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Everything posted by DeadVoivod

  1. My writeconfig is already set to 0.
  2. This is one thing I don't understand. Every time I start MAME, whatever version, the controls are reset to NONE. Even though my default.cfg contains all the mapped entries for controls, when I go to the settings inside MAME, it says NONE. Why does it not take it from the default.cfg? Ok, I noticed after starting it again, it puts NONE into the code: <system name="default"> <input> <port type="P1_JOYSTICK_UP"> <newseq type="standard"> NONE </newseq> </port> And even if I remove the NONE line completely, it adds it straight away again with the next launch. Tried now again to put the default.cfg to read only, but I remember doing that some time ago, and that also failed due to I don't know what.
  3. You can get a 5TB external drive for 100 bucks, if that answers your question.
  4. I also got it running, but again in a different way, kinda merging the different tutorials. Testing ROM was Hotel Mario (hotel mario (1994)(philips)(eu)[!].chd). The .chd file is from the Software List CHDs, but I don't know if that really matters, at least that was the version I tested. I'm using MAMEUI64 v210 as standalone emulator. Tested first with the command line mameui64 cdimono1 -skip_gameinfo hotmario which worked fine. Setup the controls like in SiriusVI's post, works fine, I only had opposite left/right/up/down combinations. One thing to mention is that you should remove the LCD screen, in video options set it to main screen (4:3) and not main screen + LCD, that omits the CD-i logo on the top part of the screen. Created in the MAME root directory a folder called consoles\cdi\hotmario and copied the Hotel Mario .chd into it. The cdimono1 BIOS file is in the MAME roms folder. Also had to copy the empty .zip file hotmario into that folder, otherwise it won't work. In LB I pointed the launcher to the hotmario.zip, and not the .chd file. Under manage emulators I edited MAME and added Philips CD-i to associated platforms with the cdimono1 - cdrom command line parameter.
  5. I tried this out now and used the Batch file to Auto-Generate .m3us 1.0.0 found in the download section. As I have already imported my games, f.ex. in this case PSX games, I have to do it manually, didn't do it while importing. It works fine, put multi disc games into a folder called the same as the game, run the batch file and it creates a m3u file inside that folder, in my exapmle Xenogears.m3u. Edit game entry, Launching ROM file to Games\Sony Playstation\Xenogears\Xenogears.m3u, and save. Tried it out and it works fine. Just for information, I changed my batch file to .pbp files, as all my PSX games are in .pbp format, and not cue/bin. for /R "%~dp0" %%I in (*.pbp) do for %%J in ("%%~dpI.") do echo %%~nxI>>"%%~dpI%%~nxJ.m3u"
  6. Start from scratch, probably easier.
  7. I tried the Lambda theme, looks quite good, gonna keep it. Thanks.
  8. And just keep the .cue and .bin file in your case, that's the 2 files per game that will be needed. Delete .ccd and .sub files, only clutters your folders.
  9. Which one is Neil using? but like I said, it’s already better now with a smaller font.
  10. Well that's exactly what I have.
  11. Great, thanks, I didn't find that option. I put it from 11 down to 6, and it's indeed a bit better now. So far I have 48 systems installed, and scrolling is getting longer and longer, like this it's better, although there could still be better solutions than 1 single long scrolling row.
  12. Is there a way to change the font size in the left hand panel in LB, where it shows you the platforms? With so many systems already covered, scrolling up/down is cumbersome.
  13. What do you mean exactly? LB omits the text between brackets.
  14. This gets answered on a regular basis, last time was not even one week ago:
  15. Depends also on regions. Some games don't boot with a BIOS from a different region. If you have all the BIOS files is the best, as most emulators chose the correct one if available.
  16. Ok, it works partially for me. Tried with Blood Wake. Shortly after starting the mission, the Shutdown Screen shows again, like before, although after 2 seconds it returns to the game, like before, but this time it stays in fullscreen. Almost good. I tried to untick "Enable Game Shutdown Screen", but then it switches to LB screen for 2 seconds, and back into game.
  17. If you have several .bin files the easiest way is to use CDmage and merge them together into one .bin file, it's tidier imo.
  18. Yep, use the .cue file. Just for information, as I came across that issue a lot, if the game doesn't run, there is something wrong inside of the .cue file, mainly the file name. You have then to edit the .cue file and change it according to the name of your .bin file. But as I see the files you have there, it will probably be correct. You can delete the .sub, .ccd and the .zip files now. Btw, make file extensions visible in explorer, makes life a lot easier.
  19. Ok, I will try that later, thanks for the suggestions. Blood Wake and Crimson Skies work fine, also marked as working in the compatibility list.
  20. That's why I take the time to go through every single game of every platform and test it. It takes a lot of time, I know, but it saves me a lot of space plus testing them in really fun too.
  21. I mean the games starts, I can play, but all of a sudden LB is showing the closing screen, and closes. But the game stays, only that it goes from fullscreen to windowed mode.
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