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Everything posted by skizzosjt

  1. I've never used this before but was meaning to check it out. tried it now and it does work....but not very gracefully for my setup. doesn't seem to integrate smoothly with startup and shutdown screens. but it did do it's main intended purpose and that is add an entry into your Steam Library, launch said game and give you options to use any Steam feature, I could pull up the overlay and enable Steam Input ok for ex. It also deleted the entry after I exited the game. It creates a window showing Steam Launcher is running called "SteamLauncherProxy" and said window stole focus too, so I would have to ALT+TAB into the emulator each time I launch a game. So functionally, I'd say the plugin works, thumbs up. Visually/cosmetically, it might break some stuff though or requires non desired user input to continue using it. thumbs down This was like 10mins testing some NES games running through Retroarch so pretty limited scope of testing done on my end.
  2. This works for me, which is exact same syntax. I just don't have dinput controllers to test with. I don't see why it wouldn't work with a controller button? 5:: { if (coin1 = 5) ; Max 5 coins Return coin1++ 5::5 Sleep 750 }
  3. Are you wanting to put TV shows into LaunchBox? When this plugin came out it inspired me to make a tool to scrape TVDB so I can add TV episodes much easier into LaunchBox. It grabs an episode synopsis, release date, etc related info, an episode specific image, and a season specific image for each episode. I haven't shared it on here since I figured it was such an outlier and personal use case, but if you're interested I'd certainly be fine with sharing it. Let me know if it sounds like something you want to use
  4. I didn't mean to imply this has to do with running a potato PC, like a system that genuinely doesn't have the muscle and bottlenecks. that's a whole different story. My systems would be considered high end too so this issue is not related to a traditional bottleneck. I just mean at boot of the OS is doing a lot and is going to eat a lot of CPU usage during that sequence, so in my case making sure to stagger a few things made a noticeable difference. when I got stuff like Steam, Rockstar, Epic, Uplay, Big Box, scripts, HWInfo, FanControl, remappers, etc stuff ALL getting launched at the exact moment UEFI hands it over to the OS that is too much to ask sometimes. (along with all the other background processes being launched by the system) And doing all that at once would sometimes result in the black screen video without audio. I noticed sometimes FanControl wouldn't initialize properly, and AHK scripts sometimes wouldn't have their tray icons display. Reading up on both of them, the suggestions were to delay their launch at boot so literally all I changed was those two apps and Big Box to be launched later after OS boot and it was enough of a change that the issue hasn't occurred since. No idea on what else to suggest. I don't find this issue listed as a bitbucket ticket. If you really want to see it addressed, you should fill out a ticket and get other impacted users to up vote it. Does this impact searching for system stuff, such as "disk management" or "registry editor", or would it only slow down searches for files that are normally indexed? for ex "myScriptFile.ahk" located somewhere on your C: drive?
  5. Hi @Noobi-wan and @JoeViking245 Send commands with AHK are case specific! So this means if you have a script with a send command with a capital letter it will indeed send a capital letter. Though done virtually, it still does that as if you were inputting it yourself physically, meaning one of the shift keys plus the other character being sent, in this case "v" Send, V ;sends capital V which really means shift+v Send, v ;sends lowercase v so just v is sent. no shift key sent on this one Joe and you worked it out. But as soon as I read "Left Shift" in your post, I knew where it went wrong lol so this should at least give you two an explanation on why it was working funny like that initially. Obviously not every program reads stuff the same way, like your Retroarch example, it just doesn't seem to care if an extra key was sent. This also makes sense why you would see a capital V sent into notepad edit: Oh I just re-read that Retroarch part. If you actually set the Retroarch hotkey to a capital V then that also makes total sense why Retroarch worked fine. It was expecting a capital V therefore expects a shift key also and would work as intended.
  6. lol yea these are the little quirks I hate to find when I don't have the actual game or app or whatever someone might be asking about. I figured there is no way a game that clearly has docs stating F goes into fullscreen would be so difficult to manipulate with AHK. In fairness to us, no one knew the window remembered the screen size/position either way, good find Joe!
