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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Makes sense. I like @lordmonkus's idea as well. I'm thinking something similar to Cid's recorded Hyperspin themes stuff would work pretty well.
  2. Hi @Lurkon, wow I didn't even know it was possible to display background images as videos. I suspect the distinction is because of the caching/resizing being done by WPF in order to keep things performant, but I am surpised to see that artifacting. I'll take a look to see if there's anything I can do to improve the quality. It's odd that I haven't noticed that with any other images.
  3. Thank you @Blugost. Let me know if you or anyone else gets back to this and needs any additional theming features in order to make this happen. I'll be coming out with better documentation here soon as well as more tutorials, but the easiest way to add more features for theming is by request.
  4. @DOS76 Do you have any light to shed on this? What is the current state of Lightspeed? Is it broken?
  5. Great to hear. Thanks @Zsolan.
  6. Hi @subatomic09, I never did implement this but I do have more advanced search features on my list. There's a Bitbucket ticket for it if you want to go vote it up.
  7. Hahahaha. @Rincewind wins. Welcome to the community, @elborra. That is a good point and I do plan to come up with some decent documentation on the various types of views and all the properties available to use for them; I do agree that that would help tremendously when working with these views.
  8. Very nice @kmoney, this actually looks really awesome and helps to solve some of the problems with low-res videos in fullscreen really well. We should get @circo in on this to see what he thinks and see if he might be able to start some work on those types of videos as well.
  9. Thanks @Codeman. Unfortunately it's not exactly easy to automatically scrape websites to populate the database. We also don't want to steal other people's data without permission, so this isn't a route we typically take. That said, I do have a lot of good data waiting for me to batch import; I just need to get it prioritized.
  10. Thanks guys. I have the translations all updated now for the next beta. I also have the EmuMovies dialog fixed, @Opaklopper. The next beta should be out soon but might not be until tomorrow.
  11. Great to hear that you guys are able to do all that customization. I know VisibleCount is funky because the count is always more than the number. Let me know if there's any other properties I could add that could help you guys out. I do have a horizontal wheel on my list to tackle.
  12. Ah, chrome. I hadn't thought of that. Yeah, I honestly don't intend to ever put pinball on it, so the side buttons probably aren't very important. I may opt to just skip those since I'm eager to get my hands on the unit.
  13. Thank you @ThePolish. Just put out another new beta. I've focused on the VLC issues again this afternoon to try and fix the remainder of the issues; I have it so at least those errors aren't popping up (for me at least), but I am still seeing videos just not showing up or playing every once in a while. I created another ticket for higankanshi on Github: https://github.com/higankanshi/Meta.Vlc/issues/151 I offered to pay him too so hopefully he'll be responsive in helping us out. If we can fix all the issues with the VLC engine, we can make it the default and then we'll finally be in good shape with the videos going forward. Any further testing you guys can do with the VLC engine would be very much appreciated. At this point I just want to make sure that the errors and crashes are eliminated, and we can deal with the non-playing issue until higankanshi gets back to us. Thanks again guys.
  14. @kmoney @ThePolish That is odd. I haven't yet been able to reproduce it changing the video path to a certain video. Let me know if you guys figure anything else out. @ThePolish Lol, I'm loving your new DOOM guy gif. @Mute64 Hmm, it seems like maybe some of RocketLauncher's interface hiding features or something like that might be causing it. I could be wrong though. I'll see if I can reproduce it here.
  15. Also @Rincewind, what do you think about changing the color of the t-moulding? Obviously black is the safest but what about red or green and blue? Thoughts?
  16. Thank you so much @Rincewind. I sent this over to Keith and Monster Arcades. I totally forgot about the side buttons so I forgot to mention that when I gave him the specs. Doh. Not sure if they can be added in at this point or not, but I'll ask.
  17. Hi @Rincewind, this is looking really great but we do have one problem (certainly not our fault because I don't think we could have known), but the marquee text is getting cut off. We'll get the marquee reprinted; if you want to tackle shrinking the text a bit that would be awesome. Otherwise, I do have the PSDs so I should be able to take care of it too. Can't wait to receive this thing.
  18. Thanks @steve73. Yes, I will be using this to get LEDBlinky going and that should happen in the next month. Dynamic marquees should be coming too but I don't have a timeframe for that yet.
  19. Thanks guys, in the short term I am planning to add an option to default to a specific platform so you never have to see the platforms list if there's only one platform. Would this solve the problem for you @8Phantasm?
  20. Thank you both. @Opaklopper, I'll fix that dialog before the next release.
  21. Thanks, Cid. All good thoughts. I'll keep running on this stuff and hopefully we can get at least some of it implemented soon. Some of these will take more effort though, of course, so it might be a bit yet, but I'll start at the top of the list.
  22. Hey guys, is Lightspeed still somewhat broken? If so I'm thinking maybe I should remove the link from in the app in order to reduce confusion.
  23. Hi Liam, thanks. What are the error message popups that you're getting? If you'd be willing to switch back to the beta to do some testing (or copy your LaunchBox installation first), I'd really appreciate it. We're trying to push out a new version soon but obviously I need to tackle these bugs ASAP.
  24. Hi Lurkon, I'm not quite following. I'm confused about videos vs. images in the background. Are you using images in the background now or videos? I checked out the screenshots and obviously I see the blurring. It's strange though because I don't think I've ever seen that before. I might just need your custom theme in order to figure out what the problem is.
  25. Jason Carr


    Thanks @alitanet, currently there isn't an automated way to do this as DOS76 said. However, it is on my plate to implement.
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