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SentaiBrad said So you're not closing RetroArch when you want to load a new game. The reason it is black screening is because you're trying to load a Genesis game with the TurboGrafx 16 core loaded. Close RetroArch first then launch the game from LaunchBox.
i can resolve ? I use esc to back in LaunchBox
So, I'd love to hear some feedback on this as I am clearly stumped. Scenario: 2 platforms, one core: Game boy and Game boy Color. Both platforms use the same core (Gambatte) but the reason for different configurations is the overlay being used. I'm not sure if anyone else has been having issues with the latest night build (based off of retroarch 1.3) but for whatever reason, any game boy (original) shader pack seems to cause me issues (scaling). Retroarch comes with some awesome shaders. Specifically, what I have been using can be found under Shaders --> Shaders_cg--> handheld--> console-border--> Gameboy color: gbc-4x.cgp Gameboy Advance: gba-4x.cgp Gameboy: Is actually a modification of the gbc-4x.cgp above, with the gameboy pocket image in place of the gameboy color. Again, its the only shader pack I can get to scale properly. Again if I had my way, I'd try to use the default greenish shader pack to get the original gameboy feel but for the life of me, it seems to be plagued in this version and I cannot get it to scale properly, but I digress. My Gameboy command line is: -L "cores\gambatte_libretro.dll" -c config/GB_libretro.cfg My Gameboy color command line is: -L "cores\gambatte_libretro.dll" -c config/GBC_libretro.cfg These configuration should be identical with the exception of the shader pack being used. For whatever reason it seems to load the configuration but it does not differentiate between the shader packs. What I noticed is that if I delete the gambatte_libretro.dll configuration (since I assumed I am not referencing it), it gets recreated and whatever changes I make within the loaded configuration, it applies it across the board meaning all 3 configurations?! So what this means is if I load gameboy game, then go to quick settings --> shader options and choose a shader, it applies to all 3 configuration files 3) Capture.PNG Above shows that all 3 get edited... I fully understand this is a LB forum but for those who may have seen this in the pass and are retroarch experts, can you enlighten me of exactly what I am doing incorrectly? Thanks!
I all together have had weird experiences using the same core but trying to load a different cfg file myself. It behaves oddly. Assuming you load the cfg, make the changes, then select the "save cfg" setting, have you tried editing them manually? If you know the lines that need to be changed and what they need to say, manually do the changes and save. Stupid, but see if that works.
I'm out of my league here but do you have "configuration per core" turned OFF on ALL of those configs, and also on your RetroArch.cfg. The reason I suggest this is because I've never been able to figure out where RA stores its shader information. I've looked through all the configs, but I have long suspected that RetroArch gets information from multiple config "sources" when it boots. If its reading the per core config named after the core (you listed above) then it doesn't matter what you put in the other two. It might not even matter if you load them manually, as RA might prioritize the per core config. It's all I got, but try turning that setting off.
The custom configs save the full information. I have a genesis_plus_gx_libretro-2.cfg file and my regular RetroArch.cfg. I just did a test. In my gx cfg I loaded the Pixellate shader preset, saved the shader settings then used the save cfg settings option. I then closed RetroArch, loaded a new game (Playstation 1 in LB) which uses the default RetroArch.cfg. I already set this cfg to Pixellate, so instead I turned off the shader settings (by setting shader passes to 0), saved the shader settings then saved the config settings. Closed that down then went back to Sega CD and loaded the same game, looked at the settings and Pixellate was still shown and saved. Just to double check, I closed RA again and loaded up an SNES game with a completely separate cfg loaded than the two previous. Loaded a completely different Shader preset, saved the shader settings then saved current cfg. Checked both Sega CD and PS1, both still at what I set previously. RetroArch should save all settings regarding damn near anything in those Config files. My Configuration Per-Core setting is set to off as well.
fromlostdays Good suggestion. Turned "Configuration per core" off, same thing. As a cheap, inefficient fix (which I am not proud of) -created a duplicate but stripped down retroarch folder (just the bare min) and named it Retroarch-alt -added a new emulator in LB, called Retroarch-alt which referenced the new duplicated folder above -Did a bulk edit on my GBC collection and told it to use the new emulator. Final result - All but my GBC collection use my default retroarch folder (so GB is set up to use the dmg-shader-4x.cgp) and GBC has its own install folder which uses the gbc-shader-4x.cgp shader. GB loads with a GB filter and GB image GBC loads with a GBC filter and GBC image ALSO, anyone having issues running the GB or GB Pocket filters, there was a brief number of nightly builds that had issues running these filters (as explained earlier) and go figure, I was using one of them! The latest nightly (I am using 2-2-16) appears to have fixed the unusual scaling issue I mentioned reference --> http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4954 Again, I know I only seem to post here when I have issues, hope to contribute back more in the future but appreciate those who chime in for suggestions/feedback.