  7. I've only had this happen when having Big Box launch automatically at boot of OS. It was random. not once has it occurred any other time. I came to the conclusion it was my own fault for having too many things starting at boot of OS. Think about it, you cannot have X number of apps starting up at the same time and they all somehow, magically, get prioritized. There is going to be a hierarchy of process A before B before C and so on. For ex I notice AHK script tray icons will not display due to this same phenomenon. The scripts are running, just tray icon never populated. The solution is to delay them a bit, say like sometimes just 2 seconds, sometimes more like 20 seconds (you're going to need to use Task Scheduler or some script to launch things at specific timed intervals for this). Point being it puts a strain on the system having a gazillion things launching at once. Videos playing are not immune to this. I would get a black screen video. No audio. But could still hit any input to skip through the startup video as normally intended. When I launch Big Box say like 35 seconds after boot into OS instead of immediately or just a few secs after, this issue doesn't happen. Frankly, I think we all are expecting too much. You just need to jump through the hoops and play the game (the game of finding workarounds that is, not the video game lolz). I'd bet if everyone of you just delayed launching Big Box longer after OS boot you would never see this issue again. I have no experience with using Big Box as shell, just not my preference.
  8. If a hotkey is present in a script, the script is considered persistent. In other words, doesn't terminate unless explicitly told to. so if you close the game without hitting escape, the script continues to run. This is as designed. The escape hotkey in the script not only closes the game, but also closes the script with the ExitApp command. So when the game closes by other means the ExitApp line never runs and script goes on until you close it another way (taskbar/tray icon, task manager, etc) It can still be left in, if it's desirable, but change the flow with a goto once the came closes by other means to make sure the ExitApp line executes. #SingleInstance force SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Run, Z2TAOL_P03.exe WinWaitActive, ahk_exe Z2TAOL_P03.exe Sleep, 1000 Send, f WinWaitClose, ahk_exe Z2TAOL_P03.exe Goto, CloseScript $Esc:: Send, !{F4} CloseScript: ExitApp If they say the script still doesn't work I'm about ready to download this game myself and see wtf is going on. Surely sending a fullscreen key shouldn't be this troublesome. Call me a hater, but I just don't like Zelda II, otherwise I would have already done this to test it out lol
  9. to clarify this a little deeper, the right click function to compile a script will only appear if you have installed the exe version of AHK. meaning you would have already downloaded their installer from their website and installed it like any average program. as in it also shows up in your installed applications list. it is also possible to have AHK in a portable install. this is simply unpacking a zip file to any location you want and it runs like that. this is how the AHK exe works that comes included with LaunchBox. if you do things this way you would not have the right click and compile option available. if you have the portable way setup, you can still compile but need to run Ahk2Exe.exe and in there select the script to compile. Ahk2Exe.exe can be found in the AHK folder that will be unzipped in the Compiler folder Using Ahk2Exe -Select your script -Then select the AHK EXE to use for compiling (I usually use the one selected below) -Click convert
  10. @5thWolf the game would need to have built in commands in order to take advantage of them as a command line parameter. likely they simply don't exist. the script posted by bundangdon would work out just fine. what you need to do is save it as a .ahk fle and have it run as an additional app that launches prior to the game. you should add one more line to make sure it works consistently though. it will need to wait for the window to exist. so you can add a sleep line at the start to wait for X seconds. or use a line to wait for the window to exist. these all achieve the same thing Sleep, 5000 ;waits 5 seconds Send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Alt Up} you can change the sleep time if you need to WinWait, The Legend of Zelda II - Adventures of Link Enhanced Send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Alt Up} waits for window to exist. the title must match exactly so make sure to change it, it is case sensitive WinWait, ahk_exe ZeldaII.exe Send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Alt Up} also waits, but checks for the process (exe) name instead. this is not case sensitive, but it needs to otherwise match the exe name of the game. all 3 would give the same result. so just pick your preference if none of the above work, then I would replace the 2nd line with this. Being more specific with the keys here Send {RAlt Down}{Enter down}{Enter up}{RAlt Up}
  11. Yes exactly that. It doesn't save images and videos or other media or stuff like ROMS etc. only your data folder is what really gets backed up like that. If you have auto backups on there is also a backup made at each boot and exit of the program
  12. This is possible to assign via the controller mapping menu. FYI It will be button 11
  13. I've had a corrupted image file(s) in the past. I had a different experience though. LaunchBox and Big Box would both boot and function (mostly) ok. Big Box was actually perfect. The exception would be once I discovered what exact image files were corrupted (easily spotted in Windows File Explorer since their file size was 0KB) I would navigate to those entries in Big Box and these images simply did not display in Big Box. So perhaps this was my clue on where to look? (when I noticed they didn't display in Big Box) I don't recall how I exactly figured it out. I could have sworn the error message thrown by LaunchBox had the platform name or directory path, something to give me a clue where to look. LaunchBox had a little more of an issue. I could launch LaunchBox and navigate and boot games, edit this and that etc. So seemed to be perfect too for a min.The real issue here was as soon as I clicked onto an entry that had a corrupted image file, say the box front artwork, LaunchBox tries to display that and had a fit and would crash. I think this also was my clue on where to look. ie I can click on all my other entries OK, but this one is repeatedly causing a crash, so something must be wrong with this entries images Just sharing what I did to help figure it out.
