it from task manager. I hope they solve it.
  2. Konami Handheld.mp4 Tiger Electronics.mp4 Teknoparrot.mp4 I upload teknoparrot cabinet because in my case I prefer to have the entire collection there and then separate by lists. Since there are many variants missing. For example, there is no colorful video where to place daytona usa 3.
  3. It happened to me and it was because of the compressed files. Launchbox unzips them and sends them directly to Retroarch. Retroarch saves a configuration with games in zip but receives them in (example nes console) "nfc". In my case the solution is to have the games already unzipped in game folder so that Retroarch can save the folder paths correctly.
  4. Hello. I recently discovered this theme and I really like it. How do you see sharing the "Theme Workshop"?. I would like the videos to fit better and for there to be no black borders. Thank you.
  5. I also tried it like this. But I don't get it. The idea is that the logos furthest from the center: "Comix Zone", have more curvature than "Aladdin" I currently have it like this. As you can see "Curve Amount" is at 0 because for my taste it distorts the image. And the important thing was in "Rotation Amount", which was a gradual curvature. not linear. Sorry for the language problem. I don't speak English and I use a translator. Regards!
  6. Hello. I have been testing the rotation on the wheel for a long time and it is impossible for me to leave it as before. Now I only get a triangular shape, instead of gradually circular. Here are some examples from before and now with the new tool.
  7. Wonderful. This was just I wanted for a long time. Thank you!
  8. "rotationamount is gone for these wheels, waiting for bigbox team to implement" "arcade marquee - I just made this available " This is the most important thing to me. I'm a fan of wheels and would like to be able to fine tune the distances between the selected and unselected item a bit more. arcade marquee - I just made this available I'll be watching for that addition. Thank you very much for your time and for your enormous work.
  9. It's okay. I have various doubts. When I open the program it creates/clones a folder outside of "launchbox". I have Launchbox inside the "Launcher" folder. I can't find the option "rotationamount" in wheel. I would also like to know if you can add the "arcade marquee" option to the wheel images. And finally. This option seems fantastic. Being able to meticulously select the distances between the logos of the wheel.
  10. Unfortunately. I also get an error when starting the program. I am on windows 10. Thx.
  11. Ok. Thx. In my MVS collection these were also missing. I made them myself, taking advantage of your design. If you want to add them to yours, perfect. Are you going to do the covers for triforce and raw thrills? thanks and regards!
  12. Thanks Stuart! Could you share the psd or pdn? I'm missing some, Space Ace, dragons lair II and thayer's quest. I like your concept of the 2.5d boxes. But I always go for the fullsets and I'm always missing one. The template would be great. Thank you and congratulations on the magnificent design. I'm lovin 'it.
  13. I am sorry. Didn't see there was already a thread on this. Thank you very much for letting me know. Now at least I know that it is something general and that it will end up being solved. Cheers!
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