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Everything posted by CDBlue

  1. Hey guys, I just updated to the final/release version of LB/BB on my main retrogamer machine, which I have connected to a big screen TV. In order to read things properly I have windows scaling set to 150%. On that machine, when I launch LB I get an odd mix of font sizes. Some are regular (150%) and some are not (100%), making some really hard to read from a distance. The only way I found to correct this was to to bypass scaling in the comparability tab in LB (right-click / properties in Windows) options. Problem is, my Windows also just updated to the 1903 release of Windows 10 that same day, and I hadn't launched LB/BB after that was done either... so I don't know if the issue is with LB/BB and scaling, or if 1903 changed something on my machine. Anyway, I thought I'd report it in case others are seeing the same thing, and it might be something that needs to be addressed. Here are some screenshots to show what I mean: Above image (some text is large, some are tiny) Above image - Change settings to change high dpi settings Above image - All fonts/text back to same size again
  2. Not sure. All the threads that I've read online where people reported this type of issue all seem to have the same root cause, which is either an older core or an older version of Retroarch. Eg. make sure you're running the latest version of Retroarch, and have the latest version of the core installed. If things still do not work, and you do have the correct bios files needed and installed in your system/dc folder, then I'm not quite sure what might be another of the causes FYI, there is a very good stand-alone emulator for Dreamcast games, called Redream (https://redream.io/) which you might want to look into if you can't get this working via Retroarch. The only difference between the free version and the paid version is that you cannot upscale with the free version. But, truth be told, most dreamcast games look ok still in their native resolution unless you're playing on a really large monitor. If you are, or you prefer to upscale just because you can, then you can always invest the small fee the developer of Redream is asking for (I believe it's a one-time fee of $5, but not 100% sure) Edit: There's also always other good stand-alone Dreamcast emulators that do allow upscaling and are 100% free, such as Demul (http://demul.emulation64.com/). The main reason I listed Redream first is that it is in very active developement, while others such as Demul are not as active in that regard.
  3. Maybe it's a bad copy/iso for that game? You could try downloading from another source, or if you ripped it yourself maybe try re-ripping it. FYI, I just tried my .iso of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon in PCXS2 (v1.5.0-dev-3112 is the version I'm currently running) and it loaded/played fine for me. Another thing to try is to try launching the game from withing PCSX2 directly, just to see if it would launch ok from there? If it does, then maybe it's a file name/association thing for that one rom in LB/BB that's the issue and not the game/iso itself.
  4. Just did a search in the forums, and there was a thread with a similar error reported like this a while back, that Lordmonkus also posted/helped that poster back then. The original poster in that thread also mentioned something he also had to do to fix it. See if that info is of any use to you in today's version of FBA (I expect it is though) I also recently dabbled with the stand alone version of Final Burn Alpha, to see if there were any benefits to using it. and what they mentioned in the other thread does sound familiar with how I got it running in fulll screen for me as well. FYI, after playing with the stand-alone emulator, I can also say that the Retroarch core is much easier to setup and use and I quickly ditched the stand-alone version of FBA
  5. Not sure if it matters or not, I doubt it does for this instance, but you seem to be running an older version of Retroarch. It's now up to 1.7.7. Also, there's a new kid on the block for Mupen64plus for cores for Retroarch called Mupen64plus-next. It incorporates the latest changes/edits done via the mupen64plus coding scheme apparently. You might want to consider upgrading retroarch, and maybe trying that core to see if that solves your mapping issues. The above aside, I tried playing Majora's Mask in my Retroach (I am running 1.7.7) and the Mupen64Plus-Next core that I mentioned above, and the C-buttons work fine for me on my 8bitdo controller (Retroarch recognizes it as an XBOX 360 controller, which I see you have listed in your screenshots, so it should map pretty much the same I expect). For me, with the default bindings in retroarch, the C-buttons are mapped to the up/down/left/right on my right analog stick on my controller. Unless you re-mapped your device, yours should be the same. On another note, if you're into N64 emulation, and were not aware of it, there's a very good stand-alone version of Mupen64Plus called M64P, which is one of the best emulators on the scene right now for N64 emulation. It's pretty easy to setup, but not as simple as the Retroarch core would have been to setup, as once Retroarch is configured, adding cores to it is really simple. Anyway, if you want to check it out here's a link to his site where you can sign up for Patreon and get the file (https://m64p.github.io/) or if you want to try it out before actually spending money to get access to the latest version, the last public release he did is still available on EMUCR's website (https://www.emucr.com/2019/01/m64p-20190126.html) In case you were wondering, after that last public release in January 2019, the developer for M64P decided to go the Patreon way as a means to pay for his hosting etc. Shame really, but I can understand why he would do that. The last public release though is very stable, and works much, much, better than the Retroarch cores IMO.
  6. Ok, I found a work around. I mapped F4 in the emulator hotkeys to exit cleanly, I just changed my running script to the following: ESC:: Send {f4 down} That seems to do the trick
  7. I guess I'm confused. Are you saying it should still work in the Running AutoHotkey tab? I've tried it in that location and it still doesn't work for me
  8. Sorry, I rebooted and most do seem to work. The one I'm having problems right now is bsnes (and blastem still crashes launchbox when I try to go to the pause screens, fyi - I posted that in the other thread). I'm not the best when it comes to AHK scripts, so I mostly use the recommended ones I find in this forum or on other forums. I used to use this, which worked until this beta and it worked fine: Esc:: WinActivate, ahk_exe bsnes.exe WinWaitActive, ahk_exe bsnes.exe WinKill Return I uses to just leave it blank and it would close the emulator, but games would not save properly until I used the above. I also mapped the emulator to F4 exit it, but none of the scripts I tried that push the F4 key seem to work for bsnes either.
