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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Jason Carr said Lols! Great idea to use the pac-man background. Not sure what it might look like but I think that might be a great idea @Rincewind. Though it might not be high enough resolution. @imdavid555 had the background idea.
  2. As long as there are colorized versions of the font. I might just be partial to my ideas. xD
  3. The Background: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ly06vsrdg9duv9z/home-header-background.jpg?dl=0
  4. Ah, I see you meant the files. Yea potentially, but the more dialogue and popups we make the more confusing it can be. If you are removing everything already just delete the LB entries and then the games. Most of the time users are not getting rid of ALL of their roms though, I honestly don't see that being the case most of the time, and even if it is it's super easy to just delete your rom folder. The reason why Media is not removed, is because of downloading. We do have lots of users who have slow internet, bandwidth caps, or can't afford EmuMovies premium and have a daily bandwidth cap from them. Removing these manually is also very easy, but there is also an image clean up option in LaunchBox already too. We need to expand this to video, music and manuals as well at some point, but the option does exist. If a user just wants to re-import games for testing, then as long as the platform name stays the same all their media still exists. The import goes way way faster if you don't need to download media, and I've even done this myself a few times. Once you've re-imported you can use the clean up option to have LB remove any excess art that is no longer in use too.
  5. I'm partial to the multi-colored text, since I started doing that with our logo's. It's just Jason didn't let me use it on anything! I wanted to use it for shirts for one. I like the designs, but I agree with Cid, the backgrounds are a little off. It's still done well irregardless, but it doesn't seem to fit.
  6. That has the same limitation for 3D Accelerated stuff too I believe. You can get games to run in these environments, but don't expect good frame rates if they run, and don't count on anything 3D. I couldn't get Grandia to run. Clock Tower would fairly easily but Dino Crisis has some issues. I actually had Dino Crisis and Clock Tower working in Windows 10. If you can install the media without the need for the disc, and you bypass the DRM checks you should be good to go, but they mostly removed it from physical media, and even some more heavily DRMed games even if you try installing not from the original media. I kind of get why they removed the Secure-rom stuff, companies don't use it anymore, it was easily cracked and it costs them lots of money to maintain those libraries across the iterations of Windows. It was probably just cheaper and less time consuming to remove it then it is to keep it. I don't really blame them, but now more then ever we need better methods of handling this stuff.
  7. I agree with you, it would probably be of benefit to everyone.
  8. Yea that would be a little harder to do per associated platform line. What @imdavid555 said is probably the best way to handle that. Just create a new RetroArch emulator called RetroArch MAME, and it can even be pointed to the same exe.
  9. I do recommend everyone use a piece of Software called IOBit Driver Booster. I use the pro, but the free portion actually works, just a slower download speed. I do recommend this to everyone, as it scans your entire PC and updates ANY driver it founds out of date, and it's actually very very accurate. I got Jason to use it and it solved a problem he was having, and it updated something like 20 devices.
  10. Windows 95 and 98 games were a bitch to deal with on 7, and are actually worse now on 8, and even worse on 10. 10 removed backend stuff that specific late 90's and early 2000's (up to mid 2000 I think) used as DRM. Virtualization also doesn't work because there is little to no support when it comes to 3D accelerated anything, or playing games. I wish there was a gaming version. I'd actually pay money for that, but instead im debating on building a Windows 3.11 machine and a Windows 98 / XP machine for these games and calling it a day. I can out put both to a capture card too, so I can even record them which is the benefit I get from playing games on my PC / Modern Consoles. I'll take a look at the game myself, and see what I can come up with if anything. I do know there is a DOSBox style emulator called PCem that is for Windows 95 and 98 era games. It's even being worked on to be included in RetroArch last I read. I didn't get around to using it yet, and it may be as confusing as DOSBox, but it exists and it's supposed to work to some degree.
  11. We've been working on getting these fixed up actually. We have a resource of them all we just need to go through and do it. I've been asking Jason to give me more direct access to I can do stuff like this, but it's harder than it sounds. We will get it set up as best as we possibly can though.
  12. I covered 3DO in a tutorial actually. Click the link in my signature or the tutorial button at the top of the page.
  13. I think this ticket already exists, it has for a while.
  14. Deleting a platform should already ask if you want to delete the games, because people were deleting platforms and not the games and having issues re-importing them because the games would still exist, but under no associated platform.
  15. You can disable Shadowplay if that's not a feature you use. I tend to run a very slim start up, at least as slim as I can reasonably make it.
