About This File
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Part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Bezels" series, for RetroArch bezels in this series see: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/1950-mr-retrolusts-lights-off-retroarch-bezels/
NOTE: This original project uses a reflection and scratch layer to add a realistic effect, it defines the style of the project, this is not for everyone. But please don't request "a clean verion" as I haven't kept the layer formats for all these 2000 games, this project is what it is.
Realistic bezels in 3840x2160 resolution for MAME. My goal was to make bezels for around 1300 MAME games I had in my collection but I ended up making many bezels more.
I started this project in 2019 and finished it in 2022 or so I thought... started making more bezels later on again. I used existing high quality artwork but also cleaned a lot of previously unavailable artwork which @Mr. Do had in his amazing collection. I searched high and low with google images to find existing artwork, which took me to Japanese websites often using google translate and research to get to those obscure images. The quality isn't always as high but I made sure I always used the highest quality I could find.
Note: These artwork packs are made for older versions of Mame, if you use Mame 0.226 and upwards and find these files don't work right please see this post as you need to have them in a different lay structure:
Place the zip files inside the packs in mame/artwork/
Also be sure to curve the screen in Mame effects, you can use the preset files I've included in the downloads but they are for an older version of Mame (0.198) so they might not work on newer versions. To learn more about effects in Mame be sure to read this well: https://docs.mamedev.org/advanced/hlsl.html
Most of the artwork used are from the most excellent @Mr. Do & the many team members: http://mrdo.mameworld.info/index.php
For NeoGeo artwork much artwork came from: http://www.neogeosoft.com/
For Flyer artwork the amazing: https://flyers.arcade-museum.com/ and https://www.flyerfever.com/
Some artwork used from: https://www.verticalarcade.com/ which has amazing vertical bezels, be sure to pay them a visit.
Some artwork used from imbord3rlin3: https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/high-resolution-scan-database-scans-as-a-free-service.24725/
Photos from Museum of the Game® & International Arcade Museum® https://forums.arcade-museum.com/
For research the great Arcade Database by: http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/
Special thanks to the following people, without them this project wouldn't be what it is: @ArsInvictus John Merrit, @Briball @cmgssilva @Orionsangel @Boz1978 @L4ZYD4NE @Manson976 UDb23 @IainSA TheGuru, Smitdogg, CAG, DrVectrex, tbombaci, italie, MAMEWorld, Ad_Enuff, UDb Raspbear, @destrowade @CKL @Thoggo @Antny @Dreamstate Andyaust @zugswang Spinnhacker, CCF Gameplay, jkburks, Comboman, Tim Lindquist, TrevEB, Aaron Giles, Jumpman1981, @kloug666
Edited by Mr. RetroLust
Added Mame effects description
What's New in Version 10.0 See changelog
- Added update pack 10