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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. My best suggestion would be to seek out No-Intro rom sets, and then Redump and TOSEC for systems not covered by No-Intro, but you'll need to stick to Google searches, sorry. Oh, and MAME would be MAME .184 non-merged or split. Split has been my go to for up to version .182, but starting with .183 split was broken for me, so I suggest non-mergerd for .183 and .184 (non-merged was new as of .183). Skip the rom merged sets as they don't work with LaunchBox, but the CHD set can only be found merged.
  2. I don't think you can download images directly from the Database for Playlists, but most of that info wouldn't exist anyways. There's no set playlists, so unless we created a curated "type" of playlist, that's the only way that could work. Stuff like this is usually left up to the user. Sure, it takes a bit longer, but it's better than forcing them to remove what we set for something that's inherently custom. It's not like regular Console Clear Logo's. Check out our download section for tons of clear logo packs though. The Silver Ring pack is housed here too. https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/category/14-platform-clear-logos/
  3. People want it to recover from their mistake and be fast? Noooooooo. Yea, sadly this stuff will take a while. I still never recovered my drive, I just called it dead and moved on.
  4. You can hide your games, if you right click -> edit a game, on the right in the middle are check boxes, and one of them is hide. LaunchBox automatically hiding games would most likely not go over very well. In terms of feature requests, they sound great, so please feel free to click on Issues/Requests at the top to create a ticket for your requests. That's the best place to put them. Make sure to do 1 request per ticket though, and don't forget to vote on them! Otherwise, for performance, there are some things that you can do to help out. If you have enough RAM, turning your RAM cache up to 4GB will help (in the options menu). Otherwise, try and follow this guide we put together and some of it might help you out.
  5. I could see this as an interesting feature, but I would be afraid that people who run arcades would then abuse that system... unless Jason went the extra mile to make it not be abused? Either way, that sounds very interesting, so please feel free to add it as a BitBucket request by clicking Issues/Requests at the top. That's the best place feature requests can go, and make sure to vote on your own ticket!
  6. SentaiBrad

    Save states

    By default the hotkey is F2 to save state, and F4 to load the save that. F3 changes the slot I believe, but I could be wrong. @fromlostdays is totally correct though, this is per emulator and LaunchBox doesn't effect it. If you want to save state from a controller, you do need to set that up in the options or if you want to change the default save locations.
  7. Yea, about 24 hours is correct, after it's been accepted. I've seen it take slightly longer sometimes too. Once it's added, then at midnight PST the database will push out an update, so when you go to check on something from the database from within LaunchBox, it will ask you to update your Database. You'll need to press yes, and then anything that was approved since then will be available to you.
  8. So if you just moved everything, is your library still caching? That will eat up your CPU while it's happening, resulting in lower performance. The biggest factor for performance is your CPU, and compared to other front end software, we do a lot lot more in terms of features on the back end. Moving your install to an SSD wont actually give you a big enough performance boost to notice. I have my 29k library on a 5400RPM 8TB drive, and it runs fine. GPU does help, but mostly in Big Box mode. You do also have the minimum requirements for RAM for a 64bit OS, so the RAM LaunchBox or Big Box might want is also fighting with your OS. I would say to increase your RAM Size in the options to 4GB, but that's not really an option. You might actually perform better if you disabled it. It would mean your CPU and Hard Drive have more work to do as images are loaded, but your RAM is less taxed. I do also usually suggest that users have a CPU from within the last few years as well. While more performance boosts can always be had, we do have a higher requirement for a PC. I have seen users put LaunchBox on really really low end PC's, but your expectations need to also be at that same level. Follow this thread as well to help you get your PC in ship shape as well, this could also help out immensely, and it something you can do without looking at replacing hardware.
  9. It shouldn't be double checking that your roms are there, only if you initiate it to look, then it will. LaunchBox and even Emulators should probably be on your 3TB, but if you're not getting performance issues when playing games, then you're fine. The only thing that LaunchBox and Big Box will ping constantly is media, and you have that locally. Moving your games locally would only help for games that are having issues playing I would suspect.
  10. Yea, I only suggest users keep stuff all on the same drive if they want relative paths, but if you don't have the space or for what ever reason you want to keep games on a different hard drive, then so be it. Like monkus said, you can keep them where ever makes sense. What we suggest are only suggestions, not something you HAVE to do.
  11. Yea, something isn't right. I know something related to key files changed inbetween. Search up a MAME .182 split set, or a .183 / .184 non-merged and download fresh. That would be my best suggestion.
  12. Oh, and merged sets are also broken for importing in to LaunchBox as not all of the rom files are there that LaunchBox is expecting, so ignore any merged set.
  13. .182 split should be fine, how did you upgrade? If you found a .182 split rom pack then you also need MAME .182, and just start fresh. The current is .184, but I've been having issues with .183 and .184 on a split set, so I do recommend non-merged set for those 2 versions, which is new as of .183. It's double in size though. If you haven't updated your MAME version, start there first.
  14. If everything is on the same drive, migrating is easy as it uses relative paths. So long as you keep the file structure, you're good. But if you move one thing, you have to move everything. If your LB install is on one drive, but your emulators (as an example) are on a different drive, then they're assign paths with letters attached to them, and you'd need to load up the effected XML's with Notepad++ and edit the path letters. If you want to go from a relative path to an absolute path, Notepad++ will help there too. Otherwise, it sounds like your PC might just need some tune up. I have everything for my install on a 5400RPM 8TB drive, and things are really not that bad, with a 29.6k library. I don't expect it to be perfect all the time either, sometimes it will lag when it's caching for example, but that should be expected to any degree on most machines. Moving to an SSD wont provide you with a big enough boost to be frank. I see people all the time saying that they want to put their install on an SSD for speed, and based on my findings, you do of course get a performance boost, but it's not the same as a video game, we're not constantly streaming textures or audio. Increasing your RAM cache to 4GB can help in LB mode, if you have enough RAM, but mostly a faster / better CPU is the biggest factor. GPU helps mostly for Big Box Mode. Refer to this guide that @lordmonkus and I put together for more.
  15. What MAME pack did you download? Did you grab the appropriate version of MAME to your pack? It really could be a number things.
  16. Of course! Thank you for sticking with it and finding us. If you have any more issues then let us know!
  17. Sure, overrides seem to not be broken anymore either. I still prefer the custom config method myself, but I can't explain why.
  18. You can also import all of the eXoDOS games in to LaunchBox. LaunchBox should notice that some games have custom configs, which in turn has DOSBox loading an image where needed. It's not as elegant as it could be, and they are making it better soon, but importing them the regular way totally works. You might need to choose the right exe, launch the setup or configs, and set the custom config where needed, but this is how I have all my DOS Games. I took all the games, extracted them in to their own folders, ran the importer, chose to use the folder name, it picked the full names (not the shorthand), and runs just fine.
  19. You can apply -L and -C to a per-game basis too. I always did teach the custom config method because I thought it was more powerful, and I did swear I also said you could apply two custom configs to the same core for different systems, but yea, this is a perfect use for custom configs.
  20. Yea, you'll need to get the Mayflash Dolphin Bar for the best results.
  21. Yep, everything should be fixed and you all should get prompted now!
  22. Jason found out and all should be good now! Let us know if that changes.
  23. If this is known by Jason, I didn't know, but I think it's new. I'll forward this to Jason and see if he knows what could be causing it though.
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