  14. An AHK hotkey can do that. All you would need is this one liner below. It works like a toggle hotkey, muting or unmuting your system volume accordingly. You can put this script into your startup applications in LaunchBox and tell it to launch only when Big Box launches. This way the script is always running when you do launch Big Box, and you can then hit your arcade panel button to mute/unmute when you want. Right now, it's using F12 as the hotkey. You can change that hotkey to whatever key or combo of keys you would like to match up with your arcade button or combo of them ;Toggle Mute/Unmute Volume F12::Send {Volume_Mute}
  15. This runs the script as an admin, which results in the UAC prompt popping up. Did you disable UAC down to "Never notify" on your system to get around that? Regardless, that's not necessary to close the emulator. All that is needed in that script is the Esc hotkey (all lines above it should be deleted). The issue seems to be exclusive to using the "close active window" controller binding in Big Box or the "Exit Game" controller binding in LaunchBox. Keyboard input for closing Cemu works the same as it has in the past for both LaunchBox and Big Box.
  16. Spent some time troubleshooting this. I was using Cemu v2.0-39 and LB v13.6. I then updated Cemu to v2.0-61 and notice no difference or any major issues. I could close the emulator fine, from fullscreen, with both keyboard or controller input. I'm thinking, huh, I'm the only one that doesn't have it messed up? However, did notice combos like ALT+F4 didn't work as already mentioned. That was the only difference I noticed I then updated to LB v13.9. Now controller "close active window" input does what everyone has shared. It exits fullscreen and goes into window mode instead. But I can still make use of keyboard input as my escape key hotkey that sends a WinClose command still works for me. So my workaround for closing Cemu with a controller is double click the Xbox guide button and it sends same WinClose command as if it were going to be triggered by physically hitting escape key. If you aren't using an Xbox controller you can change the controller hotkey to whatever your preference is for your controller model. I'll include my entire Running Script field, you can remove one or the other hotkey if you want. Both of these scripts work for me. Esc::WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} Return vk07:: ;Xbox guide button If (A_ThisHotkey = A_PriorHotkey && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 300) WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} Return I have no issue still using WinClose. If WinClose isn't working for you then try the Post Message alternative. Esc::PostMessage, 0x0112, 0xF060,,, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} Return vk07:: ;Xbox guide button If (A_ThisHotkey = A_PriorHotkey && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 300) PostMessage, 0x0112, 0xF060,,, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} Return
  17. I can't do squat in PowerShell but damn that PowerShell script is way more compact compared to an AHK equivalent. *insert Borat tone here* Very nice! There is a way to make the PowerShell window launch minimized and be hidden. I just started trying to use it for some random scripts in the last month and I thought a good start was to use it to map network disks, but after noticing the shell window pop up I was determined to get rid of that pesky thing. here is what I am using in AHK to run the PowerShell script from a command prompt....yea I know, bit of a convoluted path but it does the trick! So this could be done just as well with a batch file. Run, %comspec% /c start /min powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "Map Network Disks.ps1" start it minimized I know you're than familiar with, but the other PowerShell specific parameters work together to make it hidden also. With exception you do still see the taskbar button appear for PowerShell for a nano second, like if you blink it's already came and gone sorta thing.
