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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. If you follow my steps in this post exactly it works. The user there also confirms he was able to remove the rounded corners.
  2. 1. See linked thread below. 2. If you were informed it was incomplete than you did not actually have a true full mame rom set (see #1). Read this guide.
  3. LB most certainly can send the command line to Mame to tell Mame to "run" Pac-Man. LB "recognizes" Pac-Man just fine with the correct region prioritized. Here it is imported along with all other clones/versions using North America as my region. The images below are a fresh full mame reimport just for this post.
  4. Keep in mind the appended numbering is not an order preference. It simply allows LB to use multiple images. So sometimes when you open LB it will switch to a different image. If you had "Yars Revenge-01" and "Yars Revenge-02" LB will randomly select one to use. The other files in the image you posted LB will not attach to the game as the file name has all that "junk" data following the game name. So you are safe with LB not randomly selecting them.
  5. The end goal is to make sure our users are sorted. If you have any issues getting it to work just post back here and let us know.
  6. Its the one I linked in my second post. Edit: Looks like Faeren posted it as well.
  7. You are explaining it well. This already exists. The one specific theme I linked does what you want. Just download it. Put your videos in the \Videos folder for that Startup theme. Here it is in action. I even used one of your videos. Startup.mp4
  8. That is what I figured you were asking and my point still stands that this is already possible. I made one for myself that plays the console boot up video or if a platform does not have one plays a platform specific video. If you looked through the link I first sent you would have seen someone even posted a theme they made to play startup platform videos. You can just swap your videos for the ones provided.
  9. This plugin is 6 years old. It likely is not updated to work with current versions of LB.
  10. Unless I am really misunderstanding what you are asking this has been possible for several years now. We have a bunch of themes that can show a splashscreen as the game is loading showing a range of items like videos, game details, and even controller layouts. https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/category/31-startup-themes/
  11. A lot of those are custom platforms as the Game DB does not break out the different arcade boards (most will show up with the "Arcade" logo). Looking in the free version though I do see logos for some of the ones you mention. Giving free users full functionality for a feature would defeat the purpose of enticing a user to buy a license to support the hard work of the devs and help future development.
  12. For Neo Geo just confirming you are using Retroach? If you are the issue usually when using Retroarch as the option the unzip/decompress the rom file is checked in the LB settings for Retroarch >Tools >Manage >Emulators edit Retroarch and look on the bottom right of the detail page.
  13. Retro808

    Error xXXXX

    @wylie This means the license you have in your \Launchbox folder is known to be a shared/pirated license. Remove that bad license and you can continue to enjoy the free version of LB. If you wish to use the premium features please support our dev and purchase a legitimate license directly from our site. If you feel this is an error feel free to email support@unbrokensoftware.com and explain the situation.
  14. LB or BB? LB itself does not show marquee images or videos. That is only a BB thing. There are a couple things at play here. The BB Default theme has coding that prioritizes video marquee first, then game image marquee, then game background and logo as a marquee image. So BB does this already. Nothing really to do other than make sure you have your main monitor and marquee monitor listed in your BB settings. This however, can be altered if you are using a custom theme that might have a specific GameMarqueeView.xaml coded for it. If it does you can go to the Marquee Screen setting in BB and turn on the option to override theme marquee views.
  15. Devs do read. To be honest though I would recommend you not use any symbol type characters in folder names. Windows does have "illegal" characters that should never be used in file and folder names, but even the "&" symbol can create problems. As you already found out that symbol is now causing an issue and just because it did worked before does not mean down the line it will not cause an issue again or an issue with another program. So for the sake of future proofing I would recommend changing it now and correct the to rom path for your games in LB if they need it.
  16. Copy the Default theme folder and rename the new copy. Then you can edit that new theme and would need to change the theme's code to get rid of the rounded corners. You need to do this as the Default theme's code can never be directly edited. > Copy the Default theme folder and then Rename that folder anything you want. >Open the new theme's folder and go to the \Views folder >Right click and edit the BoxesContentView.xaml file. >Line 232 change CornerRadius="10" to read CornerRadius="0"
  17. @Thunderbird1400 Did you try removing the & symbol from you original LB folder install name. Faeran's original response to your post advised a symbol in the install folder path could cause this issue. y:\Emulatoren & Roms\Launchbox\
  18. Top right of the LB Window look for the 3 vertical lines with dots (It is to the left where it shows free version or your license name and the notification bell). That's the music player. I do not recall a setting to remove this from the Box content. This might be something that has to be coded out of the view. Not at home to take a look to confirm right now.
  19. Nothing was removed. "Favs" is definitely not a LB default playlist. You might want to edit those playlists and take a look at them. You may have accidentally altered something. There is a different though in the "Favorites" playlist and the "⭐️ Favorites". The "Favorites" is a manually populated you can add to when you right click and "add to playlist" a game. The one with the "⭐️ Favorites" is an auto-populated playlist generated by reading the metadata for games you marked with the "favorite" icon. You cannot right click and add to an auto-populated playlist. It has always been that way.
  20. Did you download the game rom? LB does not provide them. We will also not link you to sites that share roms. Google Emuline.
  21. Open Mame directly and confirm your bindings do not have P1 Start and P2 Start set to the same button. You may also want to launch a game and go to the Mame settings for that game to confirm you do not have a game specific binding with P1 and P2 Start bound to the same button.
  22. Bulk select, right click, >Open Bulk Edit Wizard, select "Favorite" in field, and tick the box. This is how it has always been. There never was a right click "Favorite". You either had to follow the steps above or you could also right click and Add to Playlist, then select Favorites playlist.
  23. The edit button right at the end of the cell the data is in? You have to be logged in as user on the LB Game DB site.
  24. Technically not the correct place as comments here should be based on testing of releases. A theme subthread would have been better. To answer you question though you would need to copy the Default theme folder and rename the new copy. Then you can edit that new theme and would need to change the theme's code to get rid of the rounded corners. The Default theme's code can never be directly edited. I believe you want to look for BoxesContentView edit that. Then look for line 232 and change CornerRadius to 0.
  25. I am going to recommend you be patient.....very, very patient. It a gift when people we do not directly know are willing to take their free time to help so be respectful of that and be patient. I am sure you are excited and want to see images, but please head this warning. Frequent posts asking where the redone images are will be deleted and if you continue past that I will ban you.
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