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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Close LaunchBox and delete that platform xml from the \Launchbox\Data folder. Then also go into the \Launchbox\Backups folder and delete any file reference to that platform. Normally backups have no affect but I did see a similar post to this a few days back and that is what helped the user. So give it a try.
  2. Its probably the typo in your command line. Switch back to the emulator exe and as Headrush mentioned you need to remove the space between your resolution #’s. Should just be -res=1280,1024 If you set it in the display settings in the UI you don’t need that resolution command line.
  3. Looks like one of the panes has been stretched out of proportion. Close LaunchBox and go into the \Launchbox\Data folder and remove (do not delete it just move it somewhere else) the Settings.xaml. LB will generate a new one when you relaunch. See if that has any affect on it.
  4. @spidercenk Unfortunately that means the license you have is either pirated or has been shared and is tagged as such. Where did you originally purchase the license from?
  5. You can set an exit hook in BigBox directly. Go into BigBox settings. Under controller mapping scroll down until you see Close Active Window. That is for closing out of a game.
  6. The titles that don’t work do they work if you launch them directly in NullDC (not using Launchbox). If not, then its not a LaunchBox issues. Its either a bad rom, an off setting in the emulator, a combo of both or something else not related to LaunchBox.
  7. It is used to audit your media basically. It will show you your games and some of the more common media types like 3D Box, Box Front, Music, Videos, Manuals, etc. and let you know how many you have of each so you can easily see if things are missing in a way. Just click on a platform then go to >Tools>Audit this Platform and it will run then it pops up a view like Excel. You can highlight all or some and copy paste into Excel. Have you synced your collection to the database from within LaunchBox?
  8. One way is to audit each platform as it kicks out a grid that you can then copied to Excel. Caveat though is it has to be run per platform. This can make it easy to then just copy and paste each into a unique tab in Excel. Not the most streamlined, but a few point and clicks.
  9. The only changes from 10.10 to 10.11 that would affect controllers is Jason added dinput support for Steering wheel controller issues. If you have a tankstick and having issues it would be helpful to troubleshoot. Otherwise if there is something in the new version affecting it we would not know what needs to be done. I use a tankstick on several cabinets and have no issues. Since a tankstick replicates key strokes the dinput update should not have affected it. Is your tankstick using the newer tri-mode encoder that Xarcade added to their build?
  10. Got it. For some reason I had a plugin.ini in the root folder and in the ini folder. Removed one and all is good.
  11. @Jason Carr Anything we can do after disabling cheats for hi scores, but the log still shows cheats might be enabled? Tested a few games and scores not loading. Cheats are disabled as they no longer show in Mame.
  12. Check >Tolls>Options then under Game Controller yu will see Mapping.
  13. Any chance you have Rewind in Retroarch mapped to the same button/button combo you set in LaunchBox as the exit command?
  14. Did they work in a prior version? Just asking as you mentioned not playing in the most current version. What folder are you placing your music files in?
  15. I was agreeing with you saying since you had issues in RA you tried Project64 and it worked. However, you misquoted what I said about the roms not working. I think you misread what I stated. I did not say they "won't work at all" as in not even in another emulator. I said if they will not work in RA than they are likely not going to. As in not going to work in RA. So I proceeded to say try a standalone emulator because of that.
  16. Do you have any of the "Hide Games Missing..." items check in Launchbox?
  17. Not a lot needed to get N64 working with RA. Just a good set of roms and the right core downloaded. If your roms will not work in RA than they are likely not going to unless you find new roms. So try a standalone emulator.
  18. Is it looking something like this? If so go to \Launchbox\Data\ and remove the Settings.xml and see if it fixed. I would not delete it yet, just move it out.
  19. My apologies. I know you said SNES and Genesis works fine. I meant to specifically ask about N64. So thanks for adding that. So with N64 even if you try to run the game directly in Retroarch it does not play? What core are you using?
  20. You can use the roms from those type of packs. But telling us simply that you are using PiPiggies does not let us know how you set it up in LB, what emulator you are trying to use with it, as well as if the roms for those systems run directly in the emulator you are using. Let's start with SNES. 1. What emulator are you using? 2. When you run the game directly in that emulator do they work?
  21. Not really helpful since PiPiggies pack basically has its own frontend has nothing to do with LB so we would not know how the games are set-up and with what emulator. It will not just work with LB. LB is a front end and you need to set up your roms to run in your emulator of choice and then once you confirm your roms run properly in that emulator you import your roms in LB and set-up the emulator in LB.
  22. That's hard to really tell. Best I can recommend is picking 1 platform you are having issues with and let us know exactly what does or does not happen when you try to run a game. What is most important is letting us know if the game works directly in the emulator without trying to run it through Launchbox.
  23. My advice (Much like @neil9000 gave you) if you are going to use that build is to get rid of RocketLauncher and use the roms from that set to start setting up your own emulators of choice to use with LB/BB. Not that RL is a bad thing it is just one extra layer that is not really needed and makes troubleshooting a bit of a chore. It has some good benefits especially for hard things to emulate like some Arcade systems (Sega Ring Wide/Edge for example). But even those can be run without RL in BigBox. We can then easily provide any help setting up for example just your arcade roms with Mame or your consoles with Retroarch a lot easier.
  24. Looks like you are using RocketLauncher. This could be the underlying issue. There could be something setup wrong in RL. Can you try running your arcade games without RocketLauncher using just Mame and BigBox? Also did you set this all up or is this one of those pre-made builds that was downloaded?
  25. That is not normal behavior. I tested this on several machines and could not replicate. It could possibly be a theme issue. What theme are you using? Also what version LaunchBox/BigBox are you on? I would recommend trying other theme's if you have not already and see if it occurs are well.
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