No I haven't used these overlays yet, but I kind of want to, they're really cool and people have made some awesome custom ones. However it is a risk sometimes running nightlies but their release cycle can take up to a year sometimes so keeping up with the nightlies and following the steps in our Updating RetroArch video is fairly simple.
As a cheap, inefficient fix (which I am not proud of) -created a duplicate but stripped down retroarch folder (just the bare min) and named it Retroarch-alt -added a new emulator in LB, called Retroarch-alt which referenced the new duplicated folder above -Did a bulk edit on my GBC collection and told it to use the new emulator.
I'm glad you got it working, but I agree, there is no reason you should have to have 2 installed versions of RetroArch to take advantage of one of it's basic features. Also, your issues ARE a contribution to any forum as they provide information and possibly answers for people who come later. You even posted a solution when you got it working (even if its just a workaround) which is good etiquette. I'm just a newbie here but my only suggestion is to try to sum up your problem more specifically in the titles of your posts, to allow for easier searching. :D
  • 3 weeks later...
Is anyone successfully using Desmume with Full screen on startup please? I've tried all of the NDS emulators, and Desmume is the best for me in every way possible, (apart from this full screen on startup) There has to be a default piece of code one can add in launchbox to make this happen? Thanks,
The Retroarch Desmume core works very well for me, especially with a good shader to help with the graphics. I don't know how well it compares to the standalone in terms of accuracy but feature wise I like it better with the split screen placement options.
  • 4 months later...
JCSRT05 said fromlostdays Good suggestion. Turned "Configuration per core" off, same thing. As a cheap, inefficient fix (which I am not proud of) -created a duplicate but stripped down retroarch folder (just the bare min) and named it Retroarch-alt -added a new emulator in LB, called Retroarch-alt which referenced the new duplicated folder above -Did a bulk edit on my GBC collection and told it to use the new emulator. Final result - All but my GBC collection use my default retroarch folder (so GB is set up to use the dmg-shader-4x.cgp) and GBC has its own install folder which uses the gbc-shader-4x.cgp shader. GB loads with a GB filter and GB image GBC loads with a GBC filter and GBC image ALSO, anyone having issues running the GB or GB Pocket filters, there was a brief number of nightly builds that had issues running these filters (as explained earlier) and go figure, I was using one of them! The latest nightly (I am using 2-2-16) appears to have fixed the unusual scaling issue I mentioned reference --> http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4954 Again, I know I only seem to post here when I have issues, hope to contribute back more in the future but appreciate those who chime in for suggestions/feedback.
I know this post has a few months but since I necroed the post so anyone doing a google search can find the solution I found. 1.- Instead of loading different configs when you start RA from LB you just use the Override configuration option in RA. 2.- Save the different config files for your systems inside retroarch\config\\.cfg Example: retroarch\config\snes9x\snes9x.cfg or retroarch\config\MAME 2014\MAME 2014.cfg 3.- In LB just use the -L command. Example: -L "cores\snes9x_next_libretro.dll" This way Retroarch override the default configuration with your customized system cfg file. In this customized config file you can use from 1 single line to everything. I mostly use it for Pad inputs but it also works for anything else on the main config, including filters. Hope it helps!!
Using custom configs is a lot easier than that. use -C after the end of the -L command. So for my SNES default command line parameter: -L "cores\bsnes_balanced_libretro.dll" -c "config\bsnes_balanced_libretro.cfg" Use the "Save new config" option on the first page of RetroArch when you load the core you want to create the new config for. It will create the new config based on the config that was previously loaded.
SentaiBrad said Using custom configs is a lot easier than that. use -C after the end of the -L command. So for my SNES default command line parameter: -L "cores\bsnes_balanced_libretro.dll" -c "config\bsnes_balanced_libretro.cfg" Use the "Save new config" option on the first page of RetroArch when you load the core you want to create the new config for. It will create the new config based on the config that was previously loaded.
Loading configs didn't work for me, maybe I was doing something wrong but everytime I loaded custom configs it would mess my default pad inputs (I use 2 arcade joysticks + 2 xbox controllers + 2 snes controllers), for some unknown retroarch/launchbox bug it would keep overwriting my retroarch.cfg file. After I loaded some custom config it would change my default inputs, using the override option leaves me retroarch.cfg alone so I can safely load different cores with its custom cfg file and my default config will remain untouched so I thought it was a good idea to share my method in case someone else has the same problem than me with using the -C line.
  • 2 months later...

Can we get a screenshot of the Associated Platforms tab ?

I also just noticed you are trying use it for the Atari 5200 and while that technically is possible with the Mame core it is extremely difficult. There is no 5200 core.


It can easily be one of 3 things or any combination: the associated platform line is wrong, you didn't download the core in RetroArch that you are trying to use, or you are missing the proper BIOS files.

What is it exactly that you are trying to emulate? Did you follow any of our tutorials?


Edit: the screenshot is nice, but what system are you trying to emulate?

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