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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. SentaiBrad


    What you read is probably the easiest way. I believe it has to do with a certain setting in the options that can be changed with a command line, but I honestly can't remember what. I would say to treat it like RetroArch, using the associated platforms tab and making sure all the check boxes you need for demul are checked, but I recall there being a slight issue with this, hence needing multiple entries.
  2. Yea, there is no definition here. What you read is correct, but for Skyrim specifically it just means certain things are out of reach. Typing your name and quick saving / quick loading from the controller are probably not going to happen. Which makes sense if you think about modern consoles and that they have a system wide keyboard that is called upon by games, there is no more in game keyboard that you use in a very clunky way, at least most games don't anymore. So Skyrim handles controllers and kb/m well-ish, but if your controller is plugged in while using a keyboard and mouse (if it even lets you), all of the keys will still show the controller buttons. Some games are nice and will switch back and forth intelligently, and some games won't allow you to at all where you'd have to switch it in the settings or shut down the game. I think it has to do with driver handling, and some engines may not deal with it properly or the team may not have the knowledge or time to deal with it. I have quite a few old consoles, a PS4 and my PC, I game across all of them. 30 vs 60 never bothers me, I am certainly more about the gameplay. When it's a game that has to rely on 60 fps for game play (like Call of Duty), only then do I start to care, but otherwise I would rather have fun with a game then give two thoughts about a stupid fucking argument such as that (can you tell that argument annoys me? xD). I would honestly say, if you want to play PC games from Steam, that while most will utilize a controller just just fine, that there will always be a portion of them that don't handle it well or at all. I only use controllers for certain games on PC, and ironically Elder Scrolls and Fallouts are not any of them. I need a keyboard for those games due to the vast amount of functionality that it provides (I have a bunch of actions mapped to the G-Keys on the side of my Logitech mouse), and of course because I add a ton of mods to those games, where the keyboard and mouse really make a huge difference in some of them. I think my Fallout 4 install has over 140 mods now?
  3. In most cases, you actually can't just change a file extension, unless it is functionally the same with only the file extension being changed for a single program, so sfc must be a variant of bin if that's possible. Yea, the only file extensions I've seen for SNES are smc and sfc, while bin I've only seen used for Genesis Roms (excluding discs obviously). There is a site that tries to be an....... emulation getaway... if you catch my drift, and they're horrendous. I've used them for literally 16 years, but recently stopped unless I can't find something anywhere else. Almost every single one of their disc images are bad, and that's astounding. Don't get me wrong, they still work in some emulators, but when you're dealing with RetroArch / Mednafen that wants a damn near, if not an exactly perfect rip of a disc, then it wont do. Ironically, their own forums introduced me to No-Intro sets about 5 years ago now, and ever since then specifically I've just done more and more research until I could be called competent in pretty much all emulation, which then led here. So I have a special place for that website in my heart, it was my gateway, but their download section (not the forums) has almost no regulations. It's a damn mess (no MESS joke this time).
  4. I have no clue how you do it with this method, but on a regular controller you just open the options menu, go to controller automation and set the buttons on your controller, that's all you do. So when you want to exit an emulator you press the Hold Button + your Close Button.
  5. If Controller Automation functions properly through this, then set that up in the options.
  6. Aaaah, ok. You can hide games, but manually, and not based on images. Custom Filters would do this, but filtering based on images doesn't exist. I believe someone has requested expanded filters on the BitBucket as well too.
  7. You'd be very hard pressed to find one honestly. The farther up you go, the more powerful a PC you're gonna need, and micro PC's are just not gonna really offer that kind of power. @DOS76 please correct me if I am wrong since you've been using these for a while, but you're not gonna have the power there simply put. Most are integrated graphics and that alone can be the stoppage to wanting to play PCSX2 and Dolphin. So unless you have a stupid expensive and powerful Micro PC, that happens to check off all the boxes, then I am unsure you're gonna get up there in that form factor.
  8. You'd be very hard pressed to find one honestly. The farther up you go, the more powerful a PC you're gonna need, and micro PC's are just not gonna really offer that kind of power. @DOS76 please correct me if I am wrong since you've been using these for a while, but you're not gonna have the power there simply put. Most are integrated graphics and that alone can be the stoppage to wanting to play PCSX2 and Dolphin. So unless you have a stupid expensive and powerful Micro PC, that happens to check off all the boxes, then I am unsure you're gonna get up there in that form factor.
  9. I'm not sure what you mean exactly, so forgive me if none of this is what you are asking about. If a game doesn't have a clear logo, you can add it yourself by putting the image in the proper location in your LaunchBox's Image folder, and making sure the image is named after the game, or you can re-scan the database in LaunchBox to see if there are any updates for images. You can also find a Clear Logo pack for systems and put those in the proper location. You may still get some images not matching if the names of the images are off, so some editing may still be required. You may also need to refresh your image cache from time to time if you are making changes and nothing is showing up, by going to Options -> Image Cache, and refreshing the clear logo's.
  10. Also, the -cart, -cass, -flop commands are only ran depending on the file extension. If both MESS videos Iu have linked to materials that help you cross reference what you can do for systems I haven't covered yet. You search the system on the first resource (the website), then you take the BIOS name (like msx2), then find that listing on the second resource (the PasteBin Monkus posted that I made), and you can pick the commands based on your file extensions. MESS is tricky, but it's the only emulator that will emulate certain things.
  11. SNES doesn't require BIOS, so it's generally a lot more simple. As long as you downloaded the bsnes balanced core (the suggested core for SNES), you set the core name in the associated platforms tab, your SNES platform name there in the associated platforms menu matches the name of your system in LaunchBox, and your SNES games are using RetroArch to Launch you should be good to go. If you want extra help you can follow out tutorials if you'd like. It is more of a beginner tutorial, so it might show a lot of stuff you already know, but it's the only SNES tutorial we have. I did the starter tutorial with SNES on purpose.
  12. EVen if your Atom could, it's still integrated, which means it wont do as much as you are hoping for.
  13. if associated platforms page is set properly (system names match, proper command line), the check box combination is set (It might be both on the left or just the bottom one), the roms and bioses path is set, you should be good to go. Though in demul's case, I guess this is why users resulted in creating multiple entries of demul instead of using the associated platform, because now the BIOS path is potentially wrong for the other systems.
  14. SentaiBrad


