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Everything posted by DeadVoivod

  1. Just tested, both are working, the .rom files of the games.
  2. Check this out, I for myself didn't add MSX yet: https://docs.libretro.com/library/bluemsx/ If everything thing's correct, then it might be your 2 ROM files that don't work properly, try to get another version.
  3. Don't understand what you're trying to import, just import the .iso or .chd file, not the whole folder. LB doesn't recognize the single tracks to be part of the game. Use CDmage to merge it into one single file, that's anyway easier.
  4. I have a Synology 2413+, that's a 12 bay NAS, and I think it's absolutely great, newest model is the 2419+, so mine is already a bit older. I also "only" have 4TB disks inside, and upgraded it from 2GB RAM to 4GB, but that's the max. So if I do stuff on it like archiving, what we guys do a lot, it's nowadays quite slow. But the 2419+ comes with 4GB and it's upgradable up to 32GB, so that's quite nice. Running in RAID 6. Although I don't host my ROMs on the NAS, but internally on PC plus USB HDD backup.
  5. Select files, right click, open with WinRAR, settings --> files, tick the box 'put each file in a separate archive', DONE. Options --> delete files after archiving Why mess with command lines?
  6. Why don't you want those folders? It's how LB organizes stuff, and it's well organized, so why would you like to transfer it somewhere else, as you need those folders? Which select few you want?
  7. As long as you manage to map your drives and point LB to the paths it should be fine.
  8. 1. Yes, delete even the .ccd and .sub file, only keep .cue and .img 2. Exactly.
  9. No need to keep the 4 different files, .img + .cue file alone just work fine, also no need to convert to .iso format. If you have a game with several single audio tracks, you can use a program like CDmage to merge them into one single .cue and .bin file respectively.
  10. Yes, set up an emulator, like RetroArch, start with something easy like NES or GB for that matter, get it properly running, so that you know the emulator and your ROMs just work fine. Then add your ROMs to LaunchBox via the importer, set up and configure the emulator within LaunchBox, and then test if it's still working. What Neil meant is, that way you/we know that your ROMs and emulator is working just fine, and the problem might lie within a LaunchBox configuration, thus faster to troubleshoot.
  11. What are the .ini files for if I may ask? I only use .pbp files for PSX, but never had any .ini file. Plus they don't need to be inside folders, only if it's a multi disc game and you're using .m3u files.
  12. Works like a charm, just put -L "cores\pcsx_rearmed_libretro.dll" in the command line. Btw, I don't have both cores in the associated platforms, I mean both are installed but only one is selected, they also show up when right clicking.
  13. Mainly I use the beetle_HW core for PSX games, but some don't work, although not many. But they run fine in the PSX_ReARMed core. I now wanted to edit those non working games to start with the PSX_ReARMed core, but as they use the same emulator (RetroArch), I don't find a solution. Can I change that in command line parameters or somewhere else? At least I'm not able to define a second RetroArch emulator. I do the same for Dreamcast, but there it's easier as I use 2 different standalone emulators, ReDream and Demul.
  14. That would be the easiest, although if you have already one G: drive, just swap them. F.ex. I have drives from C to I, plus network is from U to Z, so G would already be in use.
  15. Everything works fine, the only problem I have is with the script, why does it add some weird characters behind the ahk?
  16. I'm actually using .cso format for PS2 games. I made a conversion size comparison now with a random game, 007: Everything or Nothing. ISO = 3,407,584 KB CSO = 1,954,248 KB CHD = 1,898,205 KB So if it comes to compression, .cso and .chd are very close. I have around 800 PS2 games and they work all fine in .cso format. I attached the maxcso file in case you wanna try it. One thing I still want to mention, conversion to .cso format was about 3 times faster maxcso.exe
  17. You can also highlight 2 games which you have already imported, then right click on them and chose "combine selected games", that will merge them into one single entry.
  18. Check this box when adding ROM files:
  19. When adding games you have to combine games with same/similar names, then it will only show you one single entry for that particular game. I still strongly recommend using WHDLoad for Amiga, speeds booting up tremendously, plus no disk swapping needed.
  20. Is it not working if you enable extract ROM files before running in RetroArch?
  21. Options - Visuals - Background - Default: check Use Launchbox Default Background
  22. Why would you merge different systems to one? Looks way nicer when they're separate. For Amiga I'm using 95% WHDLoad together with FS-UAE, the rest are .adf based files that WHDLoad doesn't include. But for those you can make configuration files and run them also in FS-UAE, works really nice, only that floppy based games take obviously longer to load, but if it's only a small amount, who cares, brings even a bit of nostalgia.
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