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Everything posted by zugswang

  1. Just delete that file and it should load. It did for me.
  2. Thanks for share πŸ‘ Maybe consider running you videos through a converter as instead of 200+ mb they are reduced to 58mb https://handbrake.fr/downloads.php
  3. https://www.windowsdigitals.com/windows-11-services-to-disable-for-gaming-performance/
  4. In 7+ years of updates the one thing LB has never resolved is speed. Put 1 system on it and you will be flying ... Put 200+ systems on like a Hyperspin setup and it's literally unusable. Hyperspin 2.0 is literally using the same processes as LB is now and let's just say it's woeful in comparison to Hyperspin 1.5 Hyperspin/RocketLauncher literally had it all, yet for some insane reason they decided to go another way for 2.0.
  5. Are you going to release a 2D set (without frame) of these also, so they can be used in LB ? Thanks
  6. Hi, Thanks for share πŸ‘ I don't suppose you have the following to complete this set do you ? (I am assuming you are using the same set, seeing as they all matched my roms) Monster World IV (Beta) (Nintendo Switch Arranged) M.U.S.H.A. Aleste (jmabate Rearranged) Sagaia (Arcade) Sagaia (PC Engine CD Arranged) The NewZealand Story (Arcade) The NewZealand Story (NDS Revolution Arranged)
  7. Any chance you could change the spine to allow text instead ? Not many PS4 spines floating around ATM. Thanks πŸ‘
  8. I asked about video Themes and he said you can’t use them in the new Hyperspin 2.0 or any of the current game themes 😱 (so it's looking like a completely different format they will be using) I think their masterplan is to get everyone to upload all the themes they create (once approved) then you can simply click update on a system and everyone can get them that way. With an entire community working on them, it shouldn't take too long until it gets back to a decent level.
  9. The more systems you add to it, the slower it gets. I was told to split them all up (my 100's of systems) into different Launchbox setups (which is ridiculous) if I wanted it to be faster I suggest you pass on the code to other professionals in the industry to see if they can help speed it all up, because it literally is unusable as is (unless you only have 1-2 systems)
  10. FYI, They work fine on latest MAME 0.272 πŸ‘
  11. XBOX new ? It's been going since 2001 (I think 23 years is enough time to get them done) If they were giving them all away for free you would have a point. But they charge $60 for a lifetime subscription. It's like joining Netflix and 80% of the content is missing ... I am sure people would not be so forgiving finding this out after handing over their cash. For example, I am just one person and I have them ALL for XBOX, XBOX360, PSVita,PS2,PS3, Switch eShop and on and on (including logos and boxart) Yes it hard work, but it can be done. Again, this is just my opinion, if others are happy with what they supply then that's fair enough. I would suggest if they had them all, their business would see a major spike in customers.
  12. I have been with EmuMovies for over a decade so I see what they do/don't do. They were primarily for Hyperspin use before LB arrived and on the Hyperspin forums they were all crying about LB doing their own videos and that it would affect them. Now it would be fine just having EmuMovies if they actually kept it all up to date for ALL systems, but they have NEVER done that. Examples - I have (first column are games I have) XBOX 360 - 1,252 isos - EmuMovies - 11 videos XBOX - 982 isos EmuMovies - 296 videos PS2 - 2,650 chd's - EmuMovies - 2,236 videos PSP - 1,075 chd's EmuMovies - 982 videos PS Vita - 1,000 games EmuMovies - 0 videos Switch Eshop - 950 EmuMovies - 273 videos XBOX,PS2, PSP finished a decade+ ago and should ALL be there by now but aren't because nobody has updated them. This is why people come on here moaning because they get practically all other media here for these systems but not the videos. As I say I have recorded/downloaded all missing videos for systems above but it takes forever. I am sure if Launchbox community had got involved there would not be so many missing, that's for certain. Keep in mind this is just a few examples, over 100's of systems there are 10,000's missing. ps, These are just observations I have made over the years and just commented as I have seen person after person wondering why videos are missing (thinking they are doing something wrong)
  13. What I am saying is that Launchbox could easily have Videos on their downloads, yet don't This is because they struck a deal with each other, EmuMovies knowing that if they did have them they would be finished. While I love EmuMovies (I am a member) imo it could do a lot more and if it's not willing to then let the Launchbox community step up and fill in the gaps. As for copywrite, are you saying the 1,000's of Switch videos EmuMovies have already are all legal ? Even Nintendo and other companies can't be that petty about video recordings (there are millions on Youtube already) Also the quality issue is also something EmuMovies do not follow as many of their videos are woeful quality (but better than nothing)
  14. I have 1,000 XBOX games and it only finds 296 videos. EmuMovies is woeful for a business that JUST deals in videos for games (hence the name EmuMovies) The other stuff they have is just given to them by it's members and EmuMovies then profit from it. I could set up a business that literally has EVERY video/logo/boxart for ALL main systems like Switch, Wii, XBOX 360,XBOX etc ... the reason being is I had to download/record 80% of them myself due to their laziness. Even with Arcade videos I must have recorded 100's over the years as they don't exist on EmuMovies, so I wouldn't bother renaming anything .... they just don't exist. Launchbox hasn't done the community any favours by doing a deal with EmuMovies NOT to have videos on their downloads. Maybe it's time for a rethink ?
  15. Discs look much better than the UMD. Any chance of doing a default PSP disc to use until the rest are completed ? Thanks
  16. Nice one πŸ‘ Thanks
  17. Hi, great boxes πŸ‘ Just wondered if you had a 2d set ? Thanks
  18. Agree. It tries to do too many things and as a result is is so laggy it borders on being unusable. In comparison Hyperspin + RocketLauncher is lightning fast no matter how much you shove onto it (I have 650+ systems and 250,000+ games) and all still working as good as ever. Seeing as both haven't been updated in years, it's unbelievable that Launchbox team do not focus more on speeding it all up, rather than continuing to add more and more stuff that makes it even slower (if that's possible)
  19. 3 new fork updates already since is was closed down, still working great πŸ‘
  20. ps, I have now updated it myself and both new tables working fine .... FYI πŸ‘
  21. Hi, Will you be doing updates ? Thanks again for share πŸ‘ Pinball FX 2023 update 1.0.18 - 1.0.19 (29.08.2024) New tables: Goat Simulator, The Princess Bride.
  22. Zip Password ?
  23. Same here. Tried loading it 10 times and nothing happens. Works fine when using 13.14
  24. Moving Hyperspin to LB is a simple process, but doing the opposite (if you are not familiar with Hyperspin/RL) would be a nightmare. Just telling you how it is as I have used both for 10+ years and literally have every system and every game there is. Will the speed every improve on LB ? ..... Probably not as they would literally have to recode it from scratch to make necessary changes and somehow I can't see that happening.
  25. The more you put into LB the slower it gets. If you have 1 system (Arcade for instance) everything works fine. You start adding more and more to that and it's ridiculously slow no matter what you do. It's sad really that such a beautiful looking Frontend is spoilt by this and has never been rectified all these years later. Example of Hyperspin/Rocketlauncher (i have 600 x systems on it) in comparison is night and day speed wise, because no matter how much you add it just keeps working at the same speed.
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