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Chris Kant

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Everything posted by Chris Kant

  1. is something planend as an update for this? I want to have a clean media solution within lunchbox without doubles and different qualities. also for videos and manuals.
  2. Hey, klingt interessant und ich werde mir einige dann mal anschauen. daumen rauf auch von mir.
  3. @Jason Carr is there a easier way to change all the artwork folders for one system instead of artwork type? I tried to find something in the xml files in the data folders but was unsuccessful. Only can find the RomPath.
  4. I know it is confusing but first I had the one issue and while doing the screenshots I found another issue on my system. about the issue from my picture, these missing Games are showing inside my Platform but not in the playlist. that makes it at least confusing for me.
  5. @Opak here are some points Words like Abgeschlossen <-> Komplett Beschädigt <-> Defekt @Jason Carr can we get the Dropdown Menu in the Playlist Editor sort by alphabet in each version? it is hard to check this list.
  6. hier is an example, this playlist popped up after I added the Metal Gear Games to it I will send you the specific zip file in a few seconds. ---- addition: different topic: I moved some of the video folders to another driver on my PC. and now I am asking my self, even with changing the folder paths to the new section LaunchBox is generating a new folder in the former root area. example: I have the LaunchBox/videos/Nintendo 64 folder. I moved that folder to another HDD, so the old folder is no longer on its initial place. BUT later I will have an empty folder on the exact place again - I found out that the same will happen will all media folders. is this a new issue and why is this happen?
  7. Even with a game in it the playlist will sometimes not shown in LB under platform categories
  8. There are some strange translation in the German language file. The same Englisch word is translated differently. Example: complete is sometimes beendet, sometimes komplett. I saw this while I was checking the new nested folder feature and was unsure what the autofilter options really mean comparing to the game detail screen in LB
  9. Inhaber sometimes the issue that after making a playlist for one platform that LB is not showing it. In the Data folder I found the file,plus i am not able to build the same playlist again because it is there but not showing up. in lb the list on the left side is sorted after platform categories. If I set it up to show playlists i can see some of the playlist and everything looks correct configured but still nothing in the other view. also strange is that if I change something in the games, like set one game as a favourite, it will not autopopulate in the specific playlist. is this an issue or something already known?
  10. Hi Jason, this Playlist feature ist great. I am diving into this and I like it. Just from the workflow perspective: is it possible to copy and paste the playlist to different platforms? I will organise each platform with four Playlists (favourites, "not hide", completed, and hide). and to do this each and every time is a bit annoying and maybe there is a simpler trick but I overhead this in this thread. also very helpful would be if I choose a Plattform (as an example) there would be a dropdone choosing possibilities (like in the retroarch emulator settings is available). good work, I start to like this launchbox more and more. next big thing for me would be a overhaul of the GamesDB
  11. For games you can suggest to delete it through the database after three approvals (or 5) it will deleted
  12. Looks interesting
  13. I have nearly all my games now converted to chd. saves a lot of space. mostly I check the emulators from tetroarch but I assume demul is still best
  14. There is a menu (forgot name) for that where you can download metadata and artworks once for all selected games. This should make it easier for you
  15. do you probably have Vulkan as a Videodriver activated while Muppen is only working with GL?
  16. I am unsure how I would like the new MAME importer, because I don't want to test it with my 0.194 set. btw: is it possible to add and update the MAME Arcade System Playlist like cps1, model 1 and so on? there are a lot of not really implemented systems like Namco 21, Namco 12 etc etc AND systems Like CPS1 and 2 are not completed - I had to manually add games to these systems too.
  17. Sounds great. would it be possible to put the controller check into another thread so it would not impact anymore current used controller? (just thinking out loud)
  18. can you see these artworks in Launchbox?
  19. Are you from Germany?
  20. this is a known issue if more than one game with the same name is in the database. @Jason Carr have an idea how to solve this quick
  21. Not yet
  22. For pc games I often just rip some smaller videos or trailers from YouTube
  23. It also depends on the emulator you want to use. Most of the system i have are in retroarch, and there is also a per game setup possible.
  24. there should be some tutorials out there where you can see how to set up rocket launcher without any front end, and a tutorial how you can connect a already set up rocket launcher with Launchbox. more interesting would be why you want to go with rocketlauncher? maybe the pros are already in launchbox implemented.
  25. welcome to Launchbox. 01. do you mean details page in Launchbox or in Big Box? in Launchbox Detail Screen (the Sidebar) you can configure which of the given fields should be shown and which one not. there are also Fields for Series. in BigBox it depends on the Theme you would use. 02. I assume not. But you can use a sort field, so you can beside the name of the game use a sort Titel like the Game Resident Evil: Code Veronica will sort in my playlist as Resident Evil 2000, to fit the chronology 03. you can jump directly to a specific letter by pressing that letter on you keyboard. in BB you have a slider to jump directly to the wished letter 04. it is possible, depending on the artworks and the theme you want to use. some themes also have the wished information without going into the detail screen. 05. if you want to use it on a big screen only with your joypad, I recommend big box. emu movies is very helpful to get best quality artworks and movies for most of the games (not all). regards, Chris
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