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Everything posted by CDBlue

  1. hmm maybe someone else will know exactly what the error is, but to me the error seems to specify that there's an unknown unit in the GrilaBBWeather.dll plugin. Did you modify the GrilaBBWeather.dll.config as per the instructions to enter your location that you pulled from http://www.woeidlookup.com/ ? If so, maybe open up the GrilaBBWeather.dll.config and copy/paste the contents on here so we can see if there's a typo in there. I'm guessing that perhaps the c or f in the "<add key="Units"" section might be mistyped or broken somehow... just a guess though based on the error message above. FYI, the GrilaBBWeather.dll.config file should be located in your ..\LaunchBox\Themes\Unified\Plugins folder in case you didn't know where the file is located. -CDBlue
  2. Yeah I figured as much, but I thought I'd ask anyway
  3. Gotta say, this is the nicest looking theme I've seen yet and has taken over as my default theme, great job! Pretty sure I know the answer already, but is there any way to get the discs/cartridges to show in the text list with details view ? I love how they show in the other views, but I prefer the text list rather than the clear logos as I find those too in your face and make it hard to navigate. Thx, CDBlue
  4. Looks like there's some sort of sort order issue happening in launchbox.next still/again. Several platforms in the list are not alphabetically while in platform view (eg. Atari Jaguar, Nintendo 3DS, NEC TurboGrafx-16 in the screenshot below). I thought I read earlier in this thread that this was reported and fixed. If so, it looks like it's re-appeared. If it has not been fixed yet, then please ignore this but report ... Screenshot provided. Thx, CDBlue
  5. Crap, sorry neither of those two suggestions worked. Not having dual monitor system setup to try and replicate it I don't know what else might be causing it. Perhaps someone else on the board will know what's causing it and how to fix it.
  6. K, I figured it was not this but thought I might suggest it to try. Sorry, I don't have dual monitors on any of my PC's at the moment so I can't test it out to help further than what I suggested. Are you by chance using higher than default/suggested scaling on the 2nd monitor. Perhaps it's a scaling issue that's causing it? If you are using something other than the default scaling on the next monitor maybe try putting it to the default/suggested scaling then trying to see if it goes full screen properly. Other than those two suggestions I'm not sure what else might be causing the problem at this point. Maybe someone else will come along with suggestions or know what's causing this (if this last try doesn't fix it that is).
  7. Hmm totally guessing here, but it looks like you have your images for the box art set very high. I'm wondering if that's somehow causing a bug when you go into full screen mode that it somehow messing up display. Can you try lowering the size of the images of your box art, then try going into full screen mode again and see if that makes any difference. Totally a shot in the dark here, but it's something that looks out of place seeing that box are super huge like that so I thought maybe it might be related
  8. I 2nd bbweiners suggestion. While I expect Mame will work fine for Coleco games I found it was much easier to setup and use the BlueMSX core in RetroArch to get my coleco games up and running. Of course if you're used to the intricacies of Mame then it might be just as easy for you to use that... for me Mame is an emulator I don't like using for anything other than my Arcade roms (and that's just because it's the best emulator for Arcade roms at the moment).
  9. I believe when you added the emulator for demul in launchbox it should have added this, but to be 100% sure click on Tools->Manage Emulators in launchbox. Double click on your entry in the list for Demul and then on the emulator screen click on the Associated Platform tab. Make sure this is listed in the entry under the default command-line parameter: -run=dc -image= (see attached image to see where I mean and what my entry for Demul looks like) Also, on the first tab (Emulator Details) try checking off the box next to "No space before ROM (primarily for nullDC)" I'm not sure if it's needed or not for Demul, but that's what I use for my Dreamcast emulator and it's checked off for me and working from launchbox and bigbox. Sorry, can't help you with the controls question for nullDC as I only use Demul stand-alone for my limited Dreamcast games that I have, so I'm not familiar with it at all. Hope this helps you out, CDBlue
  10. What a good idea, and these are looking great. I plan on trying them out soon for the platforms that I have that you have released so far. Just curious though, do you have a list of platforms you're planning on doing these themes for?
  11. Nice, happy you got it sorted out.
  12. There's also a video specific to Launchbox/Retroarh on youtube that shows how to create per-core configs in retroarch and how to use them in launchbox:
  13. I'm assuming you're running demul for Deamcast emulation? If so, maybe double check the path locations in Demul (Config->Plugins and Paths) to make sure it's still pointing to your correct bios/roms folder where you have them stored. Also, check which bios do you have selected in the Config->Dreamcast Bios section in Demul. For example, I have mine set to Dreamcast v1.01d (world). Not sure if this is going to assist with your issue or not, but just wanted to make sure you had checked those settings to make sure Demul was actually seeing and loading the correct bios you want it to use.
  14. Unless I'm missing something, I believe to get the Game View 1 that's listed on the first page of this post the closest you can get now is to select "Horizontal Boxes with details" for the game list view in the options. For me, this seems to be what's shown on the first page of this post for the view you're looking for. Also, make sure you have the latest version of Big Couch downloaded. I think the different view types were introduced/renamed since this theme was last updated, but for me that seems to be the closest (if not identical) to Game View 1 that's shown on the first post.
