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Everything posted by drphobus

  1. do you need to do this for every game, or is there a global option using game name as folder\wildcard ( *)
  2. also compare names with launcbox database before importing, would be nice
  3. will the Bezel Project integration allow you to see the bezel first or have one bezel per system. if not i would prefer that launchbox has its own version with all the options the other media has in launchbox also have artwork in the online database
  4. Thanks for reply have added link as suggested. Just in case you wanted to vote for it I was thinking of a automatic system just global folders like manual, ie artwork folder with system/games subfolders the rotate through images until exit. Additional Applications is more of a personal selection.
  5. cant see this in bit bucket so have to search for 6672 then it shows up
  6. Please read, then let me find out others want this feature or improve on this request. If by chance you like this idea please vote for it on bitbucket bitbucket can be found by left clicking on 3 lines on top right of screen then help & support feature request In the pause menu you can access the game manual. but would be nice for other menu items (optional dependent on pause theme) such as Other pdf,s (walkthroughs, game history etc) Images (maps, controls etc.) videos (game adverts, reviews etc.) just put folders in pause data folder or images ie pause custom 1 ,2,3 or even have a supplementary images folder in root with subfolders manuals, artwork 1, artwork 2, video, documents 1, documents 2 etc can then be added to game view screen in big box at a later date if wanted link added so if you want to help vote for this https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/6672/add-more-options-to-pause-menu
  7. I was told it works on windows 11, but unable to test as im using a 4th gen cpu (2013)
  8. Most if not all features are nice, but none have that wow factor Might be not many users use bitbucket. At lest on a forum you get input and a chance to refine options please don't get me wrong but as a long time user the continuing development is the very best. just getting the felling the poll has less user input than in the past.
  9. while It's great to hear about the marquee options. Especially as my bitbucket request was such a failure ( hate bitbucket . apparently i also forgot to vote for my own request as well ) .ps tablet rocks as second screen I do miss the old pre-poll developer chats with Jason as I find it hard to put my thoughts into text. Used to take secondary It text to get to a “i think i know what your trying to say”
  10. boohoohoo lost all roms on my nas hackers used my cloud z7 programme on the qnap to alter my filers in order to blackmail me i have all my old files backed up but the currently being sorted stuff is more of a problem so if you have a Qnap nas turn off the cloud app now
  11. Sorry, just replying to post and forgot about it being beta sub
  12. when adding types of controls please dont forget about the arcades ie trackball , spinner ,wheel New Document Fields for Hintbooks, Cheats, and Maps sounds great the ability to add to second screen as a alternative to marquee would be even better. Better still would be the ability to allow theme creators to create zones for multiple Document Fields on one screen
  13. Last night i had my Launchbox database error ( nice backup system, it works) and on trying to find out why came across lots of people having BSOD after latest windows update (17 April ) so the instability of windows, might be having a negative effect on launchbox. Just a thought.
  14. i think you might be looking at a DAS and not a NAS the 5 bay ones that are around £100 have a 10tb per drive limit it works the same way as a powered external hard drive with a usb3 lead
  15. I use a Qnap 4 bay nas, but only for roms. The main program and media are on my faster internal hard drives. also you need to consider the question of what type of raid. All drives will fail in the future and larger drives are more susceptible to this. a couple of points to think about are the maximum size of hard drive to put in (my qnap is 16tb per drive max max) do you need a NAS that can take different size drives , not all can. do you need a NAS or will a cheaper DAS system work (connected to pc via usb only) It is best to know what type of raid you think suits your need and check your NAS supports it. if i got this right it goes like this 4 x 10tb drives raid 0 will give the fastest and most space. but if one drive fails all data is lost. only use if you have a reliable backups raid 0 40tb and faster as writes to both drives simultaneously, but if one drive fails lose data from both drives raid 1 20tb two copies of all data so if a drive fails it can be rebuilt raid 10 20tb with the speed of raid 0 and restore abilitys of raid 1
  16. Ok found a solution I just wanted to use my tablet as a marrquee screen, (in my case this is a android a7) I found a programe called Spacedesk to use run a windows driver and a app ( android or ios ) also works with phones then just enable marrquee in big box options. Will probberly do custom banners to show controls or notes to bypass game protections, maps or loading commands etc. ( more for computers than consoles). This would be nice if this was a baked in option, but have no idea how complicated this would be. Just thinking it must be more simple than launchbox for android and would be a unique feature that no other front end has. one last point not everyone has a second monitor but most people have a smart phone. so when dealing with so meny games a contextual quick reference guide would be most helpfull. Am i alone in this view or am i not explaning it in text as is in my head.
  17. First thanks for reading I have 2 sets of front end 1 is coinops for visiters and llaunchbox for my never finish setup so coinops uses bat files a lot so how do i convert this mame64.exe cpc6128 -snapshot ".\roms\BruceLee_AmstradCPC.sna" -cfg_directory ".\cfg\BruceLee_AmstradCPC" -joy I'm thinking import the game1.sna but how to write parameters and pick up same game1 name Any help would be most wellcomed and will inprove my understanding in future setups as well. I can do this to every rom 1 at a time, but do feel ( or hope) theres a better way.
  18. yeh can kinda get there but it like selecting roms then saying only joking not realy not a rom. Launchbox is about making things easy to add in a very stratforword way. Same argument could have been made for Origin, Epic etc.
  19. also need a option to import bat files for the other pc games that slip through the net
  20. thanks now done
  21. just added a Feature request on bitbucket https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/5670/feature-request-use-android-tablet-or Here below is my bitbucket request Now that a android version of Launchbox is no longer on the cards, would it be possible to use the android screen as a second screen. I have used a tablet as a remote desktop in the past as well as a remote control for pc based music software,so might be possible. It would be a shame to let all that programming knowledge from the android version of launchbox go to waste. And as most people have a smartphone or tablet it would be unique and I think well appreciated. would like other thoughts on the idea. So far it has no votes on bitbucket but i think that if it can be done it will make a great addition to cp wizard.To be honest i don't know if it's achievable.
  22. if i can remember in my amiga days if all else fails use kickstart 1.2 (that was on the real amiga ,but might be worth a try)
  23. also Atari 2600 core has no paddle support. This only affects people who love breakout, kaboom and other bat and ball games.
  24. thanks for the reply. I can wait
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