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Everything posted by JamesBond@ge

  1. Thank gawd for that. My wallet is only so deep ;-)
  2. That is still worth every penny. PM me NJDave71.
  3. How much is a forever license? $30 (£20 in my money). To be honest, that price is daylight robbery as it is. Pay the man (Jason) for his hard work. I can't stand these begging posts. If you're that hard up, I'll buy you a forever license. PM me.
  4. I listen to all era's of Black Sabbath. Deep Purple. Iron Maiden blah blah. And Reggae. 90's UK Jungle music which went on to become Drum And Bass unfortunately. I'm 38 now and for about a year I have started getting in to Jazz. Jazz is an acquired taste and I am slowly but surely 'acquiring' it. Some Jazz drummers I have heard....well I never heard anything like it, wow. I thought I heard the best of drumming in Heavy Metal and Classic Rock but I don't think that is true now. TL;DR - Try as I might though.....I just CANNOT get into Miles Davis. I just don't get his Trumpet playing. I don't get it. It sounds like he purposely want to screech that thing and sound out of tune. Or not even make a damn tune. I dunno :'-(
  5. Don't got no time for friends. Too busy playing Shinobi X for the Sega Saturn.
  6. We need more 1970's style wood these days. Wooden Consoles and Wooden Dashboards in cars complete with horizontal speedometers again. I ain't even joking. (I was born in 1978 so I missed out on the Atari 2600. My first computer was a Commodore 16 and then soon after a ZX Spectrum 128k +2. I'm from Britain where it was mandatory to have a ropey microcomputer. Ahh, not really. I was fond of that Spectrum. I've since rediscovered the 2600 which I thought was really crap before I played some of the games. Notable games for me are Berzerk (though I don't know why the head doesn't chase you when you take too long like in other versions) / River Raid / Atlantis / H.E.R.O and E.T for the novelty value lol.)
  7. It's so much snappier after you do that. I don't feel like I've aged a few years every time I moderate them things. Especially "add a new game" submissions. I'd hate it when they came up lol. Thanks.
  8. The Database site has become much faster in the last few days. I think somebody deletes the history of our submissions that have either been accepted or rejected in order to speed up the site. Is it Vlansix that does this? I think it is.
  9. That gave me a chuckle. That is like putting sugar onto a steaming pile of dog shit lol. Not a chance. Holy smoke. I'm sat here at the moment trying to configure Yabause and it is useless. I'm taking advantage of the new "Launch With" feature available with 7.11 and bolstering my collection of alternative emulators and trying emulators that I haven't already. One thing about this stupid emulator that is really getting up nose.....is that instead of showing 1 error, you'll have to click through about 5 everytime. Argh. Anyway, as you were...... As DOS76 said, Yet Another Broken Ass Saturn Emulator (As a side note for anyone else interested......Yabause only uses .bin / .cue files (barely). It won't work with .mds / .mdf, nor will it work with .iso / .cue either. SSF works with all three of those formats.)
  10. I guess the reply should be "lessthanzero" chance. Haha. Oops, I laughed at my own joke there. That "RomFlix" image you mention is free so is not likely to be pursued by the Authorities, whereas LaunchBox is a commercial program and the Authorities would probably crash on it like a ton of bricks if such a feature was added. That's how I see it, which is just conjecture of course.
  11. I can't wait! I'm missing out on so many things due to being stuck on 32 Bit. I've actually written a list of these things lol. An up to date version of Dolphin is another one of them. v5.0 is 64 bit only. I can use v4.02 but that is almost 4 years old heh. Mednafen Saturn and Dolphin 5.0 are the main motivations behind my new build! Edit: Vice64 / RetroArch core is another. That is the only way to play C64 with RetroArch as far as I know. I could go on........lol
  12. I'll second this. I use SSF with that Batch file you posted, totally because I'm still on 32 Bit Windows 7 and Mednafen / RetroArch Saturn only works on 64 Bit OS's. I'm rebuilding my PC soon and I soooo can't wait to get onto RetroArch Saturn.
  13. LordMonkus gives good helpings. Just sayin' ;-)
  14. This makes me suspicious (now) as to whether those links he posted were legit. If this is his attitude, why go to all the effort of making his original post?
  15. Hell Hath No Fury like a man calling another an Idiot.....and then spelling it this way. Oh.
  16. It's different ;-) I might give it a try when I re-install one day.
  17. Where is Wood? I need some "Seega" in my life. And some Wood.
  18. What is the best Emulator for this system, in your opinion? I read that there is four: ElectrEm, Elkulator, ElkJS and MESS. I'll probably go with MESS. What do you think?
  19. "Dont like the direction Launchbox is heading" said to me ""Dont like the direction Launchbox is heading" lol. Even if it mean't "pay more", well it is hardly a massive amount of money for what is a great piece of software. As for the last part, now you're just being silly lol. Lay off the green ;-) ;-)
  20. You belong here bro. Fighting the Database fight ;-). I dunno. I did originally think 'stuff it' when I read about Brad, but the Database was his baby (as well as Vlansix) so I kinda think we owe it to him. Anyway, you're a cool guy and I really want to steal your username but because I'm a goofy British guy, I have my sights set on FistyPounds ;-) (jk)
  21. You're right about that. I noticed that Jason said he would be doing a YouTube live development session on Monday (Yesterday) and I was waiting for the notify email to come through but that never happened. And then I noticed it had been 2 weeks since the last Retro Style Spotlight and Brad used to do them every week. That weird silence is what made me check up on here and I find that it all seems to have gone a bit wrong heh. Anyway, we still gotta keep up the Database work. That's what Brad would have wanted I'm sure. I'll see you in a week or so mate. 'Til then....
  22. Well, there is some good news out of this really bad news. I've subscribed to your channel under 'McTurbo1300'. I pressed the 'like' button on your original post.....it should really be the 'don't like' button. Gee, what a shocker.
  23. Easy tiger. Filling in a couple of fields in a games database and uploading a few images via an online upload tool hardly amounts to an information breach. I'm sure whatever you have on your PC is not really that interesting anyway. Paranoid much?
  24. I'll be back on it soon, my old ZX Spectrum chum. I'm in the middle of moving house and haven't had much time for it at the moment but will be back on it in the next week or so. (So get your 3D Box modding tools ready :-) ). I will be resuming the A titles in the ZX Spectrum. I have only just found out that Brad has left the LaunchBox team and that is VERY sad indeed. And quite shocking tbh.
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