    That's one hell of a topic.
  15. *sigh* I went to go remove one of your double posts as you also removed one, so now none exist... Either way, that should be the solution.
  16. Gah, I got the names of the emulators confused (this is what I get for not checking first). You're on the right path though. Check the "Use file name only" box. The nullDC check box shouldn't be needed. I know Final Burn Alpha needs the left 2 checked, but demul might only need the bottom one (of those 3).
  17. You add your platform to the associated platforms tab (the names need to match), and add -run=cave3d -rom= as the default command line parameter. Back on the first tab for the emulator are check boxes, there is on here that says "Primarily for demul", check that and you should be good to go.
  18. Ooh, I didn't know Demul ran cave games.
  19. Try Final Burn Alpha as the emulator for those games. If they are already set up, just edit that specific game and change the emulator to FBA. You will need to add your MAME rom path to the rom paths for FBA so it knows where to look for any BIOS it may need, otherwise you're trying to load games with no direction. If you need more help:
  20. I can't make promises, all I can say I will let Jason know. We do understand the frustrations and we both appreciate the hard work of the contributors and the moderators.
  21. A lot of things were imported and set up with no information set for the images. Even if the images had that region tag on them, we didn't have that feature at the time. So a bulk of the Database doesn't have the region markers because there was no way to set them up at the start. Now though, things are being edited and added properly daily. Users, for the most part, are following the guidelines fairly well for regional data, but it's going to require a lot of editing to get everything up to that standard. If we keep moving at the rate we are with the number of edits and additions to the database, this will come in due time. Otherwise, I do believe as well that anything new at the very least should require some regional data assigned to it, and seeing as how the regions were expanded again recently it's even easier. So, for as far as requiring new games to be required a regional tag, you are more than welcome to request that for the Games Database BitBucket. Not the LB BitBucket, but the Issues/Requests button at the top of the Database site.
  22. SentaiBrad

    Feature list?

    An intro video to replace the loading splash screen? No, but you can put in videos for each platform and they are viewable in Big Box. Otherwise, there is the changelog inside of LaunchBox, Help -> Changelog that you can check every beta and stable release if you don't keep up on the forums various threads or the YouTube videos. Even then, the LaunchBox update videos don't cover every single change or addition, just the major ones. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA
  23. Except if we have games that have Name A / Name B, as the full name, then it's broken. One name per title has to be it or it will be broken. When someone imports NeoGeo with the MAME Importer, and it changes the name to 3 Count Bout, it's expecting 3 Count Bout, and if it's 3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex, or even Fire Suplex on it's own, it's suddenly broken. No it's not perfect, but in the wake of not having regional names the NTSC names as the prefered name for games that have multiple names is where we've landed. Obviously Japanese or European exclusive games get their region instead, not a translated name in the case of Japanese games. There are regional differences that we do need to take in account for everything, but we still have to wait for that to be available and currently, to make it a less of a headache in the long run, the way it should be set up now I think will lead to less headaches in the future. For example, say we do allow a game to have two names as one title, not only do users have to change the name of their games to then match the database, but then later when the features are implemented, then everything needs to get changed over again, including users naming conventions. Right now I believe it's the best balance. I encourage anyone to voice their opinions on this, but we went through a process several months ago where many community users agreed on the guidelines. I potentially need to update them some more.
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