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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. You can keep just your data folder, but if your roms change locations then chances are they may be broken, and you'll need to download all of the media again. All you would need to do is make sure to match the file path for your roms and emulators, and it should work. If you don't want to re-download all of the media, you can keep a backup of your entire LB folder, but the paths issue still remains. The only time it doesn't matter is if you keep your roms inside of the LB Games directory.
  2. If it can, that is out of my wheel house. I do know there are how-to's and instructions on the AHK website for setting up stuff up.
  3. Alex created a tool just for this issue:
  4. It automatically combines multi-disc games based on what it is labeled with. Some labels are not accounted for currently and it will be expanded, but if you have, say Tales of Symphonia (Disc 1), Tales of Symphonia (Disc 2), then when you import these it will automatically combine. You can manually do this as well with the additional apps feature, as that is all this automatically does as well. So Side 1, or Load 1 aren't accounted for currently. Disc 1, Disk 1, or even I believe Disc 1 of # are accounted for, but it's not all encompassing.
  5. Well, I was gonna do some examples, but custom filters keeps crashing my LaunchBox install (I have a ton of games). You should be able to name it, select the bubble that isn't the exact value, but rather has this value, then set certain qualifiers up. So you can specify specifically what you want. So you can try WWF or WCW in the title for example. I would have a more exact answer, but it just crashed for a 3rd time. Honestly, the custom filters does need a bit of updating, but they should be able to do this job. I had a custom filter set up for my favorite JRPG's for example.
  6. With custom filters and the upcoming nested filters there's no need to create special platforms for the same thing.
  7. That can be done with Custom Filters, assuming all of the games are properly marked with markers that can sort them out properly.
  8. The best solution is Custom Filters. In LaunchBox, on the left, above all your platforms is a button, click it and then click on Custom Filters. From there, click the + in the left pane and set your settings. You can make a custom filter based on several factors and you can display these in Big Box as well.
  9. Yes, of course. You can add or create what ever you want. If you are creating a section that is systemless though (a compilation of games across multiple systems), then it would be a smarter idea to use Custom Filters instead. Otherwise, you can create a specially named system and scrape it as another one so that the media can get downloaded properly. If you have multiple games from multiple systems, not only will there be no metadata because your custom system has no home to scrape from, but it will be a mess to try and set them up for emulators.
  10. It only installs the game if you choose that route, there is just the regular importer which doesn't do any installing, but just chooses a best guess bat or exe and provides that in LaunchBox. It's inherently no different than running a rom importer, except obviously it's much more complicated than that. Also yea, looking back maybe they may be talking about your collection, but lots of questions get asked all the time so I answered based on the info provided.
  11. Wait, we may have our definitions of install wrong here. Are we talking about installing the dos game in dos or simply getting your collection from the zipped up state to fully ready to go? Also, I do agree that by no means is generally running the games is the best solution, it is simply an in the mean time solution for myself, but an integrated solution is very very much eagerly anticipated.
  12. Oh ok, just a misunderstanding then. Honestly, I don't think you missed anything. The HDI files have an issue auto-switching via command line. I think it's an issue with the way the emulator handles it, unless there is a command line that I missed, I don't think so though.
  13. If I recall, there is an odd swapping bug via the command line for hdi games. Are the ones you are trying to load hdi's? I am also curious because you said I didn't explain something, so I was also curious if there was anything I can explain on further.
  14. No, unfortunately. Some games should work fairly easily without needing to run their set ups, some might just to generate some config files, others may need to be almost fully installed, but that is the nature of DOS unfortunately. Even if there was a method or something easier to do on an actual system that could accept DOS applications, now DOSBox needs to be used and that will create an extra disconnect for certain things. For the most part, when I try to play a DOS Game I just change the exe or bat if the one LB chose didn't work, and if that didn't I then just change to the setup, run that, then change back to the exe or bat that launches it and it usually works. Rarely did I need to actually mount a games image (if it had one). I know it's a pain in the butt, but I try not to worry about everything, just what I want to play when I do want to play it.
  15. Except that yes, for now, it needs to be. Alternate names are coming, but they're not here yet. There is a bug with special characters that is also being fixed, but that can't fix the inherent problem, and it's that character. It breaks scrapeability in the end right now regardless, so it should be changed.
  16. Try searching the same version of MAME you have. So the latest is .179, so search for a MAME .179 Rom set. You can even stick to that rom set for a while if you'd like as well. I had a .175 rom set all the way through MAME .178b because I didn't want to download it again. You can download update packs, and I just put the updated files in to the mame set and over write them. However, @CriticalCid wrote a good tutorial for CLRMAMEPro, and he would highly advise against just dropping the updated roms in to the old set, but I honestly haven't come across any issues yet. If you need more Arcade help, we have 4 Arcade tutorials up as well, the first one has to do with MAME. The only thing outdated about it is some of the info about the user created tool Lightspeed (at least I still believe this to be the case), but otherwise plug in the updated version numbers and it's pretty much the same thing.
  17. There are also RetroArch tutorials as well on the channel if you need some extra help.
  18. http://kotaku.com/sony-announces-new-third-party-ps4-controllers-1788248366 So of these two controllers, I like both for different reasons. I like the design a bit better of the Razer controller, that d-pad is a lot nicer looking and the grip looks a bit bigger. The Nacon controller's design looks a bit fater, but it doesn't have that volume control butt like the Razer does, and it has extra buttons that can be mapped to what ever (emulator dedicated controls!). So yea... I kind of like each of them for different reasons. They are mostly the same. The stick placement doesn't bother me on either, though I guess I am more used to Playstation controllers at this point. The right stick on the Nacon looks odd too. I don't want to go back to convex designs! I think I am leaning towards the Nacon though, the D-pad doesn't look as good as the Razer version, but it looks better than most other controller designs. No price on either yet. Thoughts?
  19. I personally like these the most: I replaced all of my systems with these.
  20. Yea, every time you update a version gets kept in that updates folder just in case.
  21. No, it doesn't sound like you are. There is only the console image, and no clear logo's for it. http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/platforms/games/157 I just downloaded one of the sets from our download section and set it to that, however we do want to integrate the clear logo and system image packs either in to the database more, or provide downloads from within LaunchBox for users eventually.
  22. I would sort them by date and keep the last 1 or 2, just in case, cause you never know.
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