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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. When you launch a game through LaunchBox using this emulator ("MAME 0.243"), %romlocation% will be replaced with the full_path of where that rom [game] is located. So if the game/rom you're launching is "c:\users\<me>\LaunchBox\Games\Arcade\1942.zip", that segment of the command line that will be sent will look like -rompath "C:\users\<me>\LaunchBox\Games\Arcade\" In other words, LaunchBox will set the "rompath" for you each time you launch a game. This [video] part is beyond me. But it sounds like from the Windows command prompt you were able to launch a game using: "c:\users\<me>\LaunchBox\Emulators\MAME 0.243\mame.exe" -video bgfx -bgfx_backend d3d12 -rompath "c:\users\<me>\LaunchBox\Games\Arcade\" 1942 (this assumes your roms are in "c:\users\<me>\LaunchBox\Games\Arcade\" and the game/rom you are launching is "1942". Also I changed "Emulatores" (from your previous post) to "Emulators", based on the Application Path in your screenshot) So for your Default Command-Line Parameters:, (where your red arrow is pointing to) you could change it to -video bgfx -bgfx_backend d3d12 -rompath %romlocation% ...and it will work. But you probably should keep [at least] some of the other parameters in there and have it be: -skip_gameinfo -keyboardprovider dinput -video bgfx -bgfx_backend d3d12 -rompath %romlocation%
  2. Short reply: You're right. This can be improved. I will try to talk my team into implementing this feature request for the next update. My plan is to copy the additional information to the Version field, ignoring Region. (more details below) Long reply: I ran a test on my MSX1 cartridges Platform. After importing, I have this: Verifying the Platform was set to Scrape As Microsoft MSX, I ran Tools, Download, Update Metadata and Media for Selected Games. I got this: Beautifil, ain't it? All games are now properly titled. But this will only happen if you select the 1st option (download and replace). If you select option 2 (do not replace any existing fields), the [existing] field Title doesn't get updated. The caveat of selecting 'download and replace' is when you have something like: it becomes this: From what I can see, users haven't added to the LB database any distinguishing characteristics for different possible versions/regions. At least not for all consoles. MSX doesn't. Sega Saturn does. So (as you tried to tell me in the 1st place ) it would make sense to copy the (additional) (information) to the Version field. I say "copy" because the titles get 'fixed' when downloading metadata. Selecting option #1 will only replace this [copied] Version info if there's actually information in the LB database for that game, in the Version field. Which in my several tests on a few different Platforms, that won't be an issue. I also say, copy them to [only] the Version field because determining/deciphering whether the additional information is meant to be Region(s), a Version, a combination or something completely different would be a pain. "(Jpn)" is pretty straight forward. Looking at ST-V, "Batman Forever (JUE 960507 V1.000)"... I'm guessing it's Japan, US, Europe, ?somthing?, Version 1.000 I will try to talk my team into implementing this feature request for the next update.
  3. From what I've seen, this usually happens when using an older version of chdman.exe. You can either update your MAME setup to the most recent release or, if you're using an older MAME release for a specific reason, download the latest release and "install" it to a temporary location. From that temporary location, copy chdman.exe and replace the one that's in your existing install location. You can then delete the temp install. Run the plugin again. If that doesn't work, go 'old school' and manually run chdman on one your games that error. Open the Windows command prompt in the location where your game cue/bin files are located and run the command: "d:\Mame\chdman.exe" createcd -i "filename.cue" -o "filename.chd" Change (inside, and keeping the quotes) the full path to where your chdman.exe file is located. Also change (again... inside, and keeping the quotes) filename (2 locations) of the cue file you're converting. Example: "D:\LaunchBox\Emulators\MAME 0.242\chdman.exe" createcd -i "The Legend of Dragoon.cue" -o "The Legend of Dragoon.chd" In the command prompt windows' output, you'll be able to see exactly what the error is.