  18. probably should give it try, you'll know in seconds if it works or not. my guess though is Big Box might have a fit if it cannot save to the XML file due to being read only, in this case I think it's BigBoxSettings. Tag is something like <LastPlatform>. Beware though, if that plan does work, making the XML file read-only would prevent you from making any other changes too. Joe's idea sounds like the path of least resistance in my opinion. You would get the result you want, but wouldn't be locking up Big Box from being able to save any other settings. If going the editing XML route I would instead think you would have to automate editing the XML file, inserting in the preferred last platform at each boot. Which would then require Big Box to be launched from a script each time so it could run this XML editing part prior to launching Big Box. This is more complex than simply editing the platform's sort title. Your other idea is equal to the sort title idea. If it was instead "Panasonic 3DO" it's going to be in another point in the list sequence and assuming there are no other platforms between 3DO and Arcade, that would make Arcade your top most platform and therefore start on it every time (also assuming you turned off Remember Last Platform)
  19. Hi @Slag-O-Matic I figured I would see if I could recreate the issue when importing from a disk connected directly to a system running macOS. The disk I imported from was in fact a macOS boot disk running Mojave 10.14.6. So I used my Windows 11 system to import from the macOS disk. I was capable to import via drag and drop, importing files button whether a single file or multiple files, and I could import a whole folder as well via folder button. I was importing directly from the share as well as from mapping it to a drive letter. I tried using the selection for leaving the files where they are currently located as well as copying them to the local location (as in the selections within LaunchBox's import wizard). I did not run into any issues. It suggests this import from a macOS networked disk is possible and you may have some other challenge going on that is preventing the import sequence from going smooth. I just don't know what that challenge may be though.
  20. the 3D models are built by combining 3 images. box front, spine, and back. since you changed box front priority this is to be expected. It's going to use the 3D box image in place of box front image, hence the funny look. Like I said, this change would impact things on a global scale and this is part of that. If this is something you don't want to see you would have to return the box front priority setting to an appropriate sequence (3D box must be below box front) and edit the theme to use 3D boxes instead of box front where ever you wanted them.
  21. That's correct, the two systems I use for LB/BB networking are running Windows 10 and 11. Though I do have Macs and a Hacintosh running macOS and/or Windows, so have some limited experience here. At one point I had a disk formatted as exFAT so I could physically connect it to either system and both macOS and Windows can read and write to said disk. When I first brought it back to Windows I see a boatload of hidden files that all have their file name precede with ._ (decimal point/period followed by underscore). Are these the files you refer to as a potential cause of the issue?
  22. Hi @Slag-O-Matic I sometimes have stuff running from a networked location and never had an issue with that. With the exception of the long standing bug of any external or networked disk.....if you do not have said disk connected when you try to edit a platform that has that directory listed as a path for say game location.....LaunchBox has a fit and crashes because it cannot find that directory. But either way, I gave this a shot myself since I've only had files on network locations, but I don't think I ever imported from those locations. I tried it a few ways. Drag and drop, import files, import folders. Did it from the share directly like \\DESKTOP-B760\Media as well as where I mapped it "locally" on the other system as the M: drive so M:\Media and everything worked each time. I am still on v13.6 for what that is worth but if you say it's been happening for a while I'd have to assume it's not a specific version kinda issue.
  23. I can count all my Xbox emulated games on one hand but did setup a new one recently with Xemu and once I got the iso file I had to use a tool to basically patch the iso file so it can be used in said emulator. xiso format they call it, despite still being saved with a .iso file extension. the tool was called extract-xiso. it extracted the iso contents with one command (I think I recall figuring out it's the same as extracting contents via a tool like 7zip), then those extracted contents get run again with another command to create the xiso version iso that will run in Xemu. https://xemu.app/docs/disc-images/
  24. you can open the image in MS Paint, point your mouse to the corners you need to utilize for the game display area and make a note of the coordinates displayed to enter into the bezel ini. I found the system to be easy to use due to this. if your bezel images are all the same dimensions and game display area then they can all use the same exact coordinates. like if they are all 1080p 16:9 and have a 4:3 aspect ratio for the game display area that goes to the edge of the screen then all games using bezels of that format can use the same coordinates. if the image dimensions change, maybe to 4K for ex, then coordinates would change. if the game display area changes, then the coordinates would change. but it's as easy as spending a moment in MS Paint and putting the coordinates into the ini Their wiki explains it well at the #3 requirement https://www.rlauncher.com/wiki/index.php/Bezels
  25. @Jabb3rJaw there are multiple N64 cores available in Retroarch. the one you used is messed up for at least this one game (possibly more) and you should use another core, or different settings on same core at very least. you can assign cores and settings on a per game basis. using a different emulator all together is not required. ParaLLIE N64 core works fine with GFX Plugin and RSP Plugin set to auto which is the default setting - I do have issues when using some of the other options for those parameters
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