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Everything posted by faeran

  1. faeran


    At this point, it's hard to say why that one view is giving you issues. The code seems sound, and is working fine on different builds of mine. I would just make sure you are not running LaunchBox or Big Box as an admin, or have any other permission related issues that could be causing it, like files that are read-only. However, if it's the only view causing you issues, it's hard to say why.
  2. This has always worked this way. If you use non-standard naming, then you would have to add that non-standard name into whatever a custom theme uses, either in the code (like you are seeing), or by changing file names. It's something I'd like to improve, but at the moment, unsure how possible that will be.
  3. To start out, look inside the following locations for the default themes, so you can get an idea of the files involved, and the XAML code required: LaunchBox\StartupThemes LaunchBox\PauseThemes You can create a copy of the Default theme folder (call the folder whatever you'd like). Then you can open up the Default.xaml file in your new folder, and make any coding changes you'd like. Check out the Startup Themes and Pause Themes sections on the forums for more theme examples. You can peak into their code to help you better understand what is going on.
  4. Beta 4 is now out with the following: New Feature: A new themes manager is now built into LaunchBox that will let you manage, download, and uninstall LaunchBox themes Improvement: When changes are made inside of the Options menu that require a restart, LaunchBox will automatically relaunch itself. Improvement: New bindings for theme developers that will display controller information in both LaunchBox and Big Box themes Fixed: Rare cases in Big Box's Wall Views where navigation was working improperly Fixed: The Play bindings in LaunchBox custom themes was shown as unavailable with games that use the built-in ScummVM implementation The big one here is the new LaunchBox themes manager, which can be found in the menu under Tools. With all new features, as much testing as you can do is much appreciated. For LaunchBox theme developers, you can upload your themes here: https://www.launchbox-app.com/themes Just like for Big Box themes, there will be a higher threshold of entry into our LaunchBox Themes Manager. Please continue to use the forums to release your themes and get the bugs out. Then, when you are ready, upload your theme to the Themes Manager. At that point, we may provide some feedback for improvement.
  5. This is a thread for the Colorful platform videos. I think you are wanting the Colorful theme's support thread: However, sounds like you are looking for {Binding Path=SelectedPlatform.NestedName}
  6. The Request a Feature link at the top of the page, located under Help & Support, is the appropriate section for feature requests. You have the ability to make a request and people can vote on them. Knowing that, I'll go ahead and lock this thread, as it looks like all current viable options have been presented for anyone willing.
  7. faeran


    I'm not 100% certain what you mean, but if you are trying to mix and match themes, you can do this either within the theme manager, or by setting a mapping to switch theme. With the mapping, you can navigate to the view you want and switch your theme, and it should save that selection. You can have different themes on a platform view vs. game view, and also have different themes used on a game view level, per platform.
  8. faeran