  4. Thank you! I'm glad you find it useful. The game titles that get added come directly from MAME's hash files. I don't recall seeing any titles having 'brackets' (which I agree, are ugly) but many do have extra information in parenthesis. Though I could be wrong about the [brackets] part. This "extra" information is actually quite useful, especially if you import clones. Otherwise there is no distinction between games that have the exact same name (aside from what you might be able to see in the game details [unless it's an Additional App, in which you'd see no additional information]). As for being ugly to see, you can turn off seeing the game versions (the information found inside the parenthesis) on your games images/list by un-selecting View, Show / Hide, Versions. Just uncheck Versions (or press Ctrl+R) and anything in parenthesis (and brackets) won't show in the games list. Though it will still show in the game details. Regarding searching the LaunchBox database for games, I believe LB will 1st ignore anything in ( ) and [ ] when searching. And then if there're duplicate game titles in that given Platform, use the "extra" info to detect region. (but again, I could be wrong) Generally when an imported game can't be detected by the database, there's a discrepancy between the main part of the title that MAME has listed, and the title listed in the [user supported] database. An off-the-wall example may be "Aero the Acro-Bat" vs "Aero the AcroBat". Though if it's a commonly known game, I imagine the latter would be listed in the database as an alternate name, which would (should?) get picked up when scanning for metadata. Long answer, short... No. It would do more 'damage' than it would do good to remove the extra information.
  5. Ok, so you're using a non-standard version of MAME. However loading/running a game should be the same as it is for regular MAME. Can you show a screenshot of your MAME4Rage emulator settings you have in LaunchBox. (Tools, Manage, Emulators, select your MAME4Rage emulator you have setup in LaunchBox). Show the Details section and also the Associated Platforms section. Also share a screenshot of your Primal Rage 1 games Launching section. (Edit the game and go to 'Launching')
  6. Sorry. I must have misread what you were trying to accomplish. I thought you were wanting to press the semicolon key, and have it type [have the output be] a colon. For me at least, @Kiinkyfoxx's code does the same as both of mine. That is, all 3 (when testing in notepad) on my US Keyboard output a : when I press ;
  7. Thanks! Hmmm... it should move those files. The plugin parses the .cue file which lists all the files needed for that game ("ROM") and then "moves" those it finds. Though I've only tested ones that had a single .bin file associated with the .cue. Is it at least moving the .cue (and .img?) file(s)? Where there any error messages like "Error moving:" and then an explanation like "Can't move because the file already exists"? Are the .ccd and .sub files listed in the .cue file (for the game(s) in question)? If none of the above shed any light on things, can you share what one of these .cue files look like? If it's relatively small, you can copy and paste the contents (open it with any text editor) here, or just attach the file? Just the .cue file. Thanks.
  8. I did some playing around and created a Bulk Convert (cue/gdi/iso) to CHD plugin. You can select cue, gdi or iso files to have converted to chd. I don't have any .gdi or .iso files to test this with. But I know the cue part of it works. This unofficial beta release also includes options for saving the chd file(s) as the same name as the games Title (as listed in LaunchBox) or as the parent folders' name for when your games are each in their own subfolder. (That last one's for you @Gamer ) Any testing and feedback by anyone would be greatly appreciated. The zip file contains just 1 file that you can unzip directly into the Plugins folder or you can create a subfolder under Plugins and put it there. As with all other plugins, download, unblock, unzip, start LaunchBox and try it out (Tools - Bulk Convert To chd). Bulk Convert to chd (beta).zip Disclaimer: It should work. But it might not.
  9. SC027::: Press semicolon to type a colon. Option B, escape the semicolon with a tick ( ` ) [left of the "1" on the keyboard] `;:::
  10. I thought that had been fixed (in unofficial release v2.1.2), the issue with adding games that had an ampersand ("&") in their title. (The "fix" would have been reflected in official release 2.2.0 as well) I'm guessing that "the fix" only fixed reading from their 'database', and not adding 'new' ones (with the "&" symbol in the title) to Added.xml. I would need to look at how my team handled that, to say for sure. Regardless, I'm glad you found an easy fix! I will make accommodations for this in the next update. Thanks for the feedback!
