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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. I would suggest using it as is and use it as a learning experience. Upgrading the GPU wouldn't change any of the emulators you could use, it would only change some of the graphical options such as resolution scaling and shaders. Use the computer as it sits to get used to setting up emulators and Launchbox and to decide what games you want and don't want. Once you learn more about it all you can use that knowledge to then decide just how far you want to take it.
  2. I have not bothered with this emulator at all yet and not many people bother with it due to its severe lack of real playability but this was something asked about on Discord recently. The person asking about it apparently did figure it out and said "launcher path needs to be from EBOOT.bin from the game file" Beyond that I really have no clue.
  3. You can speed it up by deselecting any media that you don't want to download. It also may have been slow on the first import because of updating the database file.
  4. http://atariage.com/forums/topic/267797-altirra-290-released/ Version 2.90 of Altirra now has a built in database reducing (possibly removing) the need to guess chip types of games.
  5. I have a K400r and no problems with it.
  6. The .NET 4.7 reinstall is probably not needed or would do anything. I believe that is actually included in the Creators Update.
  7. Reinstall the latest direct x and visual c++. If that doesn't work try re-installing Launchbox over top of your current install. You won't lose anything re-installing over top. Edit: .NET 4.7 as well.
  8. None that I am aware of, otherwise it would mess with a lot more stuff.
  9. There was also an update not to long ago to the CPS-2 roms, they now have a .key file in them.
  10. For emulation only and maybe some lower end modern PC games all you really need is 1 gig of gddr5 vram. Though gddr3 might be just fine but the price difference is negligible and the gddr5 will give you better 3D performance if needed. Something like this here will be just fine https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133542 If you plan on playing more advanced modern PC games then you might wanna look into something else depending on your budget.
  11. That is insanely high, you can get far better cards for 100$ or less.
  12. I am not sure if this will aid you at all but just having a quick look at the auto-populate playlist there is an option in there to build a playlist based off rom path.
  13. Right click the emulator executable go to properties > compatibility tab, at the bottom check run this program as administrator.
  14. It could be a Windows update that messed up your controller, it's certainly something that has been seen before.
  15. Check in the Config > Video > Window Settings window and see if Default to fullscreen mode on open is checked.
  16. Add these command lines parameters. --nogui --fullscreen --fullboot
  17. You may have just hit that number of number of games to tip its performance over the edge.
  18. That might be a part of it, not saying it is the cause but it is a known issue that once you get to a certain point in library size it can cause some issues. The number does vary depending on the hardware running it. I would suggest taking a look at the "Performance" thread I linked and see if any of the stuff in there can help you out.
  19. What sort of hardware are you running it on and does it do this with the default theme ?
  20. There's an FBA core with no year in it the name, that is the more up to date and regularly updated one.
  21. Or try the more up to date FBA core in Retroarch, the 2012 one is for the really low end hardware such as a RaspberryPi. If you are having sound issues with Retroarch FBA it is most likely a bad build of RA, bad build of a core or bad roms.
  22. I haven't looked into PCSX2 shaders but I believe they work like with the ePSXe. So while not exactly like Retroarch there are options if you wanted to use them, personally I just never bothered with them since with 3D polygonal stuff I like simple internal resolution scaling. You could also look into SweetFX and ReShade for shader effects with PCSX2.
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