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Everything posted by Zombeaver

  1. I haven't been using BB since the latest beta - I've only gotten them in LB. It's just while clicking around on different games.
  2. Crap, I totally forgot about the Clock Tower games! I added in mouse support versions for them as well.
  3. I'm really digging these guys. They're like some kind of weird ambient, indietronica, shoegaze thing. I've fallen down this weird rabbit hole of Icelandic bands after coming across Kaleo the other day.
  4. I haven't had that crash since then, by the way, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. I've made a few minor updates to the PSX pack. First, I did a complete sweep of all the configs by hand as I ran into one override (The Book of Watermarks) that wasn't quite right and it got me paranoid. RA has this bad habit of not injecting "custom_viewport_x =" or "custom_viewport_y =" values into an override if they're set to 0, which can cause some issues. I went back through and verified that these were included where appropriate as well as cleaned up some of them a bit - mostly to remove redundancies. Most of these you won't even see any difference, but a handful of them did have the missing x or y values. The configs updated are: Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare The Book of Watermarks Chocobo's Dungeon 2 Cyberia Duke Nukem: Time to Kill Dynasty Warriors Evil Dead: Hail to the King Gekioh: Shooting King Ghost in the Shell The Guardian of Darkness Lode Runner Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace Threads of Fate Xenogears Secondly, I added a new folder named "Mouse Support". These contain alternate versions of the configs for the relevant games that use mouse input rather than controller - this is something that was just recently implemented into the Beetle PSX and Saturn cores, so make sure your cores are up to date if you want to use them. The games included are: Elemental Gearbolt Policenauts Project: Horned Owl Riven: The Sequel To Myst Silverload Syndicate Wars There are a couple games that I have configs for that supposedly have mouse support that I did not create mouse versions for, either because I couldn't get it to work for those games or it was just awkward to use: Alien: Resurrection - shows a mouse option in the options menu but didn't seem to recognize it through RA Cyberia - works but felt extremely awkward to use (would probably be good for the rail shooter segments, but the puzzle/walking sections felt super weird with the mouse) Sentinel Returns - doesn't seem to recognize mouse via RA I'm going to be doing this for Saturn as well, but I need to get a better list of supported games first. If you do decide to use these, something you might want to consider doing is setting up an additional emulator entry in LB for RA to specifically hide the mouse. This is a non-issue if you don't use overlays as RA hides the mouse automatically anyway, but if you do use an overlay (like I do with the Saturn overrides), this is a problem because the mouse is always visible when they're used. Normally this is a non-issue since I just use MouseMove to move it offscreen as soon as RA starts, but because you're actually moving the mouse around for these, it creates a problem. My AutoHotkey section for my normal RA entry in LB just looks like this: But for these I made a new emulator entry that looks like this (Arcade is included because this is handy for Lightgun games in RA MAME too): The script, in text, is (obviously you'd need to update paths for NoMousy based on your own paths): SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Run, X:\Emulation\LaunchBox\Nomousy\nomousy.exe /hide $Esc:: { Run, X:\Emulation\LaunchBox\Nomousy\nomousy.exe Send {Esc} } Then just edit the games in your library that you want to use this and change the emulator from Retroarch to Retroarch - Hide Mouse.
  6. You didn't upset me, you're just getting off to a bad start. If you're disappointed with the welcome that you've received, don't make trollish remarks in literally your very first post. Generally my first response to someone's first post is "Welcome to the community!" or some-such, but when you start off sounding like a jerk, you're going to get a jerk response. Generally people around here are pretty friendly; so long as you're the same, you'll get along just fine.
  7. Hey no problem! I do what I can You just keep on keepin' on big guy. I hope you can manage to overcome the great and perilous struggle to gather food like you're some kind of Alaskan bush person in between your weekly PC sessions to act like a troll on some forums for a product you're supposedly so enthusiastic about. I sure wouldn't want to miss out on that. Pro-tip: keep an eye out for moose, and avoid at all costs.
  8. I'm glad you agree. Though if you actually believe that, why wait 11 months? I bought a premium license about a day after trying out the free version, because it didn't take any longer than that to see that it served a need and did so better than the alternatives that I'd tried. Having been using it on almost a daily basis for several years now, and as a frequent buyer of innumerable things video game related, with plenty of instances of buyer's remorse over time, I can tell you that it was probably the best purchase I'd made in years; and that's still true today. It's your money, use it however you see fit, but it's a bit odd to say "1) I really really want this thing. 2) I've waited a year to buy this thing that I know I really really want that's been readily available in that time 3) I think the product is worthy of full purchase price." There are much, much worse purchasing decisions that you could make than paying even full price for a premium license. If it goes on sale on Friday (and it likely will), great, but I wouldn't let it stop me if it didn't.
