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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. No the big box shortcut should stick to the main controller.,
  2. or set ur exit to something you wont all press start and top trigger?
  3. BigBox will only accept single commands, or your previously setup buttons, as you say mame could be a nightmare. but you can also set your buttons in mame!!
  4. Please tell me to go away if I'm a problem, but in regards to video playback, until yesterday when Jason fixed vlc. I used to switch to wmp myself. All the audio volumes I had changed in the settings do not seem to apply when using wmp. Is that on purpose? cause I would sometimes switch out and get blasted. lol
  5. Yeah thats weird, I have a intel nuc really low powered with 4gb ram, which runs slower than my 8inch Toshiba tablet with 2gb.
  6. What he said!!! lol Just thinking out loud. Sorry Jason.
  7. I have quickly browsed back through this thread, what has everyone got as default cache size??
  8. Gonna chime in here as well, I'm on a gtx770, pretty old school by todays standards, and the coverflow views can be a little weird to start (I have favorites shown first, but they are the last pictures to be shown). but give it a few secs and should be fine, couple of hitches here and there but pretty smooth overall. just need to be a little patient.
  9. @SentaiBrad, its a silly little thing I know, but I like being told I'm doing well!! Achievements I like as well,( great vid by the way, I now achieve). so just a checkbox in big box would be lovely, cause I'm slowly also checking off some of my favorite arcade games of all time, and starting to lose track of which is which.
  10. I never thought about this until yesterday when I completely cleared wave race 64, (not for the first time!) and thought about the completed logo, there is one I believe? but there is no checkbox for it. I have the pre play menu switched off but can look at it with my select button when on a game. I can favorite, or mark broken, but can't mark completed.
  11. Hi just want to say I have been using your theme on and off, I'm on windows 10 x64, 16gb ram, gtx 770. I have never had any problems with alignment issues.
  12. @Jason Carr, just to add, I have just been messing about in bigbox and video switching is much quicker and smoother for me now also, so that's a lovely side effect.
  13. Yeah still works!! Thanks so much for working through this with me Jason, it's much appreciated.
  14. Yep that seems to of fixed it!! Thanks @Jason Carr. What else do you need, before I go to bed it's nearly 1am here. lol.
  15. Yeah I did delete the x64 folder to try and force launchbox to use x86, but of course it just added it back.
  16. @Jason Carr, VLC still crashes for me when trying to preview videos, and in fact any media on my pc. I am on windows 10 x64, however if I open the x86 VLC in the launchbox folder, then it plays media on my pc just fine, including previously downloaded platform videos. So not really sure what's going on there.
  17. Sorry my misunderstanding, I don't think that is possible with xpadder. If there was keyboard shortcuts for loading profiles it could be possible, but I don't think there are. That's why I use auto profiles, so when certain programs or emulators launch it auto switches.
  18. You can have xpadder auto launch profiles when you launch different programs. If you click the wrench button top right, then select autoprofile you can set it up there. I have a big box profile that auto loads when bigbox boots, and have mapped f1 and f3 to it soo I can save and load games by holding back and using the shoulder buttons. Hope this helps.
  19. @Walrus13 I don't like having it there either, but the reason its a requested feature is mostly for mame. There are often many revisions of the same game, launchbox will just scrape the main name and be done, but you may be playing street fighter 2 usa revision d for example because they often changed characters balancing, so can be handy to know.
  20. if you are using the nighlies, then you save your mapping by saving core mapping, then core override.
  21. Yeah I'm stumped, I just stick the c buttons on the right stick, a bit difficult though when you only have one.
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