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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. @niglurion I believe you contacted me on Bitbucket here? https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1661/so-not-know-what-went-wrong Apologies if that's not you. Let me know how I can help. Can always PM me here on the forums and I should do a decent job of getting back to you relatively quickly.
  2. @vsilvalopes Not a bad idea. We may bundle an additional theme or two at some point. Definitely want to make sure that the themes are done being tweaked before we do that though.
  3. Thank you @flores9; I got one email but I noticed it's 1 of 2 and I haven't received the other one. It could just be still sending though.
  4. Thanks for the purchases, @master333. Much appreciated. The CoverFlow with details is indeed the most taxing view we have. CoverFlow in general could stand to be a bit more performant. A couple of things you can try: - Reduce the CoverFlow image quality in the Image options - Switch to the VLC video playback engine if you're using Windows Media Player Either of those might really speed it up for you. Last Played and Date Added I believe should show up in the details panes for games if configured to display them in the options.
  5. From what I can tell from the video, you should have everything you need installed already. I'm hoping that the new beta will "just work" for you. I have my system set up exactly as yours is, with packages for both UK and US, and it's working fine when I force the engine to use the US version. If I let it use the UK version, it just dies. So I think this beta will fix it.
  6. @martinconroy and @orac31, the more I play around with this and test it, the more obvious it is that there is some kind of serious Microsoft bug with the .NET support for voice recognition that ties into the UK version of the speech recognition engine. Previously it was working for me because it was apparently still defaulting to the US engine. When I force it to use the UK engine, absolutely nothing works and nothing I do seems to fix it, so I'm at a loss. The only thing I can think to do for now is just to force it to use the US engine, which at least works, but it will require you to install the US speech package and such. I'll have a new beta out later today for testing.
  7. Hi Neo, both of these options you've requested are available. Simply "Lock" Big Box with a pin to prevent access to Settings.
  8. Hi master, what views is it slow in? What aspects are slow? What version of Windows are you running?
  9. Hi Atom, indeed it does. It's called Sort Title and it's in the Other tab when editing games.
  10. Thanks @cammelspit; these are indeed all 404s from EmuMovies. What platform are you importing? Looks like we should report this to @circo.
  11. Do you mean that sometimes it refuses to accept your keypress and you have to press it again? Or do you mean that you just have to wait a second or two before it goes back? The latter is by design if things are still moving in the interface.
  12. Thanks, @ckp. LaunchBox and Big Box actually use separate VLC integration engines, so the fixes we put in for Big Box wouldn't apply for VLC in LaunchBox. I'll look to see if there's an obvious fix.
  13. Ah, I forgot about that @rebelone. That makes sense. I forgot that the new RocketLauncher emulator doesn't use the platforms list, which is actually the real problem here I think. I'll need to take a look to see how best to address this.
  14. Hi @Busterblade, use the Windows importer under Tools > Import > Windows Games.
  15. Jason Carr


    Woah, ha, I wasn't even aware this topic existed. Thanks guys for all the kind words. I won't be disabling that license but my hope is that when you guys can afford to purchase a license for yourselves that you would. It won't be the first or the last time that piracy happens, but I do hope and pray that we can continue to be successful with minimal amounts of piracy, keeping the DRM-free strategy. Thanks all.
  16. @Maddoc1007 The site won't support anything but a YouTube video currently, so I don't have a way of uploading a video directly to the site, unfortunately. You could just create an anonymous account of sorts for YouTube if that's the issue.
  17. Yeah, a little bit of everything. We have some very complicated and intelligent matching in place already, but it can always be improved, though it will also never be perfect. We have a ticket in place for the Pokemon thing already. We might need some additional tickets for addressing various specific situations. The important thing there is that I have specific examples to tackle.
  18. Just put out a new beta guys that hopefully addresses the issue that @Sithel describes as well as some other issues with Escape buttons, switching CoverFlow image types, and (hopefully) the issue with voice recognition for UK users. - Fixed: The back button in Big Box was not registering properly in some situations (such as after Attract Mode was running or while games were animating) - Fixed: Several issues with the selected game getting out of sync when entering and backing out of filters in Big Box - Fixed: Image types were not switching properly for CoverFlow views in Big Box @martinconroy I'm really hoping this fixes the UK voice recognition thing. After playing with everything in a UK Windows environment, it's obvious that Microsoft has some strange glitches with the SpeechRecognitionEngine class when using the en-GB culture. I'm hoping I've found a workaround though. What I was seeing is that it would stop working once an en-GB speech pack was added, and that the issue had little to do with the selected language or culture, but more to do with whether that pack was installed or not. Still, it's fixed on my system so I really hope it's fixed for you and everyone else as well.
  19. @rebelone Try going into your emulator settings for RocketLauncher (Tools > Manage Emulators) and then under Associated Platforms mark all of them as default. That might fix the issue for you. @Maddoc1007 That is hard to visualize without seeing it but I can imagine that input is likely going to be a problem with multiple wheels; are you still tackling the multiple wheels thing? Can you give me an example of what you're building?
  20. Awesome, great to hear @BoxBox. Sadly I don't think any emulator issues will be resolved unless they're reported to Plays.TV so they can add them to the blacklist.
  21. Good to hear @ckong. Must have just been a slip of the fingers. It's easy to do in Big Box especially.
  22. @flores9, the reason for these issues is that the LaunchBox.xml file is split up for beta 1 and beta 2 and the Data subfolder is used instead of the LaunchBox.xml file in the LaunchBox folder. Try deleting the Data subfolder while LaunchBox is closed and then try the latest beta. Something is going awry when splitting up the LaunchBox.xml file that I need to address. Let me know if you figure anything out in that regard. Actually, it might be helpful for me if you were able to zip up both your LaunchBox.xml file and your entire Data folder, as then I could look to see what might be going on. I'd really appreciate that. You can email a zip file to jason@unbrokensoftware.com if you can get them zipped up. We do have a glitch here that I definitely need to address, but it's been hard for me to identify. Thanks!
  23. Ah, gotcha. Per #1, I haven't ever tried that to be honest, I just did a web search and that's what came up. I hadn't thought about that for #5, so that might not be possible currently. I'll add both of those options to my list to take a look at soon. That is looking really great though!!! @Sithel, yes the star ratings do not currently come from the games database as of yet, but that is on the docket to add.
  24. Hi guys, we fixed all these related issues in the live stream this morning, and beta 3 is out. Please let me know if anyone is seeing any additional issues with the Escape key in the latest beta.
  25. Hi @Imgema, to be honest I'm doubtful that the speed differences you were seeing previously with the 6.4 and 6.6 versions had anything to do with code differences; most likely they had to do with the size of your collection. So I'm doubtful that going back to 6.4 or 6.6 would speed things up, and for that reason I don't think we're going to get it a whole lot quicker for 6.10. Thanks @ckp. You're actually only a couple hours away from me (I'm in Modesto). I'll let you know if I ever head to that area.
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