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Everything posted by faeran

  1. A few things you can try: Run: Tools > Download > Force Update Games Database Metadata Delete your ListCache.xml file, located in the folder: LaunchBox\Data Make sure you don't have any stray files inside of: LaunchBox\Data\Platforms (you should have 1 file per imported platform) Make sure you are not running LaunchBox as admin, and that you have full file/folder permissions for the LaunchBox folder
  2. While I wouldn't entirely recommend Windows 7 at this point (since it's a few years past it's end of life date), you'll want to make sure Windows 7 is fully updated. I believe LaunchBox won't work if Windows 7 is not on something like Service Pack 2 or higher.
  3. I see. Yes, I managed to get MAME to launch multiple times in LaunchBox if you quickly press enter really quickly. The thread you referenced mentioned that the solution to this issue would come via the Startup Screens (which it did in 2018), and if you have them enabled, they do stop MAME from opening multiple times. However, startup screens are a premium feature.
  4. Delete the scanlines.png file from LaunchBox\Themes\CoverBox\Media\General
  5. The wall views in this theme is not possible to be made inside of the CTC yet, therefore no CTC file currently exists. When that changes I'll put the files here.
  6. I guess I should have asked which version of LaunchBox are you running, and are you seeing this happen in LaunchBox or Big Box? From what I see, I cannot get this to happen in either LaunchBox or Big Box no matter how fast I click.
  7. Hi @Cleggy6879. Do you have any examples of missing games, or are you basing this off of the number of games imported?
  8. faeran


    Thanks @Nick4222. I believe I made them for myself a bunch of years back, but never released them. I only made about 80 of them, if I remember correctly.
  9. If you want to catch the eye of the dev that works on the CTC, best post this in his thread.
  10. faeran


    Banners need to have the exact name of the platform you have in LaunchBox. Check the banner files inside of: LaunchBox\Themes\BannerBox\Images\Platforms\Banner Looks like there is a Sony PSP Vita banner which should probably have its name changed. For now, if you change the file name to whatever you have in LaunchBox, it should work.
  11. The Citra MMJ Storage Access Version does work just fine and would be the version I'd recommend at this point.
  12. And the TextGamesView.xaml is used for both the text games selection view and the game details view.
  13. Are you able to confirm whether music is available for you once again?
  14. Do you know what the file system is of the hard drive you have LaunchBox installed on? Sometimes users will receive similar errors when their hard drive's file system is not NTFS (or something similar that supports symlinking).
  15. What error do you get when you try and apply a custom theme, by going into Options > Views > Theme ?
  16. If you are asking about a list of bindings, you can find then inside of LaunchBox\Themes\Documentation.pdf
  17. You can do this either by loading the CTC files into the CTC and making the change through that editor, or you can dive into the code and replace the video with the cart image path. The community theme creator files are located on its download page in the description: And the Community Theme Creator can be found here: If you want to go the XAML editing route, you'll have to find and open the TextGamesView.xaml file (located in the themes Views folder. The replace: <transitions:TransitionPresenter x:Name="SelectedItemVideo1video" TransitionSelector="{Binding ImageVideoTransitionSelector}" StretchVideo="True" IsContentVideo="True" Opacity="1.0" RenderTransformOrigin=".5,.5" > <transitions:TransitionPresenter.Style> <Style TargetType="transitions:TransitionPresenter"> <Setter Property="Content" Value="{Binding ImageVideoView}"/> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding ElementName=SelectedItemVideo1,Path=Visibility}" Value="Collapsed"> <Setter Property="Content" Value=""/> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding ElementName=SelectedItemVideo1,Path=Opacity}" Value="0"> <Setter Property="Content" Value=""/> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> </transitions:TransitionPresenter.Style> <transitions:TransitionPresenter.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <RotateTransform Angle="0" /> <ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <SkewTransform AngleX="0" AngleY="0" /> </TransformGroup> </transitions:TransitionPresenter.RenderTransform> </transitions:TransitionPresenter > With something like this: <Image Source="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.CartFrontImagePath}" />
  18. I do believe that you are right in your assumption that the primary game needs to support high scores in order for the badge to appear. To comfirm, you can always right click a game and go into View High Score Leaderboards. Then at the bottom you will see a dropdown where you can sort through each version and see which ones actually do support it. I believe they are color coded.
  19. faeran

    Big Details

    Thanks @Daliant. As far as your questions go. Yes, I removed the icons, although in the future, I could always look into adding some back that can be clicked on, but no promises on when I can get to that. There' wouldn't really be an easy way for me to make a particular button to open and close the Game Details section. That's all handled outside of a theme's scope. You could use a third party program to make it so a middle mouse button would trigger CTRL+T.
  20. faeran

    Sega intro

    What platforms are you referring to here?
  21. Depending on how you imported your games, and how your file names are labeled, they would usually all be combined into one game entry. You could then right click a game, and you'll see all the discs under Play Version. When in an emulator and you make it to the next disc, the emulator usually gives you the ability to swap discs out. LaunchBox can make it a bit easier through the automatic m3u creation for multi-disc games. Here's a video about it:
  22. If you've already imported the games and they are currently combined, then you can right click on the game, Edit > Expand Selected Games... If you want to do it during import, then deselect the Combine ROMs with matching titles... option during the import wizard.
  23. It should definitely have a different look than the default theme. I'm curious to know what your Big Box settings. Are you able to take a screenshot of the View page, in Big Box's Options > View.
  24. So it seems that even though music was intended to be part of their paid service, it has been downloadable by free members for a while. We got the go ahead to make changes on their server to make music available for free users in LaunchBox moving forward. You'll see it appear again, possibly sometime today or tomorrow.
  25. If you are launching games in LaunchBox, there's an option that will minimize LaunchBox upon game launch, and restore it after you exit the emulator. The options are under General. This could potentially help this issue. Another thing to note, depending on how you set up MAME in LaunchBox, you could have a Running Script that could be accidentally launching multiple instances of MAME. Check under Tools > Manage > Emulators. Enter into your MAME emulator and check your Running Script. It's essentially a script that will press the space bar 3 times after 10 seconds. But if your computer takes more than 10 seconds to launch a game, and you are waiting in LaunchBox for it to launch, it ends up pressing space 3 times while in LaunchBox, which ends up opening more instances of MAME. If this is the case, you can just delete the entire script.
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