  11. 1st off, thanks so much for the compliment. Ya, I was in the same boat. In fact I had to convert a few chd's to bin/cue just for testing. lol I had thought about doing the others you mentioned, but figured cue/bins were the one most in need of 'a little clean up'. Thanks for the suggestion. I may see if my team has time for it and also see if I can scrounge up some gdi/iso's as I'm pretty sure I don't have any of those either. 😁
  12. I've always used the exe instead of trying to figure the class thingy. Try changing your WinWait line to WinWait, ahk_exe mashed.exe
  13. Now that I've read through the full post... 😊 You do need to have that WinWaitClose in there. (srry 'bout that) if the previous scripts that @Your Friendly A.I Overlord wrote for you worked as expected (including exiting properly [closing the script]) and if the hotkey reassignments with the new script I shared work, but now it's not exiting correctly... my guess is that it's not finding what you've told it to look for. WinWait, Mashed Game ahk_class UnityWndClass So what's happening is the script is still waiting [WinWait] for that to appear, so that it can then wait for it to close [WinWaitClose]... and then close itself [ExitApp].
  14. I haven't followed exactly what you're trying to do, but try removing WinWaitClose before ExitApp. It's doubling up the WinWait right before it.
  15. You could just add those to the above script instead of having 2. #NoEnv #SingleInstance SetTitleMatchMode, 3 SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% WinWait, Paw Patrol Configuration WinActivate Sleep, 500 ControlSend, Button3, {Enter}, Paw Patrol Configuration WinWait, Paw Patrol ahk_class UnityWndClass WinSet, Bottom, , LaunchBox Game Startup WinWaitClose ExitApp q::x w::y e::b $Esc:: { Send !{F4} }
  16. The command line (in which you've added "-rompath %romlocation%") will supersede the rompath in an ini file. Be it mame.ini or arcadia.ini. I don't think console.cfg files even store the rompath location. But for MAME to read that particular cfg file, you have to set the cfg_directory in mame.ini (or arcadia.ini [if you have one]) to include the path you show in the image. But I really don't think you want to (need to) do that. The only reason you'd want to setup a cfg file for a console is if you're going to create save states for the game(s). Did you re-check those 2 boxes and try it again? Because it should just work. (assuming you still have the same command line you show a couple posts up) Here's what I have
  17. Where those 2 boxes checked before? They should have been. My last comment was probably misleading. When using "-rompath %romlocation%" in the command line, you DO want them checked.
  18. Which leads me to my next guess then. In the Details section for your MAME emulator, both Remove Quotes and Remove file extension and folder path are checked.
  19. I'm guessing when you run it from the command prompt, your full command line has "the/full/path/to/the/romname.zip" at the end? (vs. just romname itself with no path and no quotes) Even if my assumption is wrong, try editing the Default Command-Line Parameters for Emerson Arcadia 2001 and add -rompath %romlocation% Also, you should be able to remove "-cart". So you'd have: arcadia -nowindow -skip_gameinfo -rompath %romlocation%
  20. Can you provide a screenshot of the Details screen for you MAME emulator please. Tools, Manage, Emulators, select you MAME emulator (I trust there's only one listed). Make sure you're pointing to the correct mame.exe if you happen to multiple installs (it happens, on purpose and by accident ).
  21. Thanks! Glad you're liking it. There's currently no option to automatically go to the next game when an error occurs. My thinking is: if there's an error converting, it's most likely you're using an older/outdated version of chdman.exe. (Other issues are possible, but this seems to be to most common one.) So you get the popup message and [optionally] attempt the next game. After seeing 2 or 3 of these error messages in a row, rather than attempting to convert [and failing?] the next 120 games, you can quit scanning and resolve the issue causing conversions to fail.
  22. Oh ya, and if you want to use LaunchBox's Pause menu... well, you won't be able to. But beyond that, happy gaming.
  23. This thread was originally talking about RetroArch, but sounds like you might be referring to standalone MAME. If that's the case, edit your MAME emulator in LaunchBox and remove from the default command-line "-keyboardprovider dinput".
  24. The LaunchBox Development Team will most likely have this issue resolved with their next beta release.
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