    From the error message, looks like your system is having issues accessing the file located in your Themes\CoverBox\Media\Backgrounds folder, called Microsoft Xbox - Selected.png. I would first make sure that file is actually there. Also, what version of LaunchBox are you on?
  9. Downloading media from the LaunchBox DB appears to be fine. There's still a lot of other factors that could go into media not downloading, and I'm assuming both may be running into one of these.
  10. Hi @sirgubster9. Are you able to provide more details on the exact steps you take to try and download media? Screenshots would help as well.
  11. What are the steps you have tried so far? Screenshots would definitely help as well. Personally, I find the easiest way to run this game is through ScummVM. The way I would do it is: Extract the contents of the CD into a folder (I'm assuming you have either the physical media or an image of it) In LaunchBox, go to Tools > Import > Manually add a game Click on the ScummVM section and click on "Use ScummVM to play this game" (If you can't do this, click on the Emulation section and uncheck "Use an emulator to play this game") Game Data Folder Path - choose browse and navigate to where you placed your King's Quest 6 files What game is it - in this dropdown choose King's Quest VI Go to the Metadata section and type in King's Quest VI, and click on Search for Metadata, choose the correct entry. Optionally you can go into the Images section and download some images for the game Press OK and you should be able to run the game.
  12. You can always download the CTC files and make any changes you'd like to see (the files are in the theme's description). Doing a quick check, looks like the animation on the video starts at 1.5 seconds for the video to appear, and about a second for the animation to complete.
  13. I think the reason people may not want this to happen is, imagine 2 people are using controller 1 and 2, and you plug in controller 3. In your scenario, you want the third controller to push the other 2 players off. If they were playing a game, all of a sudden player 3 takes over whatever player 1 was doing, and player 2 has been shoved out of the game. In saying that, there are some third party utilities, like x360ce, where you can force a specific controller to always be a specific player. Which means, you could have multiple controllers that are always player 1, or player 2. You might find luck there.
  14. Locks up as in it crashes Big Box, or that something else has pulled focus from it and you need to click on Big Box (or ALT+TAB back to it) in order to regain focus?
  15. You can do this by going into Options > Keyboard Mappings, and remap Exit.
  16. Just tried and they do look like they are working when you click them. Try a different browser maybe if they are not working for you. This video can show you how to load the files into the CTC: Once loaded, you'll need to enter into one of the views, like Platform Wheel 2, click on one of the elements that has color conditioning (they are marked with a green C ), and go into the Conditions window where you'll see all the conditions. You can add new ones, or edit ones that don't meet any non-standard naming conventions you may have. Then you can publish out the theme.
  17. This can all be done within the CTC now. You can download the CTC files on the theme page's description, load it into the CTC and make changes via its interface. Looks like the platforms are case sensitive, as there's definitely an entry for "NEC PC Engine", and you seemed to have gone against the grain to make yours "Nec PC Engine"
  18. There's not really a quick setting for that. You'd have to add the video code into the correct spot in the TextFiltersView.xaml and remove the (probably hefty) code of the background images. I can probably look into it later if you'd like and provide some steps.
  19. Hi @HarryFlowers. Glad you have been enjoying the theme. For the stretching, you'll find a bunch of platform specific game xaml files inside of the following folder: LaunchBox\Themes\The POC\Views\WallGamesView There should be one for Sony PlayStation. You might have your platform named something different. If so, rename it to whatever your platform is called. For Sega Saturn, make a copy of a platform file that has similar size as your Sega Saturn boxes. Potentially Sony PlayStation might be a good fit, so make a copy of that and give it the same name as your Sega Saturn platform. You can essentially do this for any of your platforms where you need a specific size box. As you can tell, the rectangle portrait boxes are the default. As far as that black fade behind the boxes go. If I remember correctly, it's there to make sure that it remains clean in-between the boxes. You can remove it, but it might look a bit messy if you do. You can remove it from WallGamesView.xaml by deleting all this code: <!-- Rectangle 1 --> <Grid x:Name="Rectangle1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Visibility="Visible" Width="{Binding ElementName=Grid2container, Path=ActualWidth}" Height="{Binding ElementName=Grid2container, Path=ActualHeight}" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Panel.ZIndex="10" > <Grid> <Rectangle x:Name="Rectangle1rect" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Fill="{StaticResource Gradient1}" Opacity="1.0" Stretch="Fill" RenderTransformOrigin=".5,.5" Width="{Binding ElementName=Rectangle1,Path=ActualWidth}" Height="{Binding ElementName=Rectangle1,Path=ActualHeight}"> <Rectangle.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <RotateTransform Angle="0" /> <ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <SkewTransform AngleX="0" AngleY="0" /> </TransformGroup> </Rectangle.RenderTransform> </Rectangle> </Grid> <Grid.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <SkewTransform AngleX="0" AngleY="0"/> <RotateTransform Angle="0"/> <TranslateTransform X="0" Y=" 0"/> </TransformGroup> </Grid.RenderTransform> </Grid> <Grid.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <RotateTransform Angle="0" /> <ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <SkewTransform AngleX="0" AngleY="0" /> </TransformGroup> </Grid.RenderTransform> <Grid.Style> <Style TargetType="Grid" > <Setter Property="Width" Value="{Binding ElementName=Grid2,Path=ActualWidth}" /> <Setter Property="Height" Value="{Binding ElementName=Grid2,Path=ActualHeight}" /> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding ElementName=Grid2, Path=Width}" Value="NaN" > <Setter Property="Width" Value="Auto" /> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding ElementName=Grid2, Path=Height}" Value="NaN" > <Setter Property="Height" Value="Auto" /> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> </Grid.Style> </Grid> <Grid.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <SkewTransform AngleX="0" AngleY="0"/> <RotateTransform Angle="0"/> <TranslateTransform X="{Binding ElementName=Canvas,Path=ActualWidth,Converter={StaticResource ScalePropertyValueD},ConverterParameter=X;-333.3333333333333;2560}" Y="{Binding ElementName=Canvas,Path=ActualHeight,Converter={StaticResource ScalePropertyValueD},ConverterParameter=Y;0;1440}" /> </TransformGroup> </Grid.RenderTransform> </Grid> You'll also have to do this for every platform specific game xaml file that's inside of: LaunchBox\Themes\The POC\Views\WallGamesView I haven't tested this, but I'm pretty sure it should work.
  20. Next release I'll add an experimental Platform View 3 where the start of all animations will be cut in half so you can get a feel for it. It means you'll have less time while navigating the wheel before things start animating away, so for slow scrollers it may not be ideal. I'll also have the box size fixed on the text games view.
  21. faeran

    Big Details

    The background image is controlled by your Background Image Priorities that you set under Options > Background Priorities If you would like to change which button is checked when you load a game, you'll need to dive into the code. Open GameDetailsView.xaml which is located inside of: LAUNCHBOX\LBThemes\Big Details\Views You need to remove IsChecked="True" From the Home Button and add it to the Media Button. Here's the default codes for reference: Home Button <!-- Home Button --> <RadioButton GroupName="Menu" Name="HomeButton" cal:Message.Attach="[Event Click] = [Action PauseVideo()]" IsChecked="True" ToolTip="Home"> Media Button <!-- Media Button --> <RadioButton GroupName="Menu" Name="MediaButton" ToolTip="Media">
  22. Screenshots should now make an appearance in version 2.01, out now on the forums.
  23. While this is a confirmed issue on EmuMovies end, if you do run into EmuMovies download issues, we encourage you to open up a support ticket on their website: https://emumovies.com/support/
  24. While this is a confirmed issue on EmuMovies end, if you do run into EmuMovies download issues, we encourage you to open up a support ticket on their website: https://emumovies.com/support/
  25. Based on the example above, it would be: <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Game.AlternateNames}" > <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" Foreground="#FFFFFFFF" /> </DataTemplate> </ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> </ItemsControl>
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