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Everything posted by Kondorito

  1. Kondorito


    Love the idea of new graphics. Will be eagerly waiting for any news :)
  2. Kondorito


    My dream theme. New Retro Arcade bgs and screens could be used, so consoles bgs are a corner with a crt tv; handhelds bg a table with stuff in it. I'm ready.
  3. I did not know! Will test it out as soon as I get home; I thought I already tried it, and the music did not fade out on game details screen. Cheers Stovies.
  4. This would be an awesome feature indeed. My ideal scenario would be to have specific background music per platform/playlist, and once you enter the game details screen, the background music fades out, letting you hear the actual game sound from the video snap. Going back to the game selection screen fades in the background music back.
  5. I love it @Rincewind! Will test it out once I get home. Thanks for sharing!
  6. I can make the custom text in PS like the original, no problems there, I only need the mags rendered logo, which I am not being able to find a decent one over the web, and was trying to avoid making it myself.
  7. Hey guys! Sorry for bumping this old topic again. I am adding the comics/magazines category and wanted to know if somebody already made or has a category logo with the same aesthetics as the ones from this topic. I tried to find something like a book shelf or similar, but was not happy with the results.
  8. Ah! You got it @Zaazu! I had stuttering issues with VLC since day one, and with WMP always worked like a charm. I would have never guessed that your processor consumption would be tied to that change.
  9. @Zaazu try launching Windows in Safe Mode and see if the problem persists.
  10. Thanks @Retro808! Ive been waiting for a Unified platform bgs startup theme! Will use your modified version two posts above as well if you dont mind. This, in conjunction with the Unified bgs as well as the unified overlays I did will make the games look like they are appearing inside BB. Cheers!
  11. Sorry Zaazu I was going to say the same as Lust; to force cache on all images (takes a couple of minutes to process depending on the amount of games you have, but definitely worth it). Besides that, I am out of ideas.
  12. @DOS76, did not know game mode affected performance; supposed to be the other way around right? @Zaazu I have LTSC 2019 and it has game mode.
  13. When it starts lagging like that, if you open the task manager is there any program taking memory or cpu to the max?
  14. +1 for this. The only other way is to audit the platform and check where you have more than 0 in the Apps column, although if you have 3rd party software as well it will not be differentiated.
  15. Ah, yes. I shoud have left the original message, sorry. I wanted to know how you launched the games on win3.1 startup. You got it.
  16. EDIT: Disregard; found it in WIN.INI
  17. By any chance, could you have switched the two F310 controllers? Even though they are the same model/make, it could be that your original configuration was set with a specific F310 in a specific USB port, and after you plugged them the other way around, Windows read them differently? In my minipc Windows reads the joysticks in different order depending on the USB port I use for each one, so I got their cables marked to know each of the 4 USB ports go with which controller USB.
  18. I tested this software some time ago, it is very lightweight and does not require configurations. I know a lot of users having good results with it, but cannot vouch completely as I am not currently using it. I have two arcade sticks and two 360 joysticks hooked up to my minipc. BigBox reads them all 4 natively, so no need to configure anything there. I play all console and handheld games with the 360s through RA, so nothing to configure there either. For MAME, I set an AHK in BB to trigger JoyToKey at every game launch, and then killed at close (so it does not interfere with the rest of the Computer games that use the keyboard). I set in JoyToKey a forced order of the arcade sticks and 360s, and I have the default.cfg mame file as read only, and set there already which joystick and arcadestick I want to control with what. So basically, I managed to get a fixed joystick order without 3rd party apps. I do not go unhooking the devices, so would not know if plugging/unplugging them mid-play would affect their order (should not).
  19. Lust, check this out https://github.com/briankendall/devreorder/
  20. Vector Magic saved me a lot of times. If you have an hq source, and like seaview said you are able to modify its values so the logo or relevant section gets differenciated from the rest, it will save you some good amount of time. Only downside as you might know is that it gets tricky using it when working with gradient images/photos.
  21. THANK YOU Monkus! Updated to Win10 some time ago and this was driving me crazy (I still have my 360s for the FE miniPC). Disabling the game bar did not do anything for me, so it seems that the 360s are not fully compatible with the 2018 driver. In case somebody is facing this and they do not have more drivers to choose from in their machine, you need to go to the Xbox 360 Controller for Windows download page, and get the Win7 exe file (if you don't want to run the installer and stuff, easy way is to just open the exe with WinRAR, extract the Win7 folder from there and point the driver update to that folder).
  22. Lust, you are awesome. Period If you are creating/modifying the flyers/ads, you could release the 2D covers as well afterwards.
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