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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. right click the playlist and edit. Then under "Sort Games By" option choose >Title
  2. Just checked and game runs fine. That c68.bin file is located in the namcoc68.zip which is included in a full mame romset. Are your roms from a full set or did you just pick and choose roms from a site? Not sure where you could find just that file.
  3. If you use the pin code option to lock BigBox it does not allow adding a game to a playlist from the game details menu.
  4. Currently there is not setting for something like that.
  5. What does the script look like you are using and what tab are you putting it in (Running AHK or Exit AHK)?
  6. Try putting the below command in the "Default Command Line Parameters" field in the detail tabs when you edit the emulator in LB. -fullscreen
  7. OK. I changed to the same resolution and had no issue returning from Pause. Uncheck the box for "Forceful Pause...". I noticed that one would give me intermittent pauses issues. Hopefully it will work for you as well.
  8. Working fine here. Are you pointing to the emulator.exe or the emulator_multicpu.exe? Also in the Pause Screen tab when you edit the emulator in LaunchBox what boxes do you have ticked?
  9. There is not method right now built in to do it in bulk. You can try what is mentioned in the thread below.
  10. You should be able to compile the script and add it as an additional app to the game. Select the option to have it run before the main application. To do this right click and edit a game and click on the additional apps tab.
  11. Can not say I have ever had that happen. Just tested updating metadata/medua for a handful of games and some of them I changed to random emulators before I did to see if it changed. Mame is set as my default for Arcade so changed several games to Retroach and a couple to FBA and ran media updater. All games stayed what I changed them too and of course the ones listed as Mame stayed as well. This might be something you want to start a thread and troubleshoot.
  12. Locking the thread. Nothing really constructive has come of it.
  13. LOL. Man I did not even think about the dang check boxes. Glad it is sorted though.
  14. Mame high score has already been added to badges to show games that support high scores. So now just we just need Retro Achievements.
  15. BB is not working because you have the wrong item mapped. It is not Exit that should be mapped. If you scroll down further you will find an item labeled "Close the Active Window" map that to you Button 7 and 8 combo.
  16. Try it without it running as admin. Also go into BB and confirm you have you controller automation mapped. LB and BB have separate settings so you need to be sure both are mapped.
  17. Automation is actually a paid feature regardless of LB or BB. I do not think it is offered in the free version. So you need to set up your controller automation in LB and then set it up in BB. Something else must be going on. PCSX2 actually does not even need that AHK to close. It is in there because without it when you close using automation you get a brief glimpse of the PCSX2 emulator shutting down (hence the note Jason put in with the default). Add it back in and it closes cleanly (although that code is a bit outdated TBH). Any chance you are running PCSX2 as admin?
  18. It is allowed. You could either post here or PM it to those you want to test. Send me a PM I would not mind testing for you.
  19. If memory serves me TopBoxes will give you box views for Favorites and BottomBoxes gives box view for Recently Played. The last one should add a transition effect for videos/images.
  20. Can you look on your Mame emulator folder and see if the Mame.ini is located in the root folder where the Mame exe is? If it is not and is located in the Ini folder move it to the main folder and test.
  21. The Pause binding of the keyboard is kept in the settings.xaml. Removing the InputBinding was only to maybe clear anything in those might have caused an issue. It was weird that for a few that worked but I was not confident it would again. I know you said you are using only Mame, but you are not by chance running Mame through RocketLauncher are you?
  22. It should not matter if Mame is set to "P". I Just checked and that is how mine is set and it works fine. Try going into the \Launchbox\Data folder and remove the InputBinding.xml (do not delete it, jut move it out of that folder for now). Do this with LB closed. Then when you restart LB it will generate a new xaml and you will have to reconfigure the controls. There are a few older threads with similar issues and this seemed to fix the issue. Not for all but some. So worth a try. Also set Mame pause back to "P" and test that way to confirm.
  23. The three options in that bulk media download feature have been there since it was added. Well at least for the past 3 years I have used the program.
  24. Hard to know. We typically do not offer support on prebuilt downloads as we do not know how that person set things ups and typically the user does not either so it makes it hard to troubleshoot. LB does not have a marquee screen setting like BB does so it is not a setting. Colpipes usually uses RocketLauncher with those emulators so fades could be the issue. Is the emulator set as RocketLauncher for those games? Best advice is to join his discord to troubleshoot.
  25. They should be unchecked. The games still play if directly launched in Retroarch correct? Have your tried to revert to the last version you used and see if it works again?
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