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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Oh Yeah I have those. I was talking about the individual dated ones like in my pic. Which I was I thought he was referencing.
  2. I would not overwrite an existing corrupted document. The best path is remove (do not delete it yet) the corrupted file from the \Launchbox\Data folder. Then copy one of the dated files and paste it into the \Launchbox\Data folder and rename it Listcache.xaml and test. Zipped file? Are you manually backing up your data and saving in a zipped file? The list cache backups should appear as an xml file in the \Launchbox\Backups folder. Like the image below.
  3. Have you opened that xml to see if you see anything suspect? Having a corrupt xml could cause update issues. Check the end of the document if you see messed up text that would be the issue. It should end like the image below. You say going into the backups does nothing. How are you using the backup file?
  4. I doubt it would have been on the plan to fix in the future, this is likely the first ever post about someone using LaunchBox and that desktop environment. Does LB work fine on your system if you use it in a standard Windows environment? What is the issue report popup saying?
  5. You can just delete all those games. LaunchBox will not delete any media or data you downloaded for the games. When you get your new updated romset and run the importer again it will attach any media you already have. Speaking of just working that is what the full importer does. It uses Mame's data to only import "working" roms. As long as it is a good rom set, once you have it working in Mame (meaning you downloaded mame and mapped your rom path to it) and then imported games into LB, the only thing you may need to do is change button mapping to suit your likes.
  6. That's not correct. KI1 runs fine in current sets. Part of the reason Mame is always changing is better dumps of arcade rom data occurs and Mame keeps up by evolving the software to run roms better. Have not had any issues on any of my machines with more modern Mame sets running Killer Instinct 1.
  7. Welcome to the forum. As far as the Naomi question goes I am not 100% confident in this answer as it has been quite a while since I used RA for Naomi, but I think when you launch a game you can go into the RA options and there is a setting to allow “Naomi Service Buttons” that needs to be on and them L3 + R3 gets you to the service menu. For the mame thing it sounds like you used the full rom set importer in Launchbox. If so that is why you see all those other games. It is designed to import all working roms from Mame and is based off of the most current Mame. If you do not have a full rom set you will see a ton of games you do not have. Also if you use and out of date rom set and Mame version you may see games that do not work in your setup that do in current Mame versions.
  8. For the license this would depend on if you bought the year or lifetime. If you bought the year you are only entitled to use the versions you download while the license was active. It does not entitle you to all versions released in that year, only the ones you actually downloaded during that time. If you bought lifetime, well none of that matters as you can use any updates since you bought the license.
  9. Do you know if you pc is running MSI Afterburner/Riva Tuner?
  10. Ah, miss read that for some reason. Not sure why this is so. That Image Group affects the image on the game details. So it is odd that it is not working right. Can you test other themes to see if the same thing happens.
  11. Still is not helpful. What version Windows are on? What version Launchbox? Did it work before? Does it give you an error or just close out? Have you recently updated Launchbox? Something had to change either on your pc or in your Launchbox setup because a program does not "just stop working".
  12. For those platforms if you go into Launchbox and at the top right menu under "Image Group" do you have "clear logos" selected? You will need to click on each platform and check that view option as they can be set per platform.
  13. You should not need to use custom configs now that RA allows "Per Content Directory" override. With that you can apply settings to a unique folder and any game launched from that folder uses those settings. Gets rid of the hassle of custom configs.
  14. Those should be from Phil's Doodles.
  15. What about the question of what happens if you disconnect the regular keyboard? Can you get the Xtension to map since now the game only sees the one keyboard?
  16. The way it was coded may be the way it was intended to happen. Unfortunately "Scrape As" only relates to metadata and is not linked to the "Associated Platform" name you listed in the emulator settings. The issue when you rename a platform and why it stops working is in the emulator that runs those games, under the Associated Platforms tab, you have told it to look for the original name you gave the platform. If you change the platform name you have to also update your emulators. What would likely be needed is a prompt addressing if you change the platform name be sure to update the Associated Platforms listing for emulators launching games for this platform. Having it done automatically would probably require quite a bit of code to have it search and then change the Associated Platforms listing for any and all emulators.
  17. @Jason Carr It was just giving an error it was unable to log in. I will keep tinkering on this machine and on another to see if I can get the issue again.
  18. @Jason Carr I am having EmuMovies connection issues with the only cabinet in the house on the latest beta. The other machines are either on stable or beta 7 and are able to connect just fine. EDIT: Scratch that Jason. I reverted this machine to prior beta and Emu worked. Reinstalled latest beta and it works. I doubt it is LB related. Probably something stupid on this machine.
  19. Interesting to know it sees it as a separate keyboard. I do not have an Xtension so no experience there. If you disconnect your actual keyboard will it map correctly? The Emulator addition is trimode so you can switch between keyboard, dinput, and xinput. I know it is not the best solution, but until you can figure something out you may need to run those games switching to Xinput mode.
  20. Which specific Xtension controller do you have? Odd the keyboard works not the Xtension. It replicates a keyboard.
  21. Works fine for me. Here are the settings I have.
  22. It should be. It is a common issue with MameUI and LB. LB is looking for the mame.ini to be in the main mame folder which is where the regular mame would put it. Try moving your ini to the main Mame folder where the mame exe is.
  23. Are you using MameUI by chance? If so make sure the Mame.ini file is located inside the main folder where the Mame exe is. It may be located in the ini folder.
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