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Everything posted by JamesBond@ge

  1. How is that boat of yours Cleverest? Has it docked at Donut Plains yet to unload those Roms?
  2. Haha, it's good news all round then!
  3. Ahh man, that eXoDOS is a legend. I am glad he is here supporting LaunchBox with this project. I've read through the whole of this thread and I admire his patience when dealing user's queries, even when one particular user seems to be asking the same questions over and over again. The best of health to you eXo.
  4. Small world . Your username caught my eye when I was raiding the DOS Detroit entry for media
  5. Naughty Zombie Beaver teasing us like that! I that is a Commodore logo possibly. Or some advert for a gay parade. I hope it's the former personally. Nothing against a gay march, but I can't play one of them in BigBox ;-)
  6. This is totally off-topic but did you edit an entry for the MS-DOS version of "Detroit" on the Giant Bomb website? I saw you there I think.
  7. Thanks mate. I've plugged a gap with these banners. I had a fair few platforms where I just had a cropped image of the console as a banner. NEC PC-FX is one example. I didn't see your original post, so yeah, thanks!
  8. Just seen this. Styphelus is a lovely boy, the best.
  9. Yeah, I created every single video in both of those playlists. I'm quite proud of them. They took me about 3 weeks fitting it in around work. Afterwards, I never wanted to see or play a MUGEN or OpenBOR game again heh. Do you know how to download video's from YouTube? You surely must do being a RocketLauncher user! ;-)
  10. OpenBOR is another such engine that is mainly side scrolling brawlers like Final Fight etc. This is a playlist of 42 MUGEN video clips that I uploaded to YouTube. The "Bastard!!" game you mentioned is in there too. I've actually created 140 in total so I must upload the rest soon. I've also uploaded about 370 OpenBOR clips if you ever get onto them. They took me weeks to complete. Emumovies is a bit patchy for MUGEN and OpenBOR videos. MUGEN Playlist: OpenBOR Playlist:
  11. Great site Zombie Beaver! I like that GIF animation of Chasm (which has caught my eye) because I've never been aware of the game before. It looks similar to Blood (which I only became aware of a few months ago). Great stuff. Will get on these when I'm back working in the MS-DOS section of my collection.
  12. The juvenile that hides within me couldn't resist recording this video of Julie Big Booty. It's two minutes of your life you'll never get back, but I found it amusing.
  13. Nice one. Cheers pal. Someone uploaded another alternative box cover for it and I was like "wtf, has someone slipped Magic Mushrooms in my tea".
  14. https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/21074 I'm moderating entries and no idea about this. Three games using the same engine but different assets for different regions? What to do? I'm so blue and it's all for the love of you. (While I'm here, please hurry up and accept my Gems Of War entry for Windows. It's a lovely game and I love it ;-) )
  15. Hahaha, I got shaken AND stirred elsewhere on this forum not too long ago ;-)
  16. Harry are you oke, are you oke, are you oke Harry ;-)
  17. For some reason, video's have never shown in fullscreen for me.
  18. Weblinks under the game details page. These could be added under the "edit game" option and open out in a little box (in BigBox) like the Additional Apps do. The user could manually add links to Wikipedia, Wiki pages or online guides etc. This would be great as it would save me compiling PDF's to import under Additional Apps. Chrome Browser opens quite nicely over the top of BigBox as well, and I have Automatic Controller Profiles with Xpadder to control Chrome with my controller. I would love this option.
  19. The cure for Cancer analogy is trite and base, and a world away from what this forum is about. Why even use it? You'll be calling me a "Nazi" next https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law. I'm heated about the poll being ended in a little over two days, not the program, so let's get that right please. You speak like the poll doesn't even matter, and yet there was a big build up to it through the Live Stream and emails being sent with lines like "let's get as many votes as we can, everyone in the community matters" and then boom, a little over two days and the poll is closed. The poll hasn't even been let to run over the weekend which is surely prime time where a bundle of away workers like myself might vote. Look, I know my voice of dissent is going against the Status Quo and I apologise for the rippling the ch'i of the Forum but if you can't see my (and possibly others) point of view, then you obviously didn't blink like I did when the poll email came around. I'll quieten down now and unsubscribe from this thread so no need to troll me any further.....I won't read or respond.....but honestly, I don't understand the logic sometimes. To me, the poll was a BIG event and I guess I'm still stung over what happened over the summer......
  20. Fine. Stuff it then. Thanks for the "blah blah blah" from LaunchBox's unofficial spokesperson. All of it is scant consolation though. (I don't mean to be so rude to you but you are doing the busybody / schmoozing thing which is really not helping. A lot of what you're saying is guesswork.)
  21. So that post was made 22 hours ago. That subtracts one more day from the three days I originally mentioned. Two days to vote in the poll? What are we all? Chained to our computers or something. I do feel like shouting and swearing at the moment but I'm going to refrain.
  22. So I received the email with the poll link on Tuesday 20th at 6pm. I thought I would get the working week out of the way and then sit down on Friday after work and have a read of the poll. Perhaps others have the same kind of routine. The poll is now closed. Excuse my frustration but why has the damned poll been closed after roughly 3 days?
  23. I like this method you have going on here. Is it possible to use this method of yours with shortcuts (.lnk) Windows Games or whatever or (.url) for Steam games. I have lots of screenshots of Xpadder control layouts for my Windows / Steam / MS-DOS games because they are the platforms where the controls aren't standardized and I've made them up as I go along lol. So yeah, using your method to throw up one of my Xpadder screenshots before launching a Windows etc game would be great. (I'm not sure if it's possible though because Shortcuts are a different animal to emulators)
  24. Ok right. So if you run into a sticky patch with a game, you just re-install over it? So most of your games on the separate partition run ok afterwards? You know, I might have to do this the next time I ever re-install Windows. I can't put myself through all that again lol.
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