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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. I've never had issues using it, though I also don't have touch driver stuff. I wonder if it's got them confused? I think you can report bad driver installs so their system doesn't try and do that again.
  2. Enjoy your day instead, it'll be here tomorrow or later. You are right about the buttons, so I am unsure how to really solve that other than making then smaller? Same scale but just... smaller? Potentially more characters?
  3. What do you mean by video options? Playing video inside of LaunchBox? And yes, something was folded in to Image Priorities because it made sense there.
  4. Like what @morangolive? There was recently a lot of new features but a good mix between the two I think, of course ignoring any features on BigBox as those are always Premium only. Scrape As is one f the bigger features recently and it's for everyone. Possibly one of our biggest features recently. Image Priorities is Premium only, but you can still have it switch between 3D or 2D box art for a more simple version, but of course Image Priorities is a lot more powerful. So we do always strive really hard to make sure that what we offer for premium is premium and an enhancer, but the core LaunchBox experience is not hampered and core features still get added to the free portion. Is there something specifically that you feel we miscalculated on? I believe we struck a very good balance, but who knows.
  5. Thank you for the kind words. I would certainly move LaunchBox to the SSD, it will make the cache operation much faster. I don't want to say that as to mean there isn't a lot of work we can still do, cause there is, but there are certain things that will help. Putting the games on the SSD wont necessarily help, even for PS2 or Wii games, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  6. Yea I saw that, but I don't know anyone off the top of my head. Also, the tutorials will help a bit, but wont explain how it works within LaunchBox (not that a lot of features need to), but I will still probably make feature specific tutorials for it in the future. LaunchBox does take precedence though.
  7. No, they made a big post about it, it's just not on the front page for some reason. http://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-3-5-released/
  8. Yea I'm sure it just needs to get pushed to the latest git or something.
  9. No it totally crashes right now. I'll try updating it in a bit, or when they get a new version.
  10. I just double checked and I've got it. It's not under anything special, but I am on a nightly.
  11. I have 1.3.5, but it doesn't have the new core in there. Soon. I also like the N64 controller just fine. Like I said, I bought one so I could specifically play N64 games.
  12. I just want to clarify, LaunchBox Games Database. GamesDB exists separately. Yea, sometimes our Moderation goes in waves. I've expressed this to Jason though that our model is not working and I would rather just power through it all myself, but.
  13. No, that changes the name of the game, and then there for breaks the scraping capability of the game. Under the Other tab is a "Sort Title" field just for this reason. Type the game name the exact same way, except replace the roman numerals with numbers and keep the actual Title what it was.
  14. I wasn't fighting you on anything... I was just sharing stories back with the thread...
  15. We don't even bother with PS3 in LB because PS3 emulation doesn't work right now. Some games launch, 1 or 2 may even go in game, but it's not even on the level of Sega Saturn or Dreamcast in terms of play ability, and those two are significantly bad.
  16. My dad had an SNES that I fiddled around with when I was super young, then my cousins had an NES and a Genesis that I played around with, Link to the Past then Super Mario Bros are the two games I remember first, LttP specifically. Then I had gotten a Genesis with the Sega Channel, and that went away. Then a Christmas or two later, N64 comes out and I get one for Christmas of 97' I believe, with Super Mario 64, Bomberman 64 and Star Fox 64, my holy trinity of games that were mine first. Ocarina of Time came a bit later, but I got that when it launched and that was it, that's when I fell in love. Then I got Links Awakening, Pokemon etc. PS1 I didn't get right away, and really the only game from that I can specifically remember is Blasto, and that game controls like shit, but my god.. it's super nostalgic. Where as on the N64, I can remember a lot more games than that. I also said FF7 earlier, but that was before I really even had an N64, and then I had that game a little later. I played that and 9 the most, which is why 9 became my favorite FF. Oh god! Star Wars Rogue Squadron and Pod Racer, those were fun games too. I actually covered a lot of this on my channel for Nintendo's 125th birthday a few years ago.
  17. Click your platform on the left, then click a game, Ctrl + A, right click a game and click edit. In the Bulk Edit wizard choose emulator then choose the emulator. I would also suggest that you watch the tutorials, especially when it comes to RetroArch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC4NieHGwbo
  18. Jason Carr said Sounds great @Rincewind. I like the blue and green idea. Also, I think you're right about Luigi, might even be best to flip him and put him on the right edge. :) Yea I actually think I like the idea of them flipped.
  19. We simply couldn't pull off multiplayer, but there are free services out there that pull it off very very well, so if we could partner with one of them that could be killer. Otherwise, the rest of that stuff was what Jason wanted to do with the Cloud and Database portions of users "My Collections", and build some social aspects around that similar to Steam, and once the back end exists a lot of that could come to LaunchBox a lot easier. We had a resounding no when it came time to figure out what to do next, and that was one of the things Jason wanted to do. Almost every response was please do not do this. Realistically, our Database needs to be completely up to snuff before we think about attempting something like this I think, but as something that can one day happen? This is something we certainly think could be killer.
  20. There are certainly less games then PS1, for every 1 good N64 game there was probably 2 good PS1 games and 4 bad ones though. The disc was a blessing and a curse.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLM0eCCQ_YE
  22. Yes, it's called Controller Automation. Here is how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGj6tKxCKbM There are tons more tutorials on the channel that I made for new users to LaunchBox and new users to Emulation (not that the second one applies here per se).
  23. Yea, and if you change the roman numerals to real numbers scraping will then break. So using the sort field is the best possible way so it scrapes and sorts properly if it's bothering you.
  24. Both consoles are nostalgic for me. I was very fortunate to have both growing up and loved their games. When I was a kid I didn't care for RPG's much, I mostly didn't know what they were until I was 7 or 8? Booting up FF7 for the first time on my uncles PS1 and not really knowing what it was. It was another year or two, in 6th grade when I had a PS1 I could play and found it out. So yea, PS1 is kind of RPG's in that era. Not that the other systems had none, N64 had a couple, GBC had quite a few too, but the PS1 is where that love of RPG's and JRPG's started for me. I love the N64 for mostly Zelda, but everything Nintendo put out on that system is gold for me, including several other random games for nostalgic reasons. Starcraft 64 is actually really competent and that is where I was exposed to it for the first time. I didn't get in to PC gaming until Diablo 2 in 2000/01. That SC64 rom is gigantic. As for the controllers, They both kind of suck, but I do prefer that N64 controller now. The first Dual Shock was very good for the time but was very quickly out paced, however I don't think it's fair to compare the two to later controllers. So both are just kind of nostalgic for me. PS1 and PS2 emulation can be played on a 360, Xbox One, PS3 or PS4 pad (I use PS4) effortlessly of course. For N64 I actually felt the need to buy a USB RetroLink N64 controller, so it is... unique.
  25. Unfortunately, we won't supply an older version of LaunchBox. Besides major security concerns, we just simply can not provide support for that Operating System any longer. Everything has to move forward, and LaunchBox has a vastly better feature set now then it did even 4 months ago, let alone over a year ago now. Once Vista support is dropped from Microsoft, it will likely be dropped from us as well, so unfortunately it all has to happen eventually.
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