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Everything posted by guyverjay

  1. Oh it does work...I use it for the same thing lol
  2. https://github.com/briankendall/devreorder
  3. Looks horrible
  4. Check out the 8bitdo DIY kits, I modded an original Snes, nes and Genesis pad to blutooth. Nothing like using an original controller. https://shop.8bitdo.com/ I use an original Gamecube wireless wave bird controller coupled with the mayflash gamecube adapter http://www.mayflash.com/Products/NINTENDOWiiU/W012.html I wan to use as many original controllers as possible but I want them to be wireless For N64 I use this http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/12/hardware_review_retro-bit_x_8bitdo_rb8-64_bluetooth_controller Not an original but as close to wireless one as I can get without modding one myself
  5. This is precisely what I want to do lol
  6. Are we ever going to get the ability to hide platforms? I'm pretty sure this has been requested a few times over the last 2 years lol
  7. Looks nice except the background is slightly slanted
  8. If it helps here is a list of my games (1703) PSX.txt
  9. Sorry to be a pain but any chance of a Microsoft MSX2+ and a Amber Pegesus theme? Thanks
  10. You are frickin machine mate, good work and thanks
  11. Is it possible to get a full video view with the vertical wheel for arcade?
  12. Can I request FM Towns (as in the computer not the console FM Marty) in 4x3
  13. it has nothing to do with the media, Snes and Super Famicom have the same media but are seperated out. Tg16 and PCE have the same media, PCECD and TGCD have the same media, hell even the genesis and 32X have the same media i.e. cartridges etc. The reason why they are split is because they all have HUGE libraries of game (in the 100's) that were not localised for the west so to some its almost like a seperate system entirely. Most of the Sega Cd library are NOT ports of Genesis games, the Streets of rage you just posted was a Sega Classics COMPLIATION disc of genesis games, they are not supposed to be updated or different from the genesis originals. It didn't matter what media a dos game came on, it woud still work on Dos. However a Sega CD game requires a Sega CD, a genesis will not run the game. Ports of the same game on different systems is irrelevant anyway as most third party games end up on multiple systems. What would you suggest? Merging the snes and genesis since they share a few hundred games?
  14. Snes and famicom are the same system, PCE and TG16 are the same system, Sega megadrive, Nomad and Genesis are the same system thry all use the same games cartridges (if you bypass region lockout the games will all work on these systems no matter what countrr they are from), so I can see why they could/should be merged. However Mega/Sega CD andf 32x are addon systems with their own distinct libraries of games, you couldn't put a 32X cart in a genesis for example thus false equivalence. By your rationale the Master system should also be merged in with the genesis as you could use the converter to play master system games on it.
  15. Yeah the game description seems like a waste not to be able to view it (This was one of the problems with hyperspin, no game description)
  16. Is it possible to have the game info appear when you enter into the play game screen?
  17. Hi Cid With regard to the full screen video view, is there any way to shift the video to the left (not beneath the wheel) with the wheel visable like in the other view?, the 4x3 ratio videos look weird in the middle with the borders either side...just my two cents. Great work either way
  18. Don't worry about the rest Robin55, I finally figured out to make your photoshop action work Thanks again
  19. Thanks so much dude. Im using photoshop cs6
  20. This is some amazing work, thanks a lot for all these covers. Could I possibly request the following (tried using the action, photoshop crashes every time) I know it is a lot so what ever you can make would be very much appreciated Amnesia: The Dark Descent Balders gate enhanced edition Balders gate enhanced edition II Banner Saga 2 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Bob Came in Pieces Braid Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon Castle of Illusion Remastered Cave Story CreaVures Cuphead Day of the Tentacle Remastered Deus Ex Dragon Quest Heroes II Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics Fez Full Throttle Remastered Grow Home Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Jotun Kille Instinct Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Lara Croft and The Temple of Osiris Legend of Grimrock II LEGO City Undercover LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Limbo Mass Effect Metro: Last Light Redux Micro Machines World Series Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst No One Lives Forever One Piece Burning Blood Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Split Second Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Transistor yooka laylee Many Thanks
  21. Hi, I have this issue where if I choose a different theme for a system (different than my global theme), the view I choose for that theme won't stick, it will always change to something else whenever I exit and re enter the system
  22. Is it possible to do a FM Towns Video for this theme i.e the computer not the marty console?
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