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Everything posted by GuroDragon

  1. I made a report, apologies in the past things were fixed in the threads I made here. If you could fix this great GREAT! Thank you!!
  2. Since the last update, big box just doesn't load for me anymore, its just go black and never loads. I have been having a directory problem since 11.2, even though my file paths have been the same since 2016. It seems this program just gets worse and now is unusable with no help on the forms. Which sucks I was an early supporter of Lunchbox and got a lot of people to subscribe.
  3. I'm having a directory problem on a local drive with BigBox after updating from version 11 to 11.10. When I open Bigbox I get the following error message, it will also display a Similar error for thumbnail preview, default wheel view and so on. It dose this for all themes. If I move my Lauchbox install folder 2 directories back from "E:\Emulators & Roms\1 Front end\LaunchBox" to "E:\LaunchBox" BigBox works with no problems at all! THE PROBLEM is I get an error message stating launchbox can't find the file path for both the Emulator and rom after moving my Launchbox install folder to a new location. Windows games with executable files work with no problem. If I Remap an Emulator and rom after moving the Launchbox install folder they work no problem. But I can't remap all my games after years of work. All of games and emulates are separated in folders by their Platform in my Emulators & Roms folder and are NOT stored within lunchbox itself. Is there a way to fix the directory problem with BigBox or fix the file path problem after moving the launchbox install folder? I have been using the same folder structure for launchbox for about 5 years with no problem.
  4. I hope its okay I am posting this here, I am not getting any help in troubleshooting. I updated Lunchbox after no updates for few months, it was working perfectly and now after updating from 11 to version 11.9 Beta and this error message pops up in Big Box with any theme I choose and it only runs on the default theme. NOTE: If I go to my the backups folder and reinstall version 11 then add a couple platforms, download a theme from within BigBox or just move it over from old launch box it works fine BUT the second I update the same errors occurs.
  5. I updated Lunchbox after no updates for few months it was working perfectly and now after updating from 11 to version 11.9 this error message pops up in Big Box with any theme I choose and it only runs on the default theme. NOTE: If I go to my the backups folder and reinstall version 11 then add a couple platforms, download a theme from within BigBox or just move it over from old launch box it works fine BUT the second I update the same errors occurs.
  6. Tried installing through big box and manually through the site, when I try to load the theme I get these error messages. Any help? Would love to try this theme.
  7. Is there a way to keep the platform videos from lagging? The platform videos take 2-4 seconds to load but the playlist and game videos take 1/2 a second to load. The file size is not a factor I have a 100mb playlist video that loads quicker than a 25mb platform video. LaunchBox_Big_Box_7_8_2019_5_59_24_PM.mp4
  8. NEC Computer Systems Platform Art for Unified Big Box Theme View File This includes basic Backgrounds, Logo, Pointer and VideoBorder art to create Platforms for the big four NEC computer lines in the "Unified" Big Box Theme. Set includes the NEC PC-6001, NEC PC-8001, NEC PC-8801 and the NEC PC-9801. I did use the background art from the TurboDuo in the Unified theme to great a more unified look among all the NEC machines . If I did not credit you for creating the background art my apologies. Simply go to "LaunchBox\Themes\Unified\Images\Theme" and drop the images in the same folders found in this zip. Background images are in the jpeg formats for the newer 1.2 version of Unified. Hopefully someone finds this useful. Submitter GuroDragon Submitted 04/11/2019 Category Platform Media  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This includes basic Backgrounds, Logo, Pointer and VideoBorder art to create Platforms for the big four NEC computer lines in the "Unified" Big Box Theme. Set includes the NEC PC-6001, NEC PC-8001, NEC PC-8801 and the NEC PC-9801. I did use the background art from the TurboDuo in the Unified theme to great a more unified look among all the NEC machines . If I did not credit you for creating the background art my apologies. Simply go to "LaunchBox\Themes\Unified\Images\Theme" and drop the images in the same folders found in this zip. Background images are in the jpeg formats for the newer 1.2 version of Unified. Hopefully someone finds this useful.
  10. Visual Novel & Doujin Platforms/Playlists Art for Unified Big Box Theme View File This includes Backgrounds, Logo, Pointer and VideoBorder art to create a "Visual Novel" & "Doujin" Platform/Playlist in the "Unified" Big Box Theme. Simply go to "LaunchBox\Themes\Unified\Images\Theme" and drop the images in the same folders found in this zip. Background images are in the jpeg formats for the newer 1.2 version of Unified. Hopefully someone finds this useful. Submitter GuroDragon Submitted 04/11/2019 Category Platform Media  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This includes Backgrounds, Logo, Pointer and VideoBorder art to create a "Visual Novel" & "Doujin" Platform/Playlist in the "Unified" Big Box Theme. Simply go to "LaunchBox\Themes\Unified\Images\Theme" and drop the images in the same folders found in this zip. Background images are in the jpeg formats for the newer 1.2 version of Unified. Hopefully someone finds this useful.
  12. When selecting a platform it would great if no logo/background was present for that system it just pulled the clear logo from the platform information. I have a lot of systems that with no logo/background selecting a platform in bigbox, I will tried to build some and post.
    Very nice improvements and refinements to the original Unified. Hyper wha......T!
  13. OH I am judging you but I have some of these games on my computer. Great video.
  14. For Carts .crt Files : -cartgeneric I setup up two emulators using the same .exe just with different Default Command-Line Parameters . I can check when I get home, apologies I have about a 160 systems on my launchbox and don't remember the exact solution I used for the vic20 off the the top of my head. The old computers are kind of a pain in the ass when coming to launchbox as most had several formats for data storage and just like the real things are buggy and not always good right out of the gate, some even require custom config files. I am an old Hyperspin user, trust me launchbox is way easier to deal with and once you have played with it for while it becomes second nature.
  15. Ditch Retroarch and just use Winvic, retoarch is great but not the best option for everything. I listed the Default Command-Line Parameters above and here is a screen shot of my setup. Winvic only takes about 5 minutes to download and setup in launchbox, but you can tweak it for quite some time.
    Love this theme, sleek, easy with low impact on hardware performance. It is obviously meant to work with certain media (IE game snaps, 3d boxes, clear logos, cart/cd images) BUT it works very well with whatever game media you currently have at the moment. @CriticalCid Really impressed with the work you did.
  16. Oh wow its an E3 trailer, well done it actually works well for a platform video. BTW thanks for the Horror Playlist video as well, I use it in my playlist.
  17. Anyway I get a link for the 3ds eShop platform video?
  18. Doujin Soft Platform Logo View File Some simple Doujin Soft manga style clear platform logos I made. I just used the plain "Doujin Soft" logo but if you wish to break things down like I see people do "Shooters", "Fighting Games" and "Eroge" are included. Submitter GuroDragon Submitted 02/17/2018 Category Platform Clear Logos  
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Some simple Doujin Soft manga style clear platform logos I made. I just used the plain "Doujin Soft" logo but if you wish to break things down like I see people do "Shooters", "Fighting Games" and "Eroge" are included.
  20. Awesome I did not know that, okay I'll try it tonight hahaha!
  21. Funny I am building an old 486 PC out of old parts, I know the first thing going on it now!
  22. I might pay to use the official Kodi addon. Thanks for the tip, I find using both together makes it work pretty well. I am using the correct file structure but it still hiccuped on me a lot , Plex seems to fix this and add things with no entry in the database.
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