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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Yeah, indeed. Game developers are definitely getting lazier. This has been going on for ages. But as a programmer, I can reflect on a few things: - Often times, faster load times = larger file sizes. Not always, but it's often a trade off. - Being able to be lazy takes the focus off of having to constantly fix annoying bugs and worry about a million different things, which allows programmers/designers/etc. to focus on other things, like new features, better design, and just making a better game. It's no secret that everyone has a budget, and everything is run by money. So unfortunately, there's often a trade off between increasing frame rates and making a better playing game, otherwise. - Regardless, there's absolutely no excuse for a heavily bugged release. If a game comes out bugged from the beginning on a vast number of systems, it either wasn't properly tested, or they knew about the issues and released it anyways. I would imagine the latter is a lot more common. The developers say "it's not ready" but the business executives release it anyways is probably most likely.
  2. Indeed, I've learned to love Retroarch.
  3. Hi @scree. Send it to jasondavidcarr at gmail dot com.
  4. Thanks @Shades2585, I'm not really familiar with the keymapper ability, can you explain what you mean?
  5. Thank you @airbikecop! :) Yes, a list view is definitely planned. There's a lot to do, so don't hold your breath too hard (just came out with the Big Box beta), but it is definitely planned for development. Thank you and welcome!
  6. Hi Shi9k, can you explain? I'm not clear on what integrating with http://isthereanydeal.com would gain us.
  7. Hi @jpaparone, sorry for the trouble. Download the latest beta here: http://api.launchbox-app.com/DownloadBeta.ashx Then just install it over top and let me know if it fixes the issue. If not, I can fix it.
  8. As of late, my favorite PCs are massively powerful, tiny, and silent. Thankfully the Intel Haswell CPUs finally made that possible in the last few years. I built mine a couple years ago (though I did upgrade my video card recently), but it fits behind my monitor and no one even knows it's there. Runs GTA V on max beautifully. ;)
  9. Ugh, that sucks. How'd that happen...Rocksteady knows how to put out amazing games. :/
  10. Wow, sounds like Ireland is way ahead of the US with mobile plans. I'm not surprised. I think US customers have been getting robbed by wireless companies for a while. It costs me $150 a month for 2 phones with voice, unlimited texting, and something like 2 GB of data.
  11. @bd00, yup that'd be ideal. The only issue I see is that really, you kind of need to be able to specify that for every single image, which would be kind of a pain. Though doing everything the same would be an improvement, at least.
  12. Hi @dillonm, same goes for Gamebase. Added to my list. :)
  13. Hi @dillonm, welcome. I actually didn't even know that existed; it does look pretty cool. Currently of course there's no way to import/export to it, most likely I'd have to manually build it. I'll add it to my to-do list, but unfortunately it'll be pretty far down the list.
  14. Holy crap, that's quite enticing. Way to go Google. Sign me up.
  15. Hehehehe, I've watched a few of those. They're pretty fun. ;)
  16. Jason Carr

    Doom 4

    "I’m here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I’m all out of gum."
  17. Hi @Fluffo, that 258.8 kB file is an incomplete download, most likely. That's not a complete download file, so I'm guessing the download failed for whatever reason. It might just have randomly happened that the download didn't complete, and some sort of really odd coincidence triggered the anti-virus because the download didn't complete. That's pretty odd, but I'm guessing nothing to worry about. There's an off chance that a virus infected the file, but I highly doubt it.
  18. Might not be able to do that for everything; it's not really a good solution. I have this on my to-do list to allow letterboxing background images, which I'm guessing is what you're looking for.
  19. Welcome @mbushnaq00. Thanks @bd00. His solution above is premium only, but should work well enough to hide the titles. I do have an item on my list to hide the shadows as well.
  20. Hi @Kriven, great ideas. All added to my list. Most of them unfortunately are a ways out, but we'll head that direction eventually.
  21. Welcome @ZedSpot. :) There already is a field called "Play Mode" that has options for Single Player, Cooperative, and Multiplayer. They are multi-selectable so you can select any number of them. I believe they are also automatically populated from TGDB; let me know if they're not. Number of players would be easy to do as a custom field, but of course then it won't populate from TGDB. I'll add this to my to-do list. #2 and #3 are definitely planned.
  22. Thanks for this @mcclurem. :)
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