  9. For me the latest beta (16) seems to have broken the escape AHK scripts. No matter where I put my exit AHK scripts (in running or exit, which is where I assume they need to go now) they don't seem to work for any emulator.
  10. FYI, just tested latest beta (9.8 beta 15) and have a couple more emulators to report what I've seen: BSNES (v107r3) - SNES - Startup/shutdown and pause screens all work as intended without issues for me Blastem (v0.6.3-pre 64-bit) - Sega Genesis - Startup/shutdown screens work without issues. Hitting the key to go to the pause screen caused a black screen to appear. After about 30 seconds launchbox crashed and Blastem became unresponsive and had to be ended via task manager/process.
  11. Just tested Virtual Jaguar 2.1.2 and pause screens seem to work without issue as far as I can tell (with default settings in LB/BB). Sorry, forgot to also mention that startup and shutdown screens are also working as intended with this emulator. -CDBlue
  12. No problem. Glad it's working again for you.
  13. I think I misread your original post, and didn't realize that you were trying to clear the button mapping without a keyboard. I don't believe you can clear the mapping without a keyboard though, at least not for the controller button section, because pressing any key on the controller will simply map that button as it thinks that's what you're trying to do. But I did test clearing mapping with a keyboard... I checked and I also have ESC mapped to the BACK option in the keyboard mappings section (ie. default settings). I then went to the controller buttons section, pressed the key to start the mapping process, then pressed the ESC key on my keyboard and it unmapped the mapping that was there before, as it's supposed to do. Also, not sure if you want to venture into this or not, but if you want to it looks like you can edit the BigBoxSettings.xml file that's in the Data folder where you installed LB. You can find your controller and keyboard mappings there. If you find the entry for the button you want to unmap, then change the value to 0 which means none. For example, I had mapped Keyboard View Achievements to A to test it. I opened the BigBoxSettings.xml file and search for achievements and found this entry < KeyboardShowAchievements > 44 < /KeyboardShowAchievements >. I changed the 44 to 0 and now in BB it shows the keyboard mapping for that entry back to None. Word of caution though, make a backup of the file before you edit anything manually, as if you make a mistake I assume it could break things in BB.
  14. I believe it's the backspace key that you press to clear the button mapping, not the escape key... while it's waiting for the button press that is.
  15. Are using using a custom timer in Cemu instead of the default ones? If so, set those back to the defaults instead of QPC, etc. (or whatever you're using) and it "should" load properly again. Example below:
  16. CDBlue


    I was hoping for this to be a nice clean theme with subtle animations etc.... my expectations were well met Excellent job! I look forward to this theme maturing and being officially released.
  17. Can you give an example of a game that's in your library that was not imported? Might help someone to provide and answer if we had some examples
  18. The best/easiest emulator for Atari Jaguar that can be integrated with LB/BB is retroarch/Virtual Jaguar... IMO. It's not as accurate as the Phoenix emulator, but it works well and it very easy to setup (esp. if you already have retroarch setup for other cores already). - https://docs.libretro.com/library/virtual_jaguar/ Also. since the thread also mentioned it, FYI there is also a decent retroarch core for the 3D0 available - https://docs.libretro.com/library/4do/ So much easier to get going that trying to get Phoenix working... but as mentioned in this thread, IMO, there are very few games for the 3D0 that even make it worth the effort of setting up. I used to have some of the "better" games installed in my retrogamer, never played them, and ended up removing them lol
  19. Nice, the new Atari skins look great
  20. Hmm those settings all look correct, and if it works via the command line then it must be an association thing in LB/BB. Can you take a screenshot of one of the games? For example. click to edit a game and select the Emulation tab and screenshot that, so we can see if anything there is obvious.
  21. In your retroarch folder there's a file called "retroarch-core-options.cfg". Open that up in a text editor (for example notepad ++) and then scrolll down to find the settings for the core in question (for example beetle_psx_hw,... if that's the core you are using). You should be able to select all the lines for that core and delete those entries. The next time you open a game via retroarch with that core it will re-create the entries needed for the core options. If you're not comfortable doing this, you can also make a backup of that file before doing so... but it's totally safe to delete those lines, they will be re-created when you next launch the core via retroarch.
  22. hmm, never had that issue with Project64. Wonder if it's a GPU/driver issue that's specific for certain cards and/or models? Also, of note to anyone else who's interested in the 64-bit version, it seems like the builds from time to time are not compiled well (at least on emucr they're not). Some of the builds don't work/won't launch. Not sure why, but I usually make a backup of my Project64 folder before I upgrade in case it is broken and I can quickly restore from my backup/zip file.
  23. With VLC, you should not need to install any codec pack. VLC has most codecs built into the program, so unless you're trying to play some really obscure format, I would advise against installing any codec pack on modern systems... used to be needed back in the day when software did not come bundled with codecs.
  24. Ok thx for reporting back. Nothing there seems to point to a permissions issue that I can see (at least not as far as LB/BB or roms are concerned). Was just a thought I had when I was reading your issue, so worth asking to be sure Another thought, are you experiencing any other weird glitches with any other software on that PC other than LB/BB? Maybe it's a hardware issue that just seems to manifest itself more with LB/BB? Do you know how to run a Memtest and HD test just to see if things are fine there?
  25. Just out of curiosity, not sure if it's related to the issue or not. But do you have launchbox install on the local machine, or a NAS/External drive? If it is a local install, where did you select to install LB? Same question for your roms, local to the same machine that you're trying to launch them on or on a NAS/External drive? I'm wondering if maybe there's a permission issue going on here? Again, just taking a stab at some other possible answers to what you're seeing.
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