  15. Ah ok, figured you likely tried it but thought I'd mention it anyway in case.
  16. Not sure if this will help or not, but I found with many themes that use different images for clear logo/platforms than what's in LB by default, once I switch to that theme in BB I often find I need to go to Options->Image Cache and go through and refresh the images (basically click on each of the items listed that say refresh one by one). Then, when I go back to the theme the correct images that are included in the theme folders are loaded properly. Not sure if this helps or not in this case, but thought I'd mention it in case it does
  17. Yeah makes sense. It doesn't bug me much since I don't use the platform category view in BB. Hopefully someone can find a fix for this for the people who do though. In the meantime this is still one of my goto themes and will continue to be so until it breaks worse
  18. I don't normally use the platform category view in BB, but I just tried it and can confirm that I also see the above as well. Good news is that I know the root cause of this bug, bad news is that I don't know where this needs to be fixed in this theme. I assume it's one of the XAML files in the views folder. Viking, or anyone who knows how to code these theme, here's the bug in a nutshell which will hopefully allow someone to point out where/how to fix this. In this theme (not other themes, as I just tested this), when you set BB to view Platform Category view it shows the actually categories, but it's actually pulling the meta data from the platform instead of the meta data associated with the platform category. This is why the Arcade one is listing meta data but not the console, handhelds etc (as they likely don't have a platform that's called that). You can confirm this by doing the following - edit your platform metadata in LB for Arcade (not the platform category, but the platform one called Arcade). Launch BB for this theme and show platform category and you will see what you edited in the metadata/notes for the platform Arcade. In the other themes I tested, the platform category view in BB seems to pull correctly the meta data/notes associated to the platform category and not the platforms. I'm sure the fix is simply by likely editing an XAML file for that view to show/pull platform category info instead of platform. Sorry I can't help out more than that. I looked through the views folder for this theme to see if I could locate where this error might be, but I couldn't find it so far.
  19. No problem. Happy to help
  20. Ah ok. Yeah, unless you downloaded the files from the link location on the first page of this thread (not via launchbox) you likely don't have the video for the NEC TurboGrafx-16 file, since it was named TurboGrafx-16 and in your platform list it's not called that (again because it looks like LB changed the platform name and the older files on here are still looking for the old name). I've attached the file you want (4:3 ratio platform video for NEC TurboGrafx-16). You'll want to download this attached file and place it in the following location (where you installed LB - ...\LaunchBox\Videos\Platforms) -CDBlue NEC_TurboGrafx-16.mp4
  21. I'm not 100% sure what exactly you're seeing, a screenshot would help. However, I did notice that alot of platform images/videos have the "old" naming convention that Launchbox was using a while back (just TurboGrafx-16 I believe it was called). In order for the clear logos, platform images, videos etc. to work properly, the names have to match exactly the way your console is named in your launchbox platforms (for example "NEC TurboGrafx-16", not just "TurboGrafx-16"as it was for me). What I did to make clear logos/videos etc. work in my system is I went into the folders in the theme were I extracted the videos to (for example ...Themes\BigCouch\Videos\Platforms) and I search for turbo, I then renamed the files to match the name of the console I imported the roms into launchbox...in my case it was "NEC TurboGrafx-16". I also did the same for the images in the clear logos (if you used them) ... Themes\BigCouch\Images\Platforms\Clear Logo And then finally the same thing for the platforms images (...\Themes\BigCouch\Images\Platforms\Banner) I hope that made sense, and I hope that solves your issue. -CDBlue
  22. Hmm, isn't the latest release version of Windows 10 v.1709 build 16299.192? Maybe that's the issue, if windows isn't up to date, maybe a needed file for LB/BB (.net maybe?) is also out of date and causing the crash?
  23. No problem, glad I could help. As for the fade not working, I'm not 100% sure. I use the 16:9 fix for my Big Couch theme install, so I have no issues that I'm aware of with the videos. I do see in the notes for the theme it lists using WMP as the default media player. Do you have your BigBox set to use WMP or VLC? Personally, I use VLC and don't seem to have any issues, but like I mentioned above I'm also using the 16:9 fix, so it's possible VLC plays better with that as opposed to the base download. Anyway, I think Viking, or someone else might need to assist with the issues you're seeing now, that is if the WMP suggestion I just made doesn't fix it that is Edit: Also, I suggest you use the Nostalgia |4:3| video Set for your platform videos if you aren't already. It's link in the downloads section for this theme. According to his release notes this theme was intended to work properly/fit properly using that aspect ratio for the videos, so it might also be related to that. Lastly, you also want to make sure you're using the latest version of Launchbox. I'm on 8.0 beta now, but 7.16 stable should be fine as well, as that's what I was running with this theme before and had no issues with it.
  24. For the backgrounds not showing in the game views, try going into launchbox (not bigbox) Tools->Options->Background Priorities (under the images section). Make sure Fanart - Background is checked and listed first. That is assuming you want fanart backgrounds on those views that is. If nothing is checked in there, that's likely why you have white backgrounds in bigbox for games. Everything else in your screenshots looks normal. I assume there is no text on the platform categories section because your meta data has nothing for those items. You could try updating your meta data from within launchbox.. Tools->Download Metadata and Media (note if you select everything, it will scan all your games in your collection and download media... it can take a long, long time). Hope this helps, CDBlue
  25. Thx for the upload/link. Will try this one when I get a chance
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