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Everything posted by JamesBond@ge

  1. I can tell roughly how much an RA core is taxing my CPU by using RetroArch's Fast Forward feature. I get a stable 60fps with Mesen but only about 80fps when I use Fast Forward. I get about the same with Beetle / Mednafen PSX core so it's probably on par with that. That is my 'non-technical' benchmark anyway lol (i5-2500k stock 3.3ghz). Anyway, yeah Mesen! I stumbled across this by accident a few months ago when RetroArch updated to 1.73. For some reason, the Nestopia core audio was becoming garbled even with Latency off, so I switched to Mesen, purely because I liked the name lol. Tis' a great emulator. No glitches or anything. Today, I imported the Famicom Disk System and to my surprise, there is a "core option" to automatically switch disks and you can bind some disk controls to your pad as well. Love it.
  2. "Numbers mean little to you" Yet your first post in this thread was about how LaunchBox should tell you the number of ALL possible systems available and 'perhaps' how many games available for each system.....blah blah. Yeah. You tried that once with your stoopid PDF, and failed at Big Fish. I guess your shoehorning of the word "conceptualisation" in your post is to fool us into thinking you're smart. Too many Flash Games will rot your brain, bro.
  3. It may be the 'route' that data travels to get to you. It could have been congested where you are (so to speak) or the LaunchBox server was under a load. That is what I think happened to me that made me start this thread. Man I was whining lol. 4-5 hours to import 140 Neo Geo games argh. It's not really happened to me before like that and I've done tons of imports, so maybe it's a one off. Just curious DeeGor, if you import another system, see how long it takes and let us know in this thread. Just curious to know. Anyway, welcome to LaunchBox :-)
  4. You never did say how many games are in your collection Dan? Just nitpicking LaunchBox again as usual.
  5. 22000 games. I expect that to rise to about 23000 because I'm importing an assload of Wii and PS2 games. 90 systems but I'm thinking of getting rid of Bally Astrocade, Magnavox Oddyssey 2, Tigergame.com, Wateroo Supervision, Casio PV-1000 and Epoch Cassette Vision because I think they are useless systems and they start to piss me off whenever I see them in my platforms list lol.
  6. How did you get on with your MAME import? I imported 140 Wii games today, with all the media boxes checked (including videos) and it took 35 minutes which seems about right to me. It wasn't get stuck on certain files like it did two weeks ago when I posted this thread, so I dunno what might be happening to yours. My MAME import was a long time, but I vaguely remember it taking about 4-6 hours with all the boxes checked.
  7. This is what Neil said that you can do in Dolphin. Dolphin allows you to assign "Hotkeys" to a button on your controller.
  8. I'm so shat at games I never get to the stage of changing discs. Not once, ever.
  9. Dang it. I ended up playing Wii games instead of importing them lol. Everytime I go into my Wii or WiiWare section I just can't resist the shovelware mmm. Chicken Shoot, Snail Mail.... Oh and Excitebike is an awesome WiiWare exclusive! Anyway, I'm doing that import tommorow. Will report back.
  10. I'm gonna be importing about 80 Wii games in the next hour or so. I'll let you know how it goes and whether the speed is 'abnormal' or not. I have been importing Wii and PS2 games during the past week and the speed seems to be ok. I posted this thread about 2 weeks ago. Anyway, I'll report back.
  11. This doesn't make sense.
  12. Totally off-topic and unrelated to Art, but I've always wondered what the SVN titles are in that ScummVM Pack? What does SVN mean?
  13. Circo, we love you long time and I hate to ask a question like this because you're pretty much The Don in this area. Why are these named in this way? They have an non-sane naming convention and only about 10% of these scrape properly. I have to FTP the whole lot and name them manually. Someone else has this problem here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/44086-scummvm-videos-from-emumovies/ Anyway, it feels like heresy asking such a question. I feel like the NLS of LaunchBox. This is probably my only complaint from years of using EmuMovies.
  14. Do I need to do anything else to get this to work with LB Next? I installed this about 2 months ago under the original LB and it worked great! (Thanks btw) but it doesn't do anything now under LB Next. I'm using the 8.3 Stable version.
  15. Dane, I bet you are better looking than this guy.
  16. No, you're right. It doesn't work with the latest Nightly build. I made a bad assumption that it would. Thanks for the heads up Chris.
  17. I'll give it a test later on a Dolphin Nightly build and report back a bit later.
  18. Sheet bro, this worked! I got this running today. Thanks for doing this mate. I had ParaJVE working years ago, on the last front-end I used to use but I could never get the games to run in LaunchBox. I did endless amounts of reading of the command line documentation and searching on Google to no avail so I put it on the backburner which WAS a shame because the Vectrex versions of Berzerk and Scramble are my favourites. The RetroArch implementation of Vectrex is not great either. Now I have GCE Vectrex in my LaunchBox library running sweeeet. Thanks Zombie Beaver.
  19. I have a feeling this might be lost on "omfglifecrew" because he is a speed reader, by his own admission.
  20. Oh my god. That is like playing through 500 odd MSX games and missing out King & Balloon.
  21. Yeah, it works brilliantly with Dolphin 5.0. ***I haven't tried it with the nightly builds but I can't see there being a problem with them. *** Edit--I got this wrong. It doesn't work with Nightly Builds. You don't need any kind of Bluetooth Stack or Dongle installed on your PC because the Dolphin Bar bypasses all that and handles all the Bluetooth itself. So yeah, all you need is the Mayflash Dolphin Bar and a WiiMote and your away. The only configuration you need to do in Dolphin is to select "Real WiiMote" in the controls settings, select whether you position your bar above or below your TV screen and whether to have sound coming out of the WiiMote speaker which works brilliantly too. Another nice little touch is that Dolphin recognises the WiiMote being connected, so if you start a game and the WiiMote is off, when you turn it on Dolphin will flash a little yellow message to say "WiiMote 1 Connected". The whole thing has been a bit of revelation for me. I thought it was going to be riddled with bugs but so far that isn't the case.
  22. I think the last time I completed a game was in 1987. I have completion envy. Just sayin'.
  23. and I am very impressed. I got tired of trying to shoehorn Wii controls onto my Xbox 360 controller and quite a lot of games were just downright unplayable on it. I played Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword for the first time ever this evening for about 3 hours and it was perfect. No glitches, or any real lag. A lot of research I did beforehand led to me to believe I'd have to update the firmware on the Dolphin Bar to be compatible with WiiMote's made after 2011, but the firmware it came with was the latest version so it all pretty much worked out of the box. I've never really played any consoles after the Dreamcast so all this Wii shit was kind of alien to me. Really impressed. I've got to do a shout out for the Dolphin emulator as well. That is one incredible emulator. The amount of stuff that thing plays is unreal. I did get some glitching with Bust-A-Move Bash! where after about 2 or 3 levels, the pointer would become unresponsive but the fire buttons would still work. I'd pause the game and resume, and the pointer would be back to normal for another few levels before doing the same again. If anyone here has a Dolphin Bar / WiiMote / PC setup and could give Bust-A-Move Bash! a go for a few levels and let us know if the same happens to them, it'd be much appreciated. Anyway, this post is just a bit of aimless musing over my £60 purchase. To anyone thinking of getting one, I'd say it is money well spent. Thanks for listening.
  24. I knew you wouldn't let me down! Man, I love that character in Blood and his quotes. "I live.....again!" to me, is the most memorable start to a game ever.
  25. "I've got two guns, that should be enough for all of you" Name that MS-DOS game Zombie Beaver or forever hold your piece.....erm....peace.
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