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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Beside the drive letter, Is the name of the rom file the same with only .7z and .iso differing?
  2. Very true. But considering how few working chd games there are I rarely update them unless the change log shows those games got updated. I havent downloaded a new chd in quite a long while.
  3. Yeah this may only work with the few chd only games. So you may be out of luck.
  4. Ahh. I missed that part. You could probably make a second Mame emulator that is used to launch only chd games. Then check the unzip option in it. And my post did directly say you could change where Mane looks for the chd.
  5. Mame chd files need to be extracted and in a folder named after the rom. That folder then needs to be located in the folder where the mame zipped roms are. That is where it will look by default. Unless you tell mame where to look directly by changing the file mapping.
  6. Maybe give this a try. ESC:: { SetTitleMatchMode, 2 WinWaitActive, Cemu Send !{f4} }
  7. Correct. I do not think Y2Guru has added any coding for that in his program. It is a great program and does have it's limits in its current form. However, he is constantly working on it so it is only going to get better and better. You could always use his program and then edit the xaml to add that piece in. But if you are working in VS or just coding in Notepad++ that should work for what you need. Although it does not work on all font styles.
  8. Have you tried using a Typography.Capitals command? Not sure if it will work with the font you are using, but worth a test. It may not work with all font types. In the text block try adding Typography.Capitals="Normal" or Typography.Capitals="AllSmallCaps"
  9. @Colorman3605 and @Pixel you know you two are posting in a thread that is no longer relevant.
  10. To set by core just load a game with the core you are using. Hit F1 to go into the Quick Menu. If you have the iPac set to mimic game controller inputs right there in the quick menu scroll to controls and map your buttons. Then go back a page and scroll down to overrides and then either choose Save Core Override (which applies to anytime that core is used) or Save Content Directory Overrides (which will apply those controls to any game launched from the directory. If you have the iPac in multi-mode to mimic keyborad inputs, instead of scrolling down in the Quick Menu to controls, you need to back out one level to the main menu then go to the Gear Icon and choose Input Player 1 and Input Player 2. Set your inputs there than back out and save as before. I do not use an iPac but have an encoder from Xgaming that has similar features.
  11. You can just add each of the .exe files or a shortcut like you would do for a windows game. Create a platform called OpenBor or whatever you want and add the files.
  12. Some things just do not always get put in right from the start. It is only a 2 man team and prioritizing does need to be done. I am quite positive if Jason felt it was a priority he would have added it in. Just like you say it is not uber difficult to add, well neither is making a plugin for it until Jason decides if he is going to add more options. We have the icons right now, its a step forward. Jason has been very well known for adding a new feature, letting it test out and then adding to it based on feedback.
  13. Yes. $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
  14. This has been touched on in prior posts. No there is no dark view currently there as that view is limited to one view type so it cannot have a white and dark option in one theme. Viking did mentions plans to have just a white theme and a dark to fix this.
  15. Jason mentions this in his post.
  16. Those look good. I would definitely say this would get a lot of love here.
  17. Agreed, but I would probably say edit the title to read Marquee creator. Theme creator led me to think something else. Some sample images would probably yield more responses.
  18. You can move it where you want and name it what you want. Its just a backup file only there when you need it. All the matters is if you ever use it to restore it has to be named exactly as the platform xml file is named. Also make sure in the \Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder you never store backup xml files there. Especially if you name it after the platform, such as Arcade_Backup.xml. That will cause Launchbox to try and read both files. Backups should not be store the data folder if the file name contains the platform's name.
  19. You can only use one and can only have one named after the platform in the folder. You just place the one you want in the \Launchbox\Videos\Platforms folder and name it exactly as the platform is named in your Launchbox setup. If you download it from the wizard it Launchbox it will do all that for you.
  20. Not really sure I understand. "Remove a backup restore archive"? Are you talking about removing one of the backup files from the \Launchbox\Backups folder?
  21. Are they actually missing from the folders or is it a case LB is just not showing them?
  22. You may not be able to unless you do some config editing. At least according to what I have seen posted. You can try Mame.
  23. Yes. It is recommended to scrape any arcade system games as “Arcade”.
  24. No. The startup screen that will show before you launch a game. Like these.
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