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Everything posted by kim_sama98

  1. Can someone make a clear logo for the Japanese version of Progear no Arashi? I can't find one anywhere on the net
  2. Namco System 246 should be updated. Tekken 3 was never on the System 246 and the Time Crisis 4 clip is from the PS3 version
  3. Has someone made a clear logo for Lost Worlds yet? Japanese title for Capcom's Forgotten Worlds
  4. Is there any alternatives to quit a game/emulator with a gamepad? I tried the option from BigBox itself but I have issues with it when it takes awhile to quit or doesn't quit at all, and I get an error when I quit a TeknoParrot game. I tried using Joy2Key but it's too complicated and can't set up what I wanted. Is there any good alternatives out there?
  5. So cool. This is a big game changer
  6. Has anyone made a clear logo for the Chouji Meikyuu Legion Japanese logo yet?
  7. I found out what the problem is. The Database site works fine on Chrome, but it's broken on Firefox
  8. I'm a mod on the Database. I'm stuck on this screen and can't exit. I hope this will be fixed soon
  9. Simple Elf View File A simple BigBox theme with video and image snap. The UI takes heavy inspiration from the GameElf multicade, and the UI is completely remade. 4:3 and vertical versions coming soon Submitter kim_sama98 Submitted 09/02/2024 Category Custom Themes  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    A simple BigBox theme with video and image snap. The UI takes heavy inspiration from the GameElf multicade, and the UI is completely remade. 4:3 and vertical versions coming soon
  11. Okay, thanks
  12. Is there a clear logo for the Japanese version of Lethal Enforcers II?
  13. That doesn't work. I still get the problem
  14. I got a problem with Big Box where after I play a game from Mame with Bigbox, then play another game from a different emulator (RPCS3, Play!, Cemu, etc) the emulator refuses to focus. When I try to click on the emulator on the emulator running, it refuse's to focus and I'm forced to focus on BigBox, so I have to restart BigBox just to play a non-mame emulator. Is there a way to fix this issue? I'm planning on putting my PC in a arcade cabinet and it'll be very hard if this is a issue
  15. Pandora Box 10th Anniversary View File This is a recreation of the Pandora Box 10th Anniversary multicade menu, with custom views. Available in both 16:9 and 4:3 modes. Platform and Wheel views were inspired by CoinOps. Controller images by @Dan Patrick and Arcade cabinets in 2nd Platfrom view by CoinOps Includes 2 Platform views with video backgrounds. View 1 is characters representing each platform, and View 2 is the controller or arcade cabinet representing each platform It includes 2 wheel views. 1 is the default and plain view, and the second has a background of an arcade with ambience sounds. A moddified version of @Mr. RetroLust's Japanese Arcade Ambience in Stereo with extra sounds Theme includes a recreation of the bootup intro made by me Submitter kim_sama98 Submitted 04/29/2024 Category Custom Themes  
  16. Version 1.1.0


    This is a recreation of the Pandora Box 10th Anniversary multicade menu, with custom views. Available in both 16:9 and 4:3 modes. Platform and Wheel views were inspired by CoinOps. Controller images by @Dan Patrick and Arcade cabinets in 2nd Platfrom view by CoinOps Includes 2 Platform views with video backgrounds. View 1 is characters representing each platform, and View 2 is the controller or arcade cabinet representing each platform It includes 2 wheel views. 1 is the default and plain view, and the second has a background of an arcade with ambience sounds. A moddified version of @Mr. RetroLust's Japanese Arcade Ambience in Stereo with extra sounds Theme includes a recreation of the bootup intro made by me
  17. Pretty cool. Is it still being updated? I don't see System 22, System 23, or System 256. And that Starblade game in System 246 was never released
  18. I love it!!!!! You're a legend for making this. I wish I could give you a high five trough the internet
  19. CoinOps Forgotten Worlds Atarashi Theme View File For those who like the CoinOps theme, this theme is perfect for you. Based on the Forgotten Worlds Atarashi build with some new assets. Amazing and beautiful views. Like candy cabinet views and retro arcade nostalgia view with ambience sounds This theme also includes startup theme, two sound packs, and text templates to add your own platform or playlist text Known Bugs: In some views, the cabinet doesn't show for a split second When you launch a game when in the Retro Arcade view, the audio from BigBox will still be playing Submitter kim_sama98 Submitted 11/20/2023 Category Custom Themes  
  20. That theme only
  21. I made a new BigBox theme with the CTC, but when I have BigBox set to that theme, it doesn't run right. When I enter a new page, it freezes and fails to load the images. I have to press the Start key to load the whole page bigboxssue.mp4
  22. Cool idea. I can help make some if you don't mind
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