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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. You can add systems, just double click the empty cell at the bottom of the list. As for Beetle, it's only called that in the Retroarch UI, the actual core is Mednafen_Saturn.
  2. Sort of true but not exactly. Obviously they are designed to make money, thats a no brainer, but they by law have to pay out a certain percentage of money taken. This can usually be adjusted by the machine owner, but can only be adjusted within a built in range, a owner couldnt make it 1% payout for example, as that would be against gambling laws, sort of why there is such a big discussion about thigs like FIFA packs that offer random odds of less than 1% and are purchased with real money.
  3. Maybe that whole list should be "Skip" then alphabetical order???
  4. The problem there is Launchbox extracts to the temp folder and not where your roms are, so on the second launch it will just look at your specified rom path for that game again, and the temp folder is removed when you close Launchbox. At the end of the day this would be a waste of space as you would have two copies of the same game, one zipped one unzipped. So in that case why do you have the roms zipped in the first place? just extract them and cut out the middle man.
  5. Sounds like a waste of money if its deleting perfectly safe files if you ask me.
  6. You will need to contact the criminal that sold you all this stolen content for support i'm afraid, we wont be providing any support here.
  7. Uncheck the "remove roughly matched images" option in the import wizard. That examines every image downloaded for every game to see if they are duplicates, and takes a very long time to do.
  8. Thats a video file isnt it? Its not a startup theme, if you want that to play as you start Bigbox it needs to go in your Launchbox/Videos/startup folder.
  9. Yes, if everything you need, including roms and emulator are in the Launchbox folder, it's completely portable.
  10. It shows under the S section in my Epic client, as it should do.
  11. It does import from the Origin importer. It's simply not been added as a game to Epic's API, so is impossible for us to scrape it. It's actually a weird case as it downloads in Origin, but if you launch it from Origin it needs to launch the Epic store, and likewise if you launch it from the Epic store, it still has to launch Origin, so you always need two clients open, which is the first time i have seen that.
  12. This is technically a Origin store game and not a Epic one. I know it was claimed from Epic as i have it also, but it was installed in the Origin client and not the Epic client. It's up to Epic themselves if they add games to there own API list, they often omit Ubisoft games also.
  13. You dont state what theme or view in that theme you are using. Not all themes or views support platform videos.
  14. All themes will have a wall view, but it will look the same across most themes as most people just leave it alone when making themes. Some devs do customize it though, but i couldnt tell you which themes do so.
  15. Launchbox doesnt rely on any other programs to launch. It does however need up to date graphics drivers, .NET Core, and DirectX.
  16. lol, i should really re-read before i post. I see now you say your rompath is correct, as its pointing to a 0.78 romset, so the issue is going to be the default command line. Remove that and games will load, but you may not be able to use the Launchbox pause screens with MAME now.
  17. Hi and welcome to the forums. Your images look correct so i suspect its a rom path issue in MAME. MAME itself needs to know the path to your rom folder as MAME is handled differently to other systems, we dont physically pass the rom file to the emulator, but we pass a file name, and MAME locates the file itself (this is so that all three MAME romset types can be imported the exact same way regardless of the files actually contained within). I should also ask which version of MAME you are using as that default comaand line may interfere is using a old MAME version.
  18. Its not possible for Launchbox itself to be a steam client. You would have to launch steam itself on that system and start the game from within the steam UI.
  19. You can just drag and drop a .exe, a .lnk, or a .bat file onto Launchbox to import it, it couldnt currently be any easier than it already is to import files, then when the wizard opens just choose the "none of the above" which will import it without associating any emulator.
  20. To be perfectly honest you should expect things like this to happen, this is why the releases are labelled as betas, you are testing new features ahead of release. On rare occasions a beta could completely break your setup. If you dont want to actually help to test new features then please turn betas off.
  21. You have always been able to import .exe or .lnk files, bats have always been supported also. Launchbox is completely file agnostic, it will import whatever file types you tell it to.
  22. Then you would need to edit the theme code, its designed to show a video only.
  23. The background to that theme is in fact a video, it you just have a black background then the video isnt playing for some reason.
  24. You could also try this page and see if it resends, providing the purchase went through originally that is. Lost Your LaunchBox Premium License? (launchbox-app.com)
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