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Everything posted by erebus44

  1. Try this
  2. erebus44

    NAS Install

    Take a look at the path that Launchbox is looking for. Press CTRL+E on a game that is not opening and click on Launching on the right side. Verify that the path is valid on the new PC. Another thing to look out for is the emulators need to be in the same location on both PCs.
  3. All you have to do is make a playlist of all the songs. Launchbox will then play them in a random order.
  4. erebus44

    LB Galaxy

    I like the way this looks. I did enable the music bar and on a 2160 screen I think it looks fine. I also tried it on a 1080 screen and I see what you meant about it taking up a lot of space. One suggestion though, try putting the video above the split for the achievements and game information so it can be displayed in a bigger size. Overall this is well done and will be my new theme, Thanks.
  5. The only Pokemon Trading Card Game I see in the database is for Gameboy Color. Are you sure you are putting it in the correct folder?
  6. You can have only one onedrive account installed per user on the machine. If you make multiple users then you should be able to set this up. I am actually doing something similar
  7. Thank you for the explanation.
  8. @neil9000 I am not trying to argue and I understand that you are just enforcing the rules but I am curious what the difference between linking to my site for the music and linking to emumovies is?
  9. I have created a new website that has complete game music soundtracks specifically for launchbox. It is still in the somewhat early stages but I am ready to let everyone know about it. I plan on updating this regularly and I would like feedback either here or there is a contact page on the site. I currently have Gameboy, N64 and NES done and should have SNES done is a week or so.
  10. erebus44

    eXoDOS v5

    I think this is what you are asking so.... Torrent = 562 GB After Running Setup = 637 GB Installing every game = 1285 GB (estimated since I don't have all the files in one location)
  11. I am having a problem with Launchbox not downloading all the images for 3-D Ghost Attack for the Atari 2600. I have tested Launchbox versions 10.15, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6 and 11.7 and they all get the same images but there are more in the database online. This is what I am getting. This does not appear to happen to other games. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  12. In my opinion it should be left alone, since that is the correct name of the games. It is well known that it was originally a marketing ploy for Pirates and Civilization and they just kept doing it after that. If I am remembering correctly for the game database, the name of the game is supposed to be what was on the box.
  13. There are some instructions here.
  14. just glanced and the specs say only with displayport Max Resolution (HDMI 1.4)4096x2304@24Hz Max Resolution (DP)4096x2304@60Hz
  15. You should also look to make sure your video card supports that resolution at 60hz as well.
  16. Very nicely done. I have been trying to do something similar but yours is so much better. Thanks for sharing.
  17. It has been a while since I messed with dosbox stuff, but if I am remembering correctly I made 2 .conf files. One for the game and one for the setup files. They were exactly the same except for the .exe file. I have never tried to do it the way you described.
  18. It may be a setting error. Here is how I have mine set up.
  19. Just add the "DOSBox+xBRZ.exe" version as a new emulator and put the dosbox.conf as the rom on the Launcher tab.
  20. It looks like the "displaying # of #" games is incorrect when on some of the "arrange by" options. I tested it on "Status" and get the error, but on "Title" it is correct. I am using beta 6. I don't know if it was always there.
  21. Is there a way to see why people are giving rejections for a game submission? So far I have 4 approvals and 4 rejections on a game.
  22. That's great. I should be finished with the A's today.
  23. I have been (slowly) working on putting the win 3.1 games in the database. If you do end up working on them, perhaps staring with the Z's and working backwards and we will meet in the middle somewhere?
  24. I just tried your new version and the release date didn't work. I saw the website say it was an invalid date and when I went to look at my submission it said the release date was 2018, not 1996 like it should be.
  25. That did it. Thank you for your help
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