  16. Personally I use and love my PS4 controller, it works fantastically, but I want to make a custom Xbox One controller through the portal on the MS site. It's worth noting that PS3 and PS4 controllers only need InputMapper to work, but I don't know the max controller limitation here. So it all depends on what you want to do. If you want an all-in-one PC that does everything you want (including modern games), you're probably set up for a PC. As for the accessories, I pretty much get everything Logitech. I use the Logitech G600 MMO mouse, I use the G510 keyboard (but I want to upgrade to the G91s, but there is also the G510s variant which is cheaper now), and I use the 7.1 G35 Headset, while my wife uses the G930 which is the same but wireless. If you have enough space in your computer for 8TB Hard Drives, SSD's or the capabilities for M.2 SSD's then you can get set up for speed and storage. I have my OS on a 500GB SanDisk SSD, with a few internal and external drives (just recently got an 8TB drive), and I am wanting to get another SSD and an M.2. The M.2 will probably be a 256GB (They're a lot more expensive than regular SSD's) and I'll put the new, high load time games on that, and the second SSD will house LaunchBox, and all my games and emulators are on the new 8TB. The Dolphin Bar is a must have if you don't have a real Wii / Wii U, but I am opting to use my real hardware in that case personally. I also would love a 9 or 15 pin metal dance pad for DDR, with the proper adapters for all of the consoles even (I also collect actual hardware). I haven't dealt with trackballs, and I don't think I ever will. If you wanted to go with a Lightgun though, unless there's some special adapters I don't know about, you'll be stuck on real hardware and CRT's with non-digital signals. So PVM's in this case can provide the best picture, but they're frikin expensive. So I skip those two items and just use a mouse for light gun games that are not on the PS3 / Wii. A nice 144Mhz monitor with a 1 or 2ms delay will do you well, and you can probably find that in a TV as well. If you wanted to future proof, 4k would be the way to go in the long run, at probably 39-43 inches (this size range's prices have come down a lot). You can get curved or 3D enabled stuff if you want, but I also personally skip that junk as it just raises the price and doesn't raise my value at all. I personally have 3 major screens, our 41" TV, which is several years old at this point, but it's the big screen and my wife uses that with her smaller screen for her PC. She uses both, but we'll use the big TV together for gaming together from time to time. Otherwise, I primarily use a 27" LG and a 23" TV. It's a crap brand I don't care for, but the picture quality for both the PC and Consoles is just fine and I couldn't spend that much (most of this has been acquired over time). The sound on it sucks, but a wall mounted Sound Bar can fix that (needs to be wall mounted as I don't have any room for one). The TV mostly exists for my Capture Card (which I just replaced), for real consoles. The PC utilizes it just fine as my second screen where I primarily watch stuff while I use the main screen, or I utilize it for what ever production need I have. I have it lifted with a monitor riser, a PS3 under neath that, and a Wii U, PS2, PS4 and 360 off to the left. I also had the Wii up there, but I finally have my Wii U modded in Wii U mode and vWii mode so it replaced my Wii entirely, even for GameCube games. The 360 I pretty much don't use, and I actually dislike it. I want to figure out how to get the OG Xbox that is under my wife's TV right now over here, but low on space. If I ever need a 3rd screen, which is often, my 10" kindle is a decent replacement with a stand built in to it's case. It's not the most powerful tablet, and it's a rather small screen compared to my other two, but it fits on my desk and I can utilize it well. That's not my ENTIRE setup, but it's most of it and I am proud of it. If I could fit a 3rd screen in here I would. I took out a smaller 23" and 19" Monitor and TV pair (respectively) when I upgraded, but the 23" monitor is still just fine and works great. So when we move (which we've been saying for damn ever now... but money (if anyone wants to help (kidding (how many of these can I do?)))) I might try for a 3 screen set up. I did work a Cat7 cable over the top of the wall over to my set up from the router (didn't want another cable on the floor which is the Ethernet to my PC) currently going in to the PS3 or PS4 that I switch to and from. I am working on putting that in to a 5 way Switch Box instead, then cat 7 cables out to the PS3, PS4, 360 (if I keep it here), and the OG Xbox (if I can fit it). The Wii U is wireless only I believe, but if it's not I'll plug that in too.
  17. Tools -> Refresh Images. It's right below Clean up images. I am glad you got it working though!
  18. Yea, I guess you can't anymore. I remember this being in Windows 7 when you edited the Start up items, I remember clearly there being a delay option. I do use Startup Manager myself in Advanced System Care Pro, which lets me not just programs but services too, and there is a delay option in here for sure. There is also other software out there that can do this, but I greatly prefer IOBit Advanced System Care.
  19. This is something Jason just hasn't quite gotten to yet.
  20. It shouldn't at all, you can add anything you want to LaunchBox irregardless of file extension.
  21. Yea this is an EmuMovies API error and there isn't going to be much in the way we can do for it I believe. Like Derek asked if you have a Premium account with them, you wouldn't be able to download video, or it could be that they are experiencing trouble still.
  22. Yes, it was just implemented in the latest beta. I believe you need to turn it on in the options menu as well under General.
  23. Image Priorities in the options menu.
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