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scooter1974 last won the day on November 17 2019

scooter1974 had the most liked content!

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16-Bit Artificial Intelligence

16-Bit Artificial Intelligence (4/7)



  1. Have you tried un-installing dropbox to see if that resolves the issue? Is your anti virus possibly corrupting the update file? What do you have for an anti virus? Is the same OS imaged across all 3 PC's?
  2. What core are you using for PS2?
  3. These look fantastic! Thanks a lot
  4. If it's of any interest to you, retroarch has a Mega Duck core called sameduck_libretro. It may be a bit easier to set up than mame.
  5. I just set this up today. This is a fantastic pack! Thanks for all the work you put into this
  6. This will be a great asset to my collection. Fantastic work!!
  7. There should be a setting in your bios that will allow you to select what card you want to use.
  8. I stand corrected. This is why I'm not a developer
  9. I'm going to assume that you are trying to set it up in the core you are using for N64. Have you tried going to the quick menu (while you have a game running) and going to the override section at the bottom? There you can save your config for that particular core, content directory or per game.
  10. Another great job! I love your attention to detail and I can truly appreciate how much work went into all of your packs. Thanks again!
  11. It stands for software development toolkit. It's basically tools for devs to develop software, and since Launchbox is built on .NET, its needs these tools to run.
  12. I have hand drawn logos in the past, so I can appreciate the endless hours this must of taken. Fantastic work and thanks so much!
  13. So, what's the "point" of this thread?
  14. Silly question, I know but you are going to https://emumovies.com/ correct? Would you have an anti virus that is blocking the site? Is it perhaps blocked in your router?
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