  9. And off to such a swell start too. "lol"
  10. Just got this clicking around on different games in LB: LB crashed afterwards.
  11. Ugh... frustrating night... New configs: Rune: Viking Warlord Rygar: The Legendary Adventure Shadow of Rome Shadow of Rome is actually a green, but I've got it marked yellow because it has a pretty significant issue in PCSX2 versions later than 1.2.1. There was a semi-regression in versions newer than that that causes the cutscene audio to stutter/cut out constantly. Apparently this has been known for quite a while but hasn't been fixed yet. There are details here and here. I can confirm that the issue is not present in version 1.2.1. So, I created a config for 1.2.1 and set the game up to use it in my library. The configurator plugin doesn't seem to like having multiple emulator entries for PCSX2 at once, so I got around this by simply directing the game's library entry to PCSX2 1.2.1 itself, and then added the appropriate command-line parameters necessary for it to use the config: --fullscreen --nogui --cfgpath="[path\to\config]" "[path\to\game]" Obviously I can't add this to github, however, because it won't work in 1.5.0 (and the game doesn't work correctly there anyway). So I've attached it below. You'd need to make a base config for PCSX2 1.2.1, then copy the inis out into a new folder for Shadow of Rome, then copy the .inis from the attachment below into the folder and overwrite. Shadow of Rome 1.2.1 Config.zip The final bit of annoyance is with Spartan: Total Warrior. So the game has a number of visual bugs, and I was having a real hell of a time getting them resolved, to the point that I was about to give up on it, but then finally after a not-insignificant amount of time fiddling with it, I finally got the visual problems mostly resolved. Woohoo! Except now that I can actually play the game I run into... freeze... Okay maybe that was just a fluke. Okay here we go, got a little bit further than last time and... freeze... Okay so maybe not a fluke. Maybe it is a bigger problem. Let's try again for a bit and... freeze... Apparently this is also a long-running issue that still hasn't been resolved. It just freezes randomly (and frequently). So, after all that, for the time being I'm calling it broken. It's a damn shame too because it's a great game Also... holy crap had I forgotten how hideous Rune: Viking Warlord is. It's actually a decent game but good lord it looks like it's straight out of the N64.
  12. The plugin has just been updated. Notes are below: This is an interim (in-development) Release, with only a few minor fixes that I currently have been working on. There will be a more complete release at a later date. This should function pretty much as the previous version with the following fixes: Fixed Bug with Updating Configs using RocketLauncher Fixed Bug with LaunchBox Localization (Not in English) Scaling of Settings Window Improved (When Windows Scaling not 100%) Fixed Bug with Non-Portable Versions of PCSX2 Fixed Bug with downloading configs with an Ampersand (&) in the name Known Bugs and Problems (Should Be Fixed in Next Version): Windows Scaling not 100% Will Currently Render The Mouse Useless in Known Game Message Box (Use Y & N Keys as Workaround) There is Currently Only Limited Error Checking, and Plugin may act unexpectedly if there is a problem with the internet connection and/or communication with the server
  13. I've also updated the config for Siren. I was browsing around the Issues tracker on Github for PCSX2 earlier and came across this post. I'd seen the "wall of fog" issue mentioned in the wiki page for the game, but as I didn't experience it in testing (I played through the first couple levels) I thought perhaps it was an older issue that had been resolved. I noticed that the Issue date was from this year though, and that it was still open, so I tried out the save that he'd attached and confirmed that it is indeed still a problem. Apparently it affects some levels, but not all. The issue doesn't affect software rendering though, so I've updated the config to use it. It's unfortunate, but at least the aesthetic of the game (extremely dark and huge amounts of film grain) is such that the lack of upscaling isn't as hugely detrimental to its appearance as it is for some games. I'll keep an eye on the thread and if there's an update to address it I'll update the config accordingly. I don't know if the issue affects Forbidden Siren 2, but I haven't encountered it yet (and there's no mention of it on the wiki page). I'll update its config if I do (or if someone else runs into it first).
  14. Okay, I took another look and can confirm that there was a bit of a visual bug with the SSX 3 config with the aforementioned blue draw-distance... thingy. I've updated the config to use aggressive CRC. Thanks for bringing this to my attention @mssngr! Just a reminder, if you've already downloaded the config previously, just hold left ctrl when clicking "Configure" to update it.
  15. Hmm, I don't recall encountering that but I'll try it again and see. I may have missed it.
  16. New configs: Curse: The Eye of Isis Forbidden Siren 2 (Siren 2) Glass Rose Gregory Horror Show Michigan: Report from Hell These are all PAL-exclusive titles and, I have to say, it's really unfortunate that Forbidden Siren 2, Gregory Horror Show, and Michigan: Report from Hell didn't come out over here in the states because I would have been all over those. Michigan: Report from Hell, in particular, is a very unique game - really enjoyed what I've played of it so far.
  17. So this game Michigan: Report From Hell is pretty great... Next batch of configs will be some PAL-exclusive horror titles
  18. NOTE: There is currently a problem with downloading configs for games whose titles include an ampersand (&) so the Ratchet & Clank config won't download correctly when you use the Configure function. This will be addressed in a subsequent update to the plugin, but in the meantime just create a config for it as normal, and then drag the files from the attachment below into the created Ratchet & Clank folder and replace the inis. New configs: Kingdom Hearts Ratchet & Clank Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven Way of the Samurai Ratchet & Clank inis.zip
  19. Time for some more horror! New configs: Hunter: The Reckoning Wayward Kuon Resident Evil: Outbreak Siren Trapt
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