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Everything posted by faeran

  1. This series of videos was replaced by the Theme Workshop. Which can be found on the Unbroken Software YouTube channel and goes live weekly. https://www.youtube.com/c/UnbrokenSoftwareLLC/live This post has been left up for archival purposes. Retro Faeran's Theme Stream Twitch ◽ YouTube The Theme Stream is my running series where the goal is to create (or recreate) a theme for Big Box while I stream the entire process for people to watch and join in on. Veterans, or aspiring themers alike can watch, join in the process, ask questions, and grow our theming skills together. The published theme will then be posted here on the LaunchBox forums for people to try out, along with the COMMUNITY Theme Creator Project Files, for people to mess around with. Past videos will be posted on both my Twitch and YouTube channels, and links to them will be posted below. All themes will be built using @y2guru's COMMUNITY Theme Creator, which allows themes to be built with little, to no, coding. Place and manipulate layered elements on a canvas, add effects, and animation, without needing to know one bit of code. It's simple to use, and if you have any interest in theme creation, I recommend you download it right now. Learn about the new Wall View changes with LaunchBox 11.10 here: Past Broadcasts Theme Stream #5 - Creating Retro Bedroom I create a brand new theme based around a childhood bedroom from the late 80s, early 90s. This is my take on the infamous bedroom theme. Download the Published Theme, or Creator Files here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2582-retro-bedroom-theme-stream/ Watch on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/616235182 Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6oHCip2B6GU Theme Stream #4 - Creating Night at the Arcade I create a brand new theme called Night at the Arcade. This is my take on the 80s arcade experience. Download the Published Theme, or Creator Files here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2461-night-at-the-arcade-theme-stream/ Watch on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/616235182 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSBkhnk5dx0 Theme Stream #3 - Recreating Epic Noir (Editorial Noir) I take on the challenge to port a new ES theme by chicuelo called Epic Noir. It's as epic as its name suggests. The Big Box version of the theme is called Editorial Noir. Download the Published Theme, or Creator Files here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2412-editorial-noir-theme-stream/ Watch on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/602273726 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcm8sT5mgdE Theme Stream #2 - Rebuilding Retrotastic I ambitiously try to rebuild my entire Retrotastic theme using the COMMUNITY Theme Creator. Download the Published Theme, or Creator Files here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/55274-retrotastic-theme-stream/ Watch on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/590341221 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfAJTXCprj4 Theme Stream #1 - Recreating ArtBook Highlights of my first stream, where I end up porting the popular ES theme called ArtBook, originally by alphatoanant. Download the Published Theme, or Creator Files here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2382-artbook-theme-stream/ Watch on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/583560634 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv5d1e8KOIc
  2. faeran


    This just means that a banner image wasn't created for those particular games. I created a tutorial which shows how to create banners for all your games fairly quickly. Find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtK2S7Owo8Y Then place the images you created in this location: LAUNCHBOX\Themes\BannerBox\Images\Games\Custom Images 1
  3. faeran


    Nice @HONOXx. I'm sure they would appreciate it if you joined them over on this thread as well:
  4. faeran


    Hey @xevidroid. Sure. Love to see what you come up with. I'll send you a PM.
  5. faeran


    I'm pretty sure that you will need to render these images on a monitor that is at least 1920x1080, as the height of the image is 1080 pixels. @y2guru correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. faeran


    Yeah, very odd issue. In total, I'm seeing, the playmode, genre, and ratings icons, controller, community star rating and the background video. @y2guru do they all use a specific plugin to function? @matris Can you show screenshots of the game details page, and the platform view that's similar to this one?
  7. faeran


    Just to make sure we are on the same page. Here is the list of game views that are in the theme right now: Horizontal Wheel 1 - The normal banner games view Horizontal Wheel 2 - The normal banner games view with quicker animations Horizontal Wheel 3 - Simple banner view where the banners never fade away Text Games View - Text view with the text menu on the right Here's the list of Platform Views: Platform Wheel 1 - Normal banners view Platform Wheel 2 - Normal banners view that plays music from your videos Platform Wheel 3 - Banners view that fades out and shows platform details
  8. faeran


    Sorry to hear that @rexryan. Download the version I just uploaded of the base theme again. Rename your current BigBox folder, and place the new base them in the themes folder. Then just copy your game banners into the base theme, which is located in: BannerBox\Images\Games\Custom Images 1\
  9. faeran


    Version 1.1 has been released for both the normal version and base version of BannerBox. If you already have BannerBox installed, best to use the base version and overwrite your folder with it. Here are the changes: Added new Platform View - Video music plays in the background Added new Platform view - Detailed view Added new games view - quicker animations Added a few banners from the community
  10. Version 1.1 has been released for both the normal version and base version of BannerBox. If you already have BannerBox installed, best to use the base version and overwrite your folder with it. Here are the changes: Added new Platform View - Video music plays in the background Added new Platform view - Detailed view Added new games view - quicker animations Added a few banners from the community
  11. I just uploaded version 1.1 which has a platform view with music from your videos playing.
  12. Thanks man. Appreciate it.
  13. if you hide all the games within a platform, it will hide the platform as well.
  14. Which music are you looking to get?
  15. In LaunchBox you could select your games, right click > edit > hide Or you can make your own banners. I created a video to show people how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtK2S7Owo8Y
  16. Hi @itsturningred, that's good to hear. If you would like to learn how to create your own banners, you can watch the video I released on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtK2S7Owo8Y You can find the music from the video here: https://whitebataudio.com/downloads/miami-sky/
  17. @y2guru was more referring to that since this theme was created using his COMMUNITY Theme Creator, it should be scaling to different resolutions and still look relatively the same (to a point), as this is one of the functions that the creator provides.
  18. Hi @HerrVorragend1975. What screen ratio does a 10-years-old fullHD-mon have?
  19. faeran


    For anyone interested. I added a link in the description to a YouTube video where I showcase how to create your own BannerBox banner images. Here is the link as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtK2S7Owo8Y
  20. That is the strangest thing. It's not erroring at all? Have you ever seen something like this @y2guru?
  21. I mean, there's still enough platform views that can be played around with. Would just have to think about a good way to implement videos, and use one of those views.
  22. faeran


    I actually ran each banner through pngquant, which did significantly reduce the size of them all, while keeping relatively the same quality. If people are creating their own images and are worried about size, pngoo is a pngquant gui interface that works well. JPG may work as well, although I haven't tested.
  23. faeran


    so true. this theme is beefy.
  24. faeran


    Did you download the theme from the forum, or through Big Box's theme manager? Seems like an error with the textlist plugin. Maybe @y2guru has some thoughts.
  25. First make sure you put the banner in the right place: Launchbox\Themes\BannerBox\Images\Platforms\Banner\Windows.png Then make sure you refresh the platform wheel image cache in Big Box.
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