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Everything posted by CDBlue

  1. Try running Retroarch as administrator (right-click on the retroarch.exe file and select run as administrator. Try making changes and exiting, then go back in and see if those changes were kept. If they were, then you can set retroarch to always run in administrator mode by right-clicking the .exe and selecting properties. On the compatability tab there should be a check box there to run this program as administrator. Note: running programs in administrator is not recommended, so if this doesn't fix the issue, don't enable it. You shouldn't have to do this, but if for some reason retroarch can't edit the files it needs to due to admin rights, then this might fix the issue. So if you have to, then you have to. But, running the software (launchbox, emulators, etc.) on a local drive, and then putting your roms on the external drive, is the recommended approach as it avoids all these permission issues.
  2. Do you have retroarch set to save config on exit (it should be set to on by default I believe)? If not, then you may need to go in and save the config everytime you make changes I believe. Also, are you running retroarch on an external drive, or a drive in your PC? If it's an external drive, it might be a permissions issue preventing the configs from being saved.
  3. I know that m64p is a "better" emulator for Nintendo 64, but I still have Project64 setup as a secondary emulator as I like to have 2 in case some games work better with one emulator vs another. Anyway, just saw that now the latest builds being release for Project64 include a 64-bit variant (as seen on the latest EmuCR post http://www.emucr.com/2019/01/project64-git-20190125.html) The nice thing about this, is if you use custom textures you no longer have to patch the emulator to allow access to more ram, as well as other improvements I'm sure. I just download it today and the performance seems to be rather good. Note though, GlideN64 support does not exist yet for this version (at least none that I could find) as the plugins need to be re-written for 64-bit support, and the GlideN64 versions that I found for Project64 don't seem to work with this version yet. Anyway, thought I'd pass it along to my fellow emulator junkies in case people were not aware
  4. FYI, no need to a 3rd part app to update retroarch anymore. Since 1.7.5 (I believe) in the desktop menu (which you can access via the main menu in retroarch) there's now an option to update retroarch to the latest nightly build. Just wanted to make people aware of this feature now built-in to reotroarch. Once you're done with the desktop menu, just close it and then in the retroarch windows select Toggle Exclusive Fullscreen to make retroarch go back to full screen (if you had it that way that is). Then just close and re-start retroarch and you're now on the latest nightly.
  5. Also, I can't find documentation on the Kronos libretro core as to which bios is needed/recommended for it to work. It seems to not care from the test I've done, but I would assume that it wants a particular bios in order for it to work as the coders intend. Note, the reason I ask this is that normally Mednafen and Yabause recommend different bios versions. And, since Kronos is based of Yabause I'm wondering if it also wants the same recommended bios version that the Yabause core recommends: Mednafen: filename - mpr-17933.bin md5sum - 3240872c70984b6cbfda1586cab68dbe Yabause: filename - saturn_bios.bin md5sum - af5828fdff51384f99b3c4926be27762 As I mentioned, I tried both and both seem to work fine... just not sure which one is "recommended" by the Kronos devs. So far have not been able to find a definitive answer. Edit: just re-read the above post... didn't realize the core info in Retroarch shows what bios file you need. I'll check it out and make sure i'm running the correct one for Kronos now too. Thx
  6. Hadn't tried the kronos libretro core in a while. It has indeed progressed nicely. Runs quite well on my system for some games (some don't seem to want to run still). @Tangs, when you launch a game do you get the Saturn startup video (meaning it's loading the bios correctly)? If you're not even seeing the intro video, meaning that your bios is not even loading, then you might want to try this. I'm not 100% sure, but I do recall Yabause (which Kronos is based on) actually needed a bios file to be called saturn_bios.bin. I just made a copy of my mpr-17933.bin file, which is the US bios, and renamed it to saturn_bios.bin. I put it in the same folders as my other files, and that seems to work fine for me. Mind you, like I said above, some games don't run for me yet on the Kronos core, but it's much better than it was before where none of them would lol. Anyway, hope this helps maybe.
  7. Not sure if this will work for SNESGT or not, but sometimes with standalone emulators they remember the last screen size they were in. Try launching SNESGT and the press alt-enter to force it to full screen (which work on most systems). Once in full screen press the key to close the emulator (or ALT-F4 to force it to close). Then try re-launching to see if it will retain the fullscreen that it was in the last time it launched.
  8. FYI, I just got home and tested launching some .col games via retroarch and the bluemsx libretro core... no issues for me there and the games launched just fine for me. Not sure why that would not work for you, unless the bios/machine files are not where the core expects them to be maybe? Glad you got it working via MAME at least.
  9. The bluemsx_libretro core should work with those files. But, in order for that core to work properly you need to get the BIOS files installed in the Retroarch/System folder. Instructions on where to get those files are on the Libretro doc site: https://docs.libretro.com/library/bluemsx/ If you do not have those installed properly in Retroarch, then the core won't be able to load .col rom files. I'm not at home right now, so I can't check to see if I also had to enter any command line to get it to work, but I don't believe I had to for the retroarch core, just for stand-alone emulators.
  10. 100% agree, the Mesen core is one on the list that is just as good in Retroarch... missed that one That's one where the stand-alone is there more so as a alternative (launch with) just in case I ran into one that didn't run well with the Retroarch core. I was playing around with to see if the stand-alone offered anything that the Retroarch core didn't. You can ignore that one from the list.
  11. Some of the stand-alone emulators I use for different systems. I do use RetroArch for many systems, and in some cases the below systems also have Retroarch cores. But I find the stand-alone emulators works better/faster for the below if they do have a Retroarch core alternative... IMO. In many of the systems below I've tested multiple stand-alone emulators, but ended up with these as they seem to work best for my system/preferences: Arcade - Mame - https://www.mamedev.org/ Atari 5200 - Altirra - http://www.virtualdub.org/altirra.html Commodore 64 - Hosx64 - http://www.hoxs64.net/ Commodore Amiga - FS-UAE - https://fs-uae.net/ Nintendo 3DS - Citra - https://citra-emu.org/ Nintendo 64 - M64P - https://m64p.github.io/ Nintendo Entertainment System - Mesen - https://www.mesen.ca/ Nintendo GameCube/Wii - Dolphin - https://dolphin-emu.org/ Nintendo Wii U - Cemu - http://cemu.info/ Sega32X - Kega Fusion - https://segaretro.org/Kega_Fusion Sega Dreamcast - Demul - http://demul.emulation64.com/ Sega Saturn - Mednafen - https://mednafen.github.io/ Sony Playstation 2 - PCSX2 - https://pcsx2.net/ Sony Playstation 3 - RPCS3 - https://rpcs3.net/ Sony Playstation Portable - PPSSPP - https://www.ppsspp.org/
  12. If that's the only emulator that's causing that issue you might want to try another one for your NES games. IMO, Mesen (https://www.mesen.ca/) or puNES (http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?t=6928) are better, more accurate emulators for NES/Famicom. FYI, Mesen also has a retroarch core if you were talking about the Nestopia core and not the stand-alone emulator. puNES doesn't have a retroarch core yet that I know of. I know this doesn't help you with the emulator you're having issues with, but just wanted to make sure you were aware they are other, more accurate, emulators out there for NES now other than Nestopia (also I'm hoping you mean the Undead Edition and not the old nestopia emulator that's very outdated).
  13. Hi. Welcome to the community. Launchbox is completely safe... not a virus. Many times inferior virus scanners will flag LB as a virus, but it's 100% safe to use. Make sure you download LB only from this website though. If you happen to have gotten the file from another website (or bundled with roms, etc.) then you can't be sure if it was tampered with or not. If you got it from here, then it's 100% safe.
  14. I'm not a big fan of the Atari 5200 core in retroarch, as I always seem to have one issue or another with it. Although those issues can be overcome, I generally just use a stand-alone emulator for Atari 5200 games now as it's just easier. I'm not sure how many of them are out there for the Atari 5200, but here are a couple that I know of that work well: Kat5200 - http://kat5200.jillybunch.com/index.html Altirra - http://www.virtualdub.org/altirra.html They're both relatively easy to setup (the controller bindings can be a little odd to setup at first). I know it doesn't directly help with your issue, but if you're willing to try a stand-alone emulator, then this might help.
  15. Glad you got it solved. Yeah, typically you don't need to run anything as admin. If something needs admin privileges it will prompt you. If it asks everytime you run it, then you can select the run as admin option if you don't want that prompt everytime. I don't run any of my emulators, or LB, as admin
  16. hmm odd that it would have been working before but not longer works. I don't think anything changed in Cemu lately that might have affected it. Check your Autohotkey Script tab in your emulator settings in LB and make sure the following is in there. ; This section closes emulator when pressing Escape $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
  17. Np, glad I could assist.
  18. On the emulator settings tab in LB, for your ReDream emulator, did you check the box next to Extract ROM archives before running? Also, there's an older thread on here regarding setting up ReDream to work with launchbox. Some of the posts there might help you with what settings other's have used to get their setup and running:
  19. Yeah, yabause libretro core has been broken with retroarch for a while now for me, and Kronos is still in early development for the libretro core, so it might be a while before they iron out the bugs in that so that it's useable. To be honest, your best bet for Sega Saturn emulation right now is a stand-alone emulator. While the retroarch core does work, the performance is not great, whereas the stand-alone emulator runs much smoother/better. I've tried a few of the stand-alone emulatos for Sega Saturn (Kronos, Yabause, Mednafen, etc.) and for me the best one is the stand-alone Mednafen emulator (https://mednafen.github.io/). It's a bit tricky to setup since there is no front-end, and you have to use key combos the fist time you launch a game to setup your controller, but once you have it setup/working it runs much better than any of the retroarch cores I've tried before.
  20. LB/BB uses 7zip to extract files. I know from experience that some rar files when extracted using 7zip will give an error message while extracting (something along the lines of extra information at the end of the file). if your extracting manually you can just click ignore and the file actually decompresses fine, but with the automated LB/BB extraction it's possible that this error message is happening with those files, and causing it to not extract properly. To test this you can install 7zip, or use the one that's in the LB folder to try and manually extract a rar file that's not working for you, and see if that error message/warning pops up... if it does then likely that's the culprit. I would guess that if any error/warning happens during the extraction process that LB/BB doesn't have built-in mechanisms to ignore the error/warning and continue with the extraction process. If this is what's causing you grief, a possible solution would be to extract your PS3 games that are in .rar format and re-compress them in either .zip or .7z format, which likely would not give you the error. This is one of the reasons why .rar is not used very much now days, as it can be more prone to issues like this when using tools other than winrar.
  21. I believe this has actually been a part of LB/BB since 7.6 (I think), not new to 9.2. To enable this you need to go into the emulator setting and check off the checkbox next to extract ROM archive before running. LB/BB uses 7-zip to extract files, and the files are temporarily stores in the ../Launchbox/7zip/temp folder I believe. 7zip does support .rar formats, so it should be able to extract your rom files. However if I recall correctly there are some rar files that give an error when extracting with 7zip (something about extra information at end of file or the likes) that might be causing the issue. if that error happens with the automated extraction that LB/BB does, then it will likely not work. Once the emulator is closed those temp files are deleted in order to save space. The other question you have about always keeping the temp file would be a new feature, and would be something that would likely need to be added to the next poll to see how many people are interested in having that feature... if it is even feasible that is.
  22. Most roms sets are done via groups (no-intro, good, etc.) They all use naming convention standards that LB games DB and EmuMovies should recognize. I believe more support exists for the no-intro naming standards which are pretty simple "game title (region).ext" ... example Super Mario World (USA).sfc. If your roms are at least close to that naming convention then it should work for most scrappers. Note: Arcade/Mame is a different beast altogether.... Those files are in zip format and do not use this sort of naming convention, don't rename those as they will not work properly in Mame if you rename them. As for rom sets, like I mentioned above most scraping sites support No-Intro or Good naming conventions (I believe). Personally I prefer the no-intro sets as they are cleaner and only contain one version of each game, whereas the Good rips typically contain several variations, hacks, etc. Hope this helps, CDBlue
  23. FYI, yes I have a premium Emumovies account, maybe that's why I see those selections and you don't (as Neil mentioned as well).
  24. I can't see how changing the theme in BB would affect LB/EmuMovies. I just checked my LB setup and the scrape options for videos for EmuMovies are all there for me: Maybe check your EmuMovies credentials in LB (under Legacy/Search settings) to make sure it's connecting properly to your account.
  25. Still working for me... and yeah makes sense that it needs to wait for BB to actually open in the background lol, never clued in on that heh
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