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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Yes. Either should be able to run. But as Neil and Dos said I would also recommend using the multicpu exe. In my images I changed it to the standard one just to test your settings and make sure it ran.
  2. Could you try something. In the edit emulator screen you emulator path is showing a relative path. Can you edit the emulator path and reselect so it shows the full file path and then test again running a game?
  3. No there is not one needed. It is a pretty straight forward set-up. Do you game run directly in the emulator? That would not really be the issue, but just want to make sure. Here is my set-up and runs with no issue. Nothing additional added. Just made sure the emulator directory path was set. Set-up the emulator in LB and set the Associated Platform.
  4. If the folder in your image is correct you need to remove the ";" symbol in front of "Dir1".
  5. Are you roms stored in the roms folder where the emulator is stored or elsewhere? If stored elsewhere you need to add that folder path to the EMULATOR.ini file.
  6. Yeah, this is why I avoid downloading those random arcade rom sets and prefer using the roms from a Mame set if they are there. You never know how old/good the roms are. So I would recommend getting the latest or at least a newer Mame set. I know archive.org has some more recent versions. Download a newer set, use the batch file I posted and have it copy into a new folder the NeoGeo files. Move the folder wherever you want and set up Mame (try Mame over Retroarch first). You will need to open Mame and direct it to that folder. You should see an option in the Mame UI to set directories (You can do this by editing the Mame.ini, but honestly it is super easy to just point and click in the UI). Once done save the settings and test a game. Once you tested a bunch of games and they work, then import into Launchbox.
  7. Its actually not a theme thing. This is built into the BigBox UI to display marquee images. Theme developers do not need to create a view for platform or game marquees. So a theme should not affect the ability to display the marquee, but anything is possible. If you are not seeing images and you have them in the folder I mentioned and named correctly try refreshing your image cache. As well as, if you are not using the default theme, switch to the default, refresh the cache and if the images show then switch back to the theme you were using and see if it works. I have something similar happen at times with clear logos and do these steps to get it working again. What theme are you using?
  8. In LB under >Tools>Options in the Updates section make sure you have betas selected. The beta has already been released.
  9. So you are renaming the folder that Mame creates after it takes a screenshot? Launchbox is pointed to a folder of that name located inside the main LaunchBox folder structure. Also the image file name needs to be named after the game as it shows in Launchbox or like the rom is named. \LaunchBox\Images\Arcade\Screenshot - Gameplay
  10. Can you play the games directly in Retroach (without using Launchbox)? If the answer is yes, then in Launchbox go to >Tools>Manage emulators and edit Retroarch. In the Associated Platforms tab make sure you have Arcade listed, the core you are using in Retroarch is selected and in the last box it does not show "Missing Core". If the answer is no, then you need to figure out why they do not play in Retroarch. Which could be several reasons. 1. You did not download a core. 2. It could be bad roms. 3. Missing bios files. 4. A combination of any of those. 5. Some other issue.
  11. Is this with a specific emulator or with all of them?
  12. It pulls from The folders below and each image needs to be named exactly as the platform is named in your setup \Launchbox\Images\Platforms\[Platform Name]\Banner folder.
  13. Open Mame and set that same button combo inside Mame for its internal exit. Mame is weird like that and it is one of the ones you also need to set inside the emulator. Set it in the field for "UI Cancel"
  14. You should define a hold key and an action key like in the code below. If you hold Joy 7 and press Joy8 the command runs. I would also recommend not using the Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} command. It is a hard close. Joy7:: If GetKeyState("Joy8") { SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} } Return
  15. Yes, that's what the new badge system shows. You can also change the image .png to ones more to your liking. \Launchbox\Images\Badges
  16. Did you copy the theme folder that was located in \Launchbox\Themes after it was published or the one that is located within the \My Theme Projects folder of the Theme Creator.
  17. They are shareable. Did you publish the theme after your were done? If not you go to the Theme Creator menu and choose "Publish".
  18. I have the platform imported as SNK Neo Geo MVS and my roms are pulled from a Mame set and I use Mame to run the games. I did just test them with Retroarch (directly inside RA) and that game runs on FBNeo, FBAlpha, and Mame cores. So I added FBNeo core to my RA set-up and tested launching the game from LB and it worked with no issue.
  19. That is odd. Your settings look all correct. If the roms are all good and run within RA from the same core that you are using in LB then all game should work. You are sure that when you run the games directly in RA the core you chose that the games worked in is the same core you have set in RA? Just wanting to confirm.
  20. In your manage emulators screen uncheck the box for "Don't Use Quotes"
  21. Any chance you are running MSI AfterBurner/Riva Tuner? If you are add an exception for LaunchBox in it. Also check and make sure antivirus is not excluding it if you are running one.
  22. How did you add CPS1 to your Launchbox? Is it a platform or a playlist. If it is a playlist the video will be located in \Launchbox\Playlists folder. Also please do not post the video here. Certain videos are available only from the Launchbox UI. If it is one available from the UI, but the creator also posted it on the forum then just link to the creators downloads thread. Which specific one are you trying to download as there are about 12 or 13 in total available?
  23. Cool. Glad it helped you as well as it did me.
  24. For in game all controls are configured in the emulator. What you map in BigBox is only for moving around in